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VS Team (Lead)
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Everything posted by Tyron

  1. Dear Steeled Community v1.14.0-rc.7, a release candidate, can now be downloaded through the account manager. As expected a few major things broke, but this patch should fix it right back up! Screenshot by Ava on our Discord server Game updates Fixed: Crash with incomplete Pulverizer fed items via chute. Fixed: Pulverizer handbook entry to refer to Olivine now not Peridotite Fixed: Firepit contents rendering issues with a rotten food pot Fixed: Should hopefully fix client side block entity load order issues (which threw exceptions on the client) Fixed: 3-way chute crash when placed against back face Fixed: Large Gear unwanted unbreakable rim blocks on client when jump-placing fails Fixed: Pulverizers not always showing items it is fed automatically Fixed: Game crashing when placing 2 blister steel on the same anvil Fixed: Prevent crash in sound engine unload when leaving a world Fixed: Exception thrown from /kill View full record
  2. Dear Steeled Community v1.14.0-rc.7, a release candidate, can now be downloaded through the account manager. As expected a few major things broke, but this patch should fix it right back up! Screenshot by Ava on our Discord server Game updates Fixed: Crash with incomplete Pulverizer fed items via chute. Fixed: Pulverizer handbook entry to refer to Olivine now not Peridotite Fixed: Firepit contents rendering issues with a rotten food pot Fixed: Should hopefully fix client side block entity load order issues (which threw exceptions on the client) Fixed: 3-way chute crash when placed against back face Fixed: Large Gear unwanted unbreakable rim blocks on client when jump-placing fails Fixed: Pulverizers not always showing items it is fed automatically Fixed: Game crashing when placing 2 blister steel on the same anvil Fixed: Prevent crash in sound engine unload when leaving a world Fixed: Exception thrown from /kill
  3. Dear Steeled Community v1.14.0-rc.5-6, a release candidate, can now be downloaded through the account manager. I spent significant time trying to improve the frame rate, and fix stuff as usual. It may be that this caused the game to become temporarily less stable, until I fix all newly introduced bugs. In any case, let's see if I was successful! @radfast has also been championing work on mechanical power to fix some of its derpiness! Also info to modders: Please ensure that anything you do in blockEntity.FromTreeAttributes() does not depend on the chunk being loaded. I've added a client side optimization that runs this method in a separate thread now. [Edit:] Also release rc.6 to fix - Game crashing when closing the inventory - Missing translations on the character class dialog Game updates Tweak: Performance improvements Mitigated lag spikes caused by loading new chunks that have lots of block entities in them, particularly chiseled blocks Improve sign performance (Sign texts are no longer rendered when outside the viewing angle of a player) Improve container (chest, basket, vessels) performance (Chests no longer run through the animation calculations if there is no active animations) Reduced lag spike intensity when opening survival inventory Reduced lag spike intensity when shift crafting many items from the 3x3 grid Mitigate one more source of lag spikes related to the new clothing conditions Tweak: Greatly reduced derpiness in immersive first person mode (removed neck, screen doesn't wobble like crazy when doing an action + walking) Tweak: added /tpwp [starts with name] to teleport to a waypoint. Requires the teleport privilege. Tweak: Tier 2 and Tier 3 refractory brick now require crushed olivine instead of crushed peridotite Tweak: Rain splash particles slightly larger Tweak: Crushing of items/blocks now fully linked in the handbook. crushing properties are now an engine feature Tweak: Quern grinding sound a bit louder Tweak: Reduced Pulverizer throughput speed by 40% Tweak: Added a "required crushing tier" info to pulverizable items Tweak: Fix demon-jitter of hell for dropped items floating in water Tweak: Increased temperature at which lake ice melts Tweak: Improved stack tool tip performance to mitigate lag spikes when moving around quickly in the creative inventory Tweak: Reduced spawn rate of arctic foxes during world gen Fixed: Many Mech Power issues Fix unwanted windmill speed oscillations Fix Quern grinding speed now correctly matches rotation speed Fix large gear small gear network sense correct in complex builds Fix placing large gear down in existing spot correct connections Fix axles placed on small gears network sense Fix a few orientations of angled gears rendered rotating backwards Fixed: Snow above lakes in cold areas, killing the client when snow gravity is on Fixed: Odd panning crash? Fixed: Placing a curd bundle crashed other players Fixed: .charsel not properly disabled Fixed: Exception thrown when a locust dies Fixed: 1 hp too much applied from traits Fixed: % value stats rounding errors in the character dialog Fixed: /clearentities threw an exception Fixed: Character preview z-clipping in the character dialog on high ui scales Fixed: Broken button texts when setting the language to arabic Fixed: Sword hit tp/ifp animation gone missing Fixed: Sneaking no longer reduced animal detection range Fixed: Stone coffin carburizing 10 times faster Fixed: Rendering issues with some dropped items Fixed: Color list link in waypoint dialog not working API Refactor: blockEntity.FromAttributes() is now also called in a separate thread on the client side (As before, FromTreeAttributes() is called before Initialize() and you should not read or set blocks in be.FromTreeAttributes() unless Api is set!), and it is now possible that be.OnBlockUnloaded() gets called before be.Initialize(). Please update your mods to account for that. API Tweak: Added capi.Render.DefaultFrustumCuller View full record
  4. Dear Steeled Community v1.14.0-rc.5-6, a release candidate, can now be downloaded through the account manager. I spent significant time trying to improve the frame rate, and fix stuff as usual. It may be that this caused the game to become temporarily less stable, until I fix all newly introduced bugs. In any case, let's see if I was successful! @radfast has also been championing work on mechanical power to fix some of its derpiness! Also info to modders: Please ensure that anything you do in blockEntity.FromTreeAttributes() does not depend on the chunk being loaded. I've added a client side optimization that runs this method in a separate thread now. [Edit:] Also release rc.6 to fix - Game crashing when closing the inventory - Missing translations on the character class dialog Game updates Tweak: Performance improvements Mitigated lag spikes caused by loading new chunks that have lots of block entities in them, particularly chiseled blocks Improve sign performance (Sign texts are no longer rendered when outside the viewing angle of a player) Improve container (chest, basket, vessels) performance (Chests no longer run through the animation calculations if there is no active animations) Reduced lag spike intensity when opening survival inventory Reduced lag spike intensity when shift crafting many items from the 3x3 grid Mitigate one more source of lag spikes related to the new clothing conditions Tweak: Greatly reduced derpiness in immersive first person mode (removed neck, screen doesn't wobble like crazy when doing an action + walking) Tweak: added /tpwp [starts with name] to teleport to a waypoint. Requires the teleport privilege. Tweak: Tier 2 and Tier 3 refractory brick now require crushed olivine instead of crushed peridotite Tweak: Rain splash particles slightly larger Tweak: Crushing of items/blocks now fully linked in the handbook. crushing properties are now an engine feature Tweak: Quern grinding sound a bit louder Tweak: Reduced Pulverizer throughput speed by 40% Tweak: Added a "required crushing tier" info to pulverizable items Tweak: Fix demon-jitter of hell for dropped items floating in water Tweak: Increased temperature at which lake ice melts Tweak: Improved stack tool tip performance to mitigate lag spikes when moving around quickly in the creative inventory Tweak: Reduced spawn rate of arctic foxes during world gen Fixed: Many Mech Power issues Fix unwanted windmill speed oscillations Fix Quern grinding speed now correctly matches rotation speed Fix large gear small gear network sense correct in complex builds Fix placing large gear down in existing spot correct connections Fix axles placed on small gears network sense Fix a few orientations of angled gears rendered rotating backwards Fixed: Snow above lakes in cold areas, killing the client when snow gravity is on Fixed: Odd panning crash? Fixed: Placing a curd bundle crashed other players Fixed: .charsel not properly disabled Fixed: Exception thrown when a locust dies Fixed: 1 hp too much applied from traits Fixed: % value stats rounding errors in the character dialog Fixed: /clearentities threw an exception Fixed: Character preview z-clipping in the character dialog on high ui scales Fixed: Broken button texts when setting the language to arabic Fixed: Sword hit tp/ifp animation gone missing Fixed: Sneaking no longer reduced animal detection range Fixed: Stone coffin carburizing 10 times faster Fixed: Rendering issues with some dropped items Fixed: Color list link in waypoint dialog not working API Refactor: blockEntity.FromAttributes() is now also called in a separate thread on the client side (As before, FromTreeAttributes() is called before Initialize() and you should not read or set blocks in be.FromTreeAttributes() unless Api is set!), and it is now possible that be.OnBlockUnloaded() gets called before be.Initialize(). Please update your mods to account for that. API Tweak: Added capi.Render.DefaultFrustumCuller
  5. Dear Steeled Community v1.14.0-rc.4, a release candidate, can now be downloaded through the account manager. This release candidate will probably break some mods that have been upgraded to v1.14 already, I'm very sorry about that. On the bright side, mod authors should have an easy time upgrading to it, because it only changes two small spots related to inventory handling. Normally I try to not introduce any API breaking changes during release candidates, but I believe it was worth it here to fix a rather serious issue for a new feature that we would need to give up otherwise. Also a big thank you for everyone that has been reporting bugs! Most of the bugs that I fix nowadays are because you reported them! Game updates Feature: The wooden pan is now place-able Tweak: disabled .charsel, but therefore added "/player [name] allowcharselonce" for server admins to allow 1 more skin and class change (also creates class clothing) Tweak: Updated all language files. Added Arabic translations, Chinese translations near done \o/ Tweak: Rich and bountiful ilmenite now yields 2 crushed ilmenite Tweak: In creative worlds snow and ice no longer melts Tweak: Speleothem blocks now display their rock type in the info tooltip. fixed hitboxes slightly off Tweak: Undo wetness from rain nerf. made wetness increase 3 times faster again because players now never got wet from rain. Probably still needs more fine tuning. Tweak: Drifters now approach players ~35% quicker Tweak: Headbobbing frequency reduced when sneaking, it looked wrong Tweak: Fur items sold by the survival trader now notably more pricey Tweak: Clay deposits rebalance Now also spawn in much colder areas Are half as common Drop slightly more than double the amount of clay per block Take nearly twice as long to dig up Fixed: Hunter harvesting speed bonus was reduced instead of increased Fixed: Game crashing when an invalid or corrupt was in the character inventory Fixed: Opening journal crashes the game Fixed: Knapping interaction help on stones that weren't knappable Fixed: Should fix burning coal piles not updating their height continuously on the client Fixed: Rare crash related to mold racks Fixed: Eating deadly stew from a bowl left the bowl in the players inventory upon death Fixed: Some gems not sell-able to the trader Fixed: Anvil eating endless amounts of iron blooms when the anvil already had something on it Fixed: Shift+left clicking twine and linen made it repair clothes Fixed: Immersive first person mode allowing player to see through terrain. Now it will be blocked by an "inside render" of blocks until we can properly fix the clipping. Fixed: Finally fixed weird sun halo in some odd cases Fixed: 2 different default values for world sizes, depending on how a world was created (1000000 and 1024000) Fixed: Incorrect/broken tapestry sold by the artisan trader Fixed: run.sh shipping with the server archive Fixed: Should fix malefactor gear exploit with placing and breaking gears. panning now also is affected by the gear collection bonus. Fixed: Unable to fill barrels with creative mode liquids Fixed: Maybe fixes body temperature not applied (potential client<->server desync) Fixed: Worldedit imported sheep lactatable forever Fixed: Missing remappings for longblade molds Api refactors: Added argument "EnumMergePriority priority" in Collectible.GetMergableQuantity() to fix a rather serious bug. Consequently, also added the same argument to ItemSlot.CanTakeFrom() View full record
  6. Dear Steeled Community v1.14.0-rc.4, a release candidate, can now be downloaded through the account manager. This release candidate will probably break some mods that have been upgraded to v1.14 already, I'm very sorry about that. On the bright side, mod authors should have an easy time upgrading to it, because it only changes two small spots related to inventory handling. Normally I try to not introduce any API breaking changes during release candidates, but I believe it was worth it here to fix a rather serious issue for a new feature that we would need to give up otherwise. Also a big thank you for everyone that has been reporting bugs! Most of the bugs that I fix nowadays are because you reported them! Game updates Feature: The wooden pan is now place-able Tweak: disabled .charsel, but therefore added "/player [name] allowcharselonce" for server admins to allow 1 more skin and class change (also creates class clothing) Tweak: Updated all language files. Added Arabic translations, Chinese translations near done \o/ Tweak: Rich and bountiful ilmenite now yields 2 crushed ilmenite Tweak: In creative worlds snow and ice no longer melts Tweak: Speleothem blocks now display their rock type in the info tooltip. fixed hitboxes slightly off Tweak: Undo wetness from rain nerf. made wetness increase 3 times faster again because players now never got wet from rain. Probably still needs more fine tuning. Tweak: Drifters now approach players ~35% quicker Tweak: Headbobbing frequency reduced when sneaking, it looked wrong Tweak: Fur items sold by the survival trader now notably more pricey Tweak: Clay deposits rebalance Now also spawn in much colder areas Are half as common Drop slightly more than double the amount of clay per block Take nearly twice as long to dig up Fixed: Hunter harvesting speed bonus was reduced instead of increased Fixed: Game crashing when an invalid or corrupt was in the character inventory Fixed: Opening journal crashes the game Fixed: Knapping interaction help on stones that weren't knappable Fixed: Should fix burning coal piles not updating their height continuously on the client Fixed: Rare crash related to mold racks Fixed: Eating deadly stew from a bowl left the bowl in the players inventory upon death Fixed: Some gems not sell-able to the trader Fixed: Anvil eating endless amounts of iron blooms when the anvil already had something on it Fixed: Shift+left clicking twine and linen made it repair clothes Fixed: Immersive first person mode allowing player to see through terrain. Now it will be blocked by an "inside render" of blocks until we can properly fix the clipping. Fixed: Finally fixed weird sun halo in some odd cases Fixed: 2 different default values for world sizes, depending on how a world was created (1000000 and 1024000) Fixed: Incorrect/broken tapestry sold by the artisan trader Fixed: run.sh shipping with the server archive Fixed: Should fix malefactor gear exploit with placing and breaking gears. panning now also is affected by the gear collection bonus. Fixed: Unable to fill barrels with creative mode liquids Fixed: Maybe fixes body temperature not applied (potential client<->server desync) Fixed: Worldedit imported sheep lactatable forever Fixed: Missing remappings for longblade molds Api refactors: Added argument "EnumMergePriority priority" in Collectible.GetMergableQuantity() to fix a rather serious bug. Consequently, also added the same argument to ItemSlot.CanTakeFrom()
  7. I'd love to but I need detection names. I don't have a PC for every antivirus program out there, I'm afraid. Symantec I already tried to report, but their max upload size is 100mb >.>
  8. Dear Steeled Community v1.14.0-rc.1,2,3, a release candidate, can now be downloaded through the account manager. 300 features, tweaks and fixes later - here's the nearly completed version v1.14! As always, before updating, we recommend making a backup of your favorite saves. [Edit:] Also released rc.2 with the following changes - Tweak: Backwards compatibility for old saves: Now able to load old journal entries, class selector no longer deletes clothes but drops them on the ground - Fixed: building windmills higher up in the mountain did not provide a wind speed bonus [Edit:] Also released rc.3 with the following changes - Fixed: opening handbook for the first time showed an empty list - Fixed: pounder overextended in the handbook detail page - Fixed: pickup sounds gone from loose stone and loose sticks - Fixed: using the propick crashed the game - Fixed: missing translation on the coke oven - Fixed: crusher throwing exceptions on wrong input items v1.14 Game updates since pre.1 Feature: Completed the character skin and class selector Feature: The Steel Age Can now survival craft refractory bricks with aformention crushed minerals Can now survival craft the metal door, refractory brick grating and stone coffins Feature: The Pulverizer! Fancy mechanical power stone grinder! Can now crush bauxite stones, ilmenite ore, peridotite stones and quartz pieces into their crushed variants. Required to craft refractory bricks. Can be survival crafted Feature: More Body Temperature additions Added clothing warmth protection Added clothing condition and ability to repair clothes with flaxtwine or linen. (left click with linen in hands on clothes, not in the crafting window!) Added frost damage when "harsh winters" is enabled Feature: Added meteoric iron armor sets Feature: New blocks Packed dirt Straw flooring blocks Stick panes Rough hewn fence 7 new storage vessel variants Leaded glass pane Feature: Can now right click pick-up loose sticks and stones Feature: Added coke ovens. Lets you convert bituminius coal to 75% coke, and lignite to 50% coke. Build a 3x3 cube of fire bricks or refractory brick, leave the center empty and add a coke oven door to one side. Then fill the center with coal, ignite and wait 12 hours. Feature: Coal is now placeable. Tall piles of coal collapse in layers. New coal sound. Charcoal piles have a new texture now Feature: Anvil improvements Will no longer pre-select the arrow recipe a cancelled recipe selection will drop the original ingot back. Metal plates can now also be used to smith tools and other metal produce The new blister steel is workable into steel on the anvil or with the help of the helve hammer Feature: Small, subtle-ish, but pretty shader effects: Surfaces that the sun directly shines on (close to orthogonal) now get a slight glow effect applied on them Feature: New controls settings: "Item collection mode". Determines how the player picks up items (always or only when sneaking) Feature: The text fonts the client uses is now configurable in the clientsettings.json. Feature: Cob can now become grass covered when exposed to the sky. Lowered speed of normal soil getting covered in grass 3-fold Feature: A few new sounds When placing items in the bloomery When clicking a UI Tab Tweak: Increased Godray intensity. Fixed an issue where godrays are not aligned with the sun Tweak: Improved firefly spawning mechanic. Now should spawn when they are supposed to spawn (during low wind, low rain and warm nights) Tweak: Cannot no longer right click spawner meta block in survival mode Tweak: Added audit logging to server-audit.txt. Logs when the server finds suspicious flying behavior, when a player kills another player and similar relevant actions. Tweak: Barrel cactus is no longer in the creative inventory terrain tab Tweak: New installs of VS now start out with a High quality preset (with SSAO and low shadows on) Tweak: Increased arrow velocity by 33% except for character with the Frail trait Tweak: Added a light glow to rain particles, which makes them less invisible against cloudy background Tweak: Halved terra preta deposits, but doubled compost yield Tweak: Reduced metorite impact world gen feature by about 25% Tweak: Updated trader goods The luxuries trader now sells echo chambers for 30 rusty gears The artisan trader now sells 6 new clay vessels Tweak: Major Animal AI tweaks and fixes Chickens, Hens and Chicks now flee about 10% faster Slightly increased boar chasing speed Drifter melee attack frequency more random and more often. Fixed drifters fleeing from the player waaay more often than they are supposed to Fixed all animals not becoming aggressive when they are supposed to Tweak: Buffed crude and simple bow durability Tweak: All mushrooms now spawn in a harvested state Tweak: Wilderness survival worlds now respawn you randomly within a 5000 block radius Tweak: Traders now refuse to buy spoiled or less than half-fresh perishable items Tweak: Should fix greenhouses requiring a solid floor below farmland Tweak: Items rendered in GUI no longer extend beyond item slot bounds, they will now be clipped Tweak: Added new creative tab for mechanical power items and blocks Tweak: New model for harvested horsetail and dry grass Tweak: Minor layout improvements on handbook item/block detail pages Tweak: Random large lag spikes when opening dialogs (Removed large object heap compaction triggered by opened dialogs). Tweak: The bell now also drops resonance archives Tweak: Crops will no longer grow well underground. Added "underground farming" toggle to world customize screen to revert that. Tweak: Opening the handbook now focuses the search text field Tweak: Anvils recycling recipe Tweak: Beehives spawn in more wet areas as well now Tweak: Barrel now shows an interaction help to use linen to take out cottage cheese Tweak: Can now mousewheel on a drop down field to cycle through values Tweak: Tweaked firefly spawning mechanics a bit, so hopefully they are more commonplace but also where they belong Tweak: Muddy gravel is now also affected by gravity Tweak: Disabled silver torch cactus block, was creative only and never completed Tweak: Increase trader idle talk chance 5-fold Tweak: Removed some tapestry from ruins, now sold by the artisan trader instead Tweak: Minor godrays tweaks during nights Tweak/Fixed: Spoiling foods can no longer cure/dry/ripen Fixed: Temporal stability disabled on wilderness survival worlds O_O Fixed: 3 bugs with Mechanical Power Fixed: Lantern fixes Plain glass lanterns are now craftable All lantern types listed in handbook Handbook help text about Linings Traders are willing to buy either quartz or plain glass lanterns Fixed: Mitigate incorrect arrow collision issues. Should now less likley get stuck when shooting over a block edge. Fixed: Game crashing with minimap enabled on a 32x32 size world Fixed: Controls list in the settings not scrollabe to bottom on gui scale below 7 Fixed: Client crash related to the minimap on startup Fixed: At long last trader caravan fencing should be correctly rotated now Fixed: Able to ignite creatures by hitting them with extinct torches Fixed: Dropping a spoiled carrot gave the coal layer inside a forge also a rotten overlay Fixed: Sneaking at the bottom of the lake stopped all player animations Fixed: Reloading a world caused a change in gui scales to no longer updates guis and other not updating issues Fixed: A snow layer in front of a fence which has a stone path under caused a crack into the void Fixed: Environment dialog text cut off on gui scales below 7 Fixed: .tfedit crashing when clicking toolrack tab Fixed: Game crashing when the game fails to save a screenshot. Now it only errors. Fixed: Killed by "prefixandcreature-fox-arcticmale" message and other minor text issues Fixed: Large world connecting/loading delays for some players Fixed: Small tweak to AI Pathfinding to maybe reduce the amount of times where creatures walk back and forth towards a straight line goal Fixed: Crocks destroying meal portions when trying to merge portions Fixed: Mushroom snow coverrage not working properly Fixed: Broken button text on chinese translations Fixed: Typing in chat box caused dialogs to get opened/closed in some cases Fixed: Should fix a rare crash when leaving a game world Fixed: Should fix ladders not attachable to a solid face of a chiseled block Fixed: Drifters go all sideways when on ladders and other minor animation issues Fixed: Creative rotor in the survival handbook Fixed: A crash related when attempting to render an invalid item (during collectible.GetItemDamageColor()) Fixed: Dropped items swimming in water affected by wind Fixed: clientsettings.json saving spam Fixed: Archimedes screw recipe still borked and crashing the game when looked at in the handbook Fixed: Server side exception thrown during world generation Fixed: Should fix others player stuck in one pose and not animating properly (might break other stuff) Fixed: Should fix a rare issue where killing an animal with a cleaver could kill another creature that is being looked at by another player Fixed: Molybdochalkos plates resmelting into only 1 ingot instead of 2 Fixed: Aiming accuracy modifer was applied incorrectly Fixed: When knapping, single disconnected voxels now also fall off Fixed: Some falling blocks emitting too many dust particles Fixed: Potential massive lag issues and crashes from the gui system (Technical info: No longer parallel-process image blur, instead its now a single threaded, better optimized algorithm that runs faster than the parallelized one) Fixed: Work items not remembering their recipe rotation Fixed: Thrown stones not stone typed API Updates Refactor: BEAnvil.cs cleanup. No longer contains item specific code, through the new interface IAnvilWorkable that code now is located in ItemIngot.cs, ItemIronBloom.cs and ItemWorkItem.cs Refactor: Added Property BlockFacing.Opposite. BlockFacing.GetOpposite() is now obsolete but will stay for a while Refactor: When using UnstableFalling block behavior, the boolean value dustyFall has been replaced with a dustIntensity float value Feature: New method Block.OnFallOnto() (when a falling block fell on a block) Fixed: Should fix block.OnNeighbourBlockChange not getting called on the client in some cases. Might break stuff Fixed: entity.WatchedAttributes.MarkPathDirty() called server side had a chance to crash the client Fixed: Reloading the world did not clear external asset origins, causing an ever accumulating list of identical origins Fixed: 3D Wearables rendering issues. ItemWearable.cs now warns if a wearable shape defined a texture but no texturesize Refactor: CollectibleObject.OnBlockBrokenWith() now has the additional argument "float dropQuantityMultiplier" Refactor: The delegate sapi.Event.BreakBlock now requires the additional argument "ref float dropQuantityMultiplier" Refactor: BlockBehavior.GetDrops(), argument "float dropQuantityMultiplier" is now a "ref" Refactor: CollectibleObject.GetMiningSpeed() now has the additional argument "IPlayer forPlayer" Feature: Added trait exclusive grid recipes. Also documented in the handbook. Tweak: Marked some methods virtual in ItemProspectingPick.cs Fixed: Items with only texture code "all" crashed when placed inside a display case Tweak: The temporal stability system now has a public field for the StormData property Tweak: Added capi.IsSinglePlayer Tweak: Added DiscGenerator.shouldGenDepositHere()
  9. I think the time is not right yet to do worldgen. In the back of my mind I've been aiming to do significant worldgen changes no earlier than May next year, which means the last major worldgen update would be 2 years ago, which feels about right
  10. Dear Community, now as v1.14 is around the corner its time to decide what we'd like to do in v1.15. What is your favorite pick? Disclaimer: Poll results are no guarantee that all of the advertised features will be in v1.15. The VS Team still reserve the rights to make the final decision on what to add next. That being said, community poll results usually have strong weight.
  11. Dear Steeled Community v1.14.0-rc.1,2,3, a release candidate, can now be downloaded through the account manager. 300 features, tweaks and fixes later - here's the nearly completed version v1.14! As always, before updating, we recommend making a backup of your favorite saves. [Edit:] Also released rc.2 with the following changes - Tweak: Backwards compatibility for old saves: Now able to load old journal entries, class selector no longer deletes clothes but drops them on the ground - Fixed: building windmills higher up in the mountain did not provide a wind speed bonus [Edit:] Also released rc.3 with the following changes - Fixed: opening handbook for the first time showed an empty list - Fixed: pounder overextended in the handbook detail page - Fixed: pickup sounds gone from loose stone and loose sticks - Fixed: using the propick crashed the game - Fixed: missing translation on the coke oven - Fixed: crusher throwing exceptions on wrong input items v1.14 Game updates since pre.1 Feature: Completed the character skin and class selector Feature: The Steel Age Can now survival craft refractory bricks with aformention crushed minerals Can now survival craft the metal door, refractory brick grating and stone coffins Feature: The Pulverizer! Fancy mechanical power stone grinder! Can now crush bauxite stones, ilmenite ore, peridotite stones and quartz pieces into their crushed variants. Required to craft refractory bricks. Can be survival crafted Feature: More Body Temperature additions Added clothing warmth protection Added clothing condition and ability to repair clothes with flaxtwine or linen. (left click with linen in hands on clothes, not in the crafting window!) Added frost damage when "harsh winters" is enabled Feature: Added meteoric iron armor sets Feature: New blocks Packed dirt Straw flooring blocks Stick panes Rough hewn fence 7 new storage vessel variants Leaded glass pane Feature: Can now right click pick-up loose sticks and stones Feature: Added coke ovens. Lets you convert bituminius coal to 75% coke, and lignite to 50% coke. Build a 3x3 cube of fire bricks or refractory brick, leave the center empty and add a coke oven door to one side. Then fill the center with coal, ignite and wait 12 hours. Feature: Coal is now placeable. Tall piles of coal collapse in layers. New coal sound. Charcoal piles have a new texture now Feature: Anvil improvements Will no longer pre-select the arrow recipe a cancelled recipe selection will drop the original ingot back. Metal plates can now also be used to smith tools and other metal produce The new blister steel is workable into steel on the anvil or with the help of the helve hammer Feature: Small, subtle-ish, but pretty shader effects: Surfaces that the sun directly shines on (close to orthogonal) now get a slight glow effect applied on them Feature: New controls settings: "Item collection mode". Determines how the player picks up items (always or only when sneaking) Feature: The text fonts the client uses is now configurable in the clientsettings.json. Feature: Cob can now become grass covered when exposed to the sky. Lowered speed of normal soil getting covered in grass 3-fold Feature: A few new sounds When placing items in the bloomery When clicking a UI Tab Tweak: Increased Godray intensity. Fixed an issue where godrays are not aligned with the sun Tweak: Improved firefly spawning mechanic. Now should spawn when they are supposed to spawn (during low wind, low rain and warm nights) Tweak: Cannot no longer right click spawner meta block in survival mode Tweak: Added audit logging to server-audit.txt. Logs when the server finds suspicious flying behavior, when a player kills another player and similar relevant actions. Tweak: Barrel cactus is no longer in the creative inventory terrain tab Tweak: New installs of VS now start out with a High quality preset (with SSAO and low shadows on) Tweak: Increased arrow velocity by 33% except for character with the Frail trait Tweak: Added a light glow to rain particles, which makes them less invisible against cloudy background Tweak: Halved terra preta deposits, but doubled compost yield Tweak: Reduced metorite impact world gen feature by about 25% Tweak: Updated trader goods The luxuries trader now sells echo chambers for 30 rusty gears The artisan trader now sells 6 new clay vessels Tweak: Major Animal AI tweaks and fixes Chickens, Hens and Chicks now flee about 10% faster Slightly increased boar chasing speed Drifter melee attack frequency more random and more often. Fixed drifters fleeing from the player waaay more often than they are supposed to Fixed all animals not becoming aggressive when they are supposed to Tweak: Buffed crude and simple bow durability Tweak: All mushrooms now spawn in a harvested state Tweak: Wilderness survival worlds now respawn you randomly within a 5000 block radius Tweak: Traders now refuse to buy spoiled or less than half-fresh perishable items Tweak: Should fix greenhouses requiring a solid floor below farmland Tweak: Items rendered in GUI no longer extend beyond item slot bounds, they will now be clipped Tweak: Added new creative tab for mechanical power items and blocks Tweak: New model for harvested horsetail and dry grass Tweak: Minor layout improvements on handbook item/block detail pages Tweak: Random large lag spikes when opening dialogs (Removed large object heap compaction triggered by opened dialogs). Tweak: The bell now also drops resonance archives Tweak: Crops will no longer grow well underground. Added "underground farming" toggle to world customize screen to revert that. Tweak: Opening the handbook now focuses the search text field Tweak: Anvils recycling recipe Tweak: Beehives spawn in more wet areas as well now Tweak: Barrel now shows an interaction help to use linen to take out cottage cheese Tweak: Can now mousewheel on a drop down field to cycle through values Tweak: Tweaked firefly spawning mechanics a bit, so hopefully they are more commonplace but also where they belong Tweak: Muddy gravel is now also affected by gravity Tweak: Disabled silver torch cactus block, was creative only and never completed Tweak: Increase trader idle talk chance 5-fold Tweak: Removed some tapestry from ruins, now sold by the artisan trader instead Tweak: Minor godrays tweaks during nights Tweak/Fixed: Spoiling foods can no longer cure/dry/ripen Fixed: Temporal stability disabled on wilderness survival worlds O_O Fixed: 3 bugs with Mechanical Power Fixed: Lantern fixes Plain glass lanterns are now craftable All lantern types listed in handbook Handbook help text about Linings Traders are willing to buy either quartz or plain glass lanterns Fixed: Mitigate incorrect arrow collision issues. Should now less likley get stuck when shooting over a block edge. Fixed: Game crashing with minimap enabled on a 32x32 size world Fixed: Controls list in the settings not scrollabe to bottom on gui scale below 7 Fixed: Client crash related to the minimap on startup Fixed: At long last trader caravan fencing should be correctly rotated now Fixed: Able to ignite creatures by hitting them with extinct torches Fixed: Dropping a spoiled carrot gave the coal layer inside a forge also a rotten overlay Fixed: Sneaking at the bottom of the lake stopped all player animations Fixed: Reloading a world caused a change in gui scales to no longer updates guis and other not updating issues Fixed: A snow layer in front of a fence which has a stone path under caused a crack into the void Fixed: Environment dialog text cut off on gui scales below 7 Fixed: .tfedit crashing when clicking toolrack tab Fixed: Game crashing when the game fails to save a screenshot. Now it only errors. Fixed: Killed by "prefixandcreature-fox-arcticmale" message and other minor text issues Fixed: Large world connecting/loading delays for some players Fixed: Small tweak to AI Pathfinding to maybe reduce the amount of times where creatures walk back and forth towards a straight line goal Fixed: Crocks destroying meal portions when trying to merge portions Fixed: Mushroom snow coverrage not working properly Fixed: Broken button text on chinese translations Fixed: Typing in chat box caused dialogs to get opened/closed in some cases Fixed: Should fix a rare crash when leaving a game world Fixed: Should fix ladders not attachable to a solid face of a chiseled block Fixed: Drifters go all sideways when on ladders and other minor animation issues Fixed: Creative rotor in the survival handbook Fixed: A crash related when attempting to render an invalid item (during collectible.GetItemDamageColor()) Fixed: Dropped items swimming in water affected by wind Fixed: clientsettings.json saving spam Fixed: Archimedes screw recipe still borked and crashing the game when looked at in the handbook Fixed: Server side exception thrown during world generation Fixed: Should fix others player stuck in one pose and not animating properly (might break other stuff) Fixed: Should fix a rare issue where killing an animal with a cleaver could kill another creature that is being looked at by another player Fixed: Molybdochalkos plates resmelting into only 1 ingot instead of 2 Fixed: Aiming accuracy modifer was applied incorrectly Fixed: When knapping, single disconnected voxels now also fall off Fixed: Some falling blocks emitting too many dust particles Fixed: Potential massive lag issues and crashes from the gui system (Technical info: No longer parallel-process image blur, instead its now a single threaded, better optimized algorithm that runs faster than the parallelized one) Fixed: Work items not remembering their recipe rotation Fixed: Thrown stones not stone typed API Updates Refactor: BEAnvil.cs cleanup. No longer contains item specific code, through the new interface IAnvilWorkable that code now is located in ItemIngot.cs, ItemIronBloom.cs and ItemWorkItem.cs Refactor: Added Property BlockFacing.Opposite. BlockFacing.GetOpposite() is now obsolete but will stay for a while Refactor: When using UnstableFalling block behavior, the boolean value dustyFall has been replaced with a dustIntensity float value Feature: New method Block.OnFallOnto() (when a falling block fell on a block) Fixed: Should fix block.OnNeighbourBlockChange not getting called on the client in some cases. Might break stuff Fixed: entity.WatchedAttributes.MarkPathDirty() called server side had a chance to crash the client Fixed: Reloading the world did not clear external asset origins, causing an ever accumulating list of identical origins Fixed: 3D Wearables rendering issues. ItemWearable.cs now warns if a wearable shape defined a texture but no texturesize Refactor: CollectibleObject.OnBlockBrokenWith() now has the additional argument "float dropQuantityMultiplier" Refactor: The delegate sapi.Event.BreakBlock now requires the additional argument "ref float dropQuantityMultiplier" Refactor: BlockBehavior.GetDrops(), argument "float dropQuantityMultiplier" is now a "ref" Refactor: CollectibleObject.GetMiningSpeed() now has the additional argument "IPlayer forPlayer" Feature: Added trait exclusive grid recipes. Also documented in the handbook. Tweak: Marked some methods virtual in ItemProspectingPick.cs Fixed: Items with only texture code "all" crashed when placed inside a display case Tweak: The temporal stability system now has a public field for the StormData property Tweak: Added capi.IsSinglePlayer Tweak: Added DiscGenerator.shouldGenDepositHere() View full record
  12. Yes, install the files into different directories and use a different --dataPath arg
  13. I would also prefer to keep foul language outside of this forum. In any case, the game is advertised as "an uncompromising wilderness survival sandbox game". If we were to make knapping easier, we would compromise our mission. It sure is tempting to make the game accessible for everyone, but we'd end up with a lower fidelity product, in believe. I did however spend a lot of extra effort in making sure that inteprid players can at least adjust the game to their needs with lots of configuration options and easy modding. You could create 3x3 grid crafting recipes - minecraft style - for all the tools and weapons in the game. Go to %appdata%/VintageStory/assets/survival/recipes/grid and e.g. copy bed.json over to flintaxe.json and adjust the input and output parameters as needed. You can find the item codes in the creative inventory by hovering over items and with debug info enabled (type .edi in chat). Any mistakes you make during recipe creation should be logged in server-main.txt so you can find out what you did wrong. I've attached an (untested) example that you could drop into that folder flintaxe.json
  14. Yes, use the worldedit gui. There is a tutorial video on it that explains the most of it: The rest is documented on the wiki
  15. Dear Feature-Rich Community v1.14.0-pre.1, a preview release, can now be downloaded through the account manager (section "Other Goodies"). We wanted to dedicate this update to the endless list of small-ish ideas that have accumulated over time and never got the chance to properly implement. As usual, we only got about half way through our list Please notice 1. This is an unfinished update, mostly intended for modders and very adventurous players. You will encounter major bugs, incomplete features, performance issues and crashes. 2. New "pre" updates will only be posted in discord #news and not on the blog. A new v1.14 blog post will come when the first release candidate is ready. Until v1.14-rc.1 we still hope to add Steel age (~50% completed) Finished character classes and seraph skin customization's Updated ruins with detailing blocks and containing mossy and lichen covered blocks Meteoric iron armor set Maybe some fish (no fishing mechanic yet though, sorry!) More body temperature addition Screenshots and Videos Player Character Skin Customizer (and later character classes/traits. Very unfinished!) Cheesemaking: You can now milk Ewes, curdle milk, and age cheese Meteoric iron working: Iron tier, but 20% better! Iron Anvil crafting: Required to work meteoric iron and upcoming steel ingots Animated container lids: You've never opened a chest so smoothly Scrap weapons: Emergency underground weaponry made from scrap metal 2 new, rare, deep underground creatures The bell - it's alarm is guaranteed to strike fear into any unsuspecting spelunker. Tread quitely. The Sawblade Locust - cut's through armor like butter Tapestry lore texts. Be aware of the gong. Useful bony soil: Panning through piles of bones has never been so much fun \o/ A mold rack: Elegant and convenient tool mold storage Body Temperature System: Makes your screen all icy and shivery when cold New building blocks: Mossy and Lichen covered stone, 2 new glass colors, bipedal bony remains Improved scythe: Now harvests more stuff and has a better first person interaction Nicer inventory icon for work items All Game updates Feature: Cheese making Added dairy nutrition bar for another +2.5 hp bonus Female bighorn sheep can now be milked daily with a bucket, for up to 21 days after giving birth. Be aware though, before generation 3 they will become aggressive when attempting to milk them Milk can be turned into curdled milk in the barrel by adding a pickled vegetable for the starter enzymes Curdled milk can be turned into cottage cheese by adding salt in the barrel Take 25 liters of cottage cheese from the barrel with a piece of linen to turn it into a curd bundle. Place it on the ground, add a stick, then twist the curd bundle to squeeze out the whey. Right click again to open it, to reveal raw cheese Salt your raw cheese, optionally apply wax for greater freshness Raw cheese must be placed on shelves in a cellar to ripen it. Rumor has it that certain conditions even allows the growth of edible cheese molds. Ripe cheese is place-able and can be sliced with a knife for direct consumption Feature: Added meteoric iron working, tools made from meteoric iron are roughly 20% better than normal iron. Must however be worked on an iron anvil. All metal tools now have a meteoric iron variant. Feature: Iron anvil crafting. Can now smith iron anvil halves, then place and combine them on the ground with flux + hammering Feature: Containers now have animated lids (the chest, vessel and basket) Feature: Can now craft 4 types of scrap weapons, randomly selected when using a scrap weapon kit, which is now craft-able from 1x rope, 1x stick and 1x scrap metal Feature: Added bell creature. A rare deep augment that sounds an alarm if a player is nearby, which attracts drifters and locusts to that location. Feature: Added sawblade locust as an extra tough rare deep spawn with special drops Feature: More lore texts. Looking at a completed tapestry on the wall now unveils a new snippet of lore, added to the Journal Feature: Bony soil is now pannable, comes with a unique set of rare drops. Feature: Added a mold rack block - convenient tool mold storage Feature: Added first version of a body temperature mechanic Has no health or stats impact on the player for now It does however add a frost overlay onto the screen and make the player shiver. (No effect yet when too hot) Added a body temperature display on the character stats dialog You'll get cold from: Being wet (from rain or swimming. Player needs 1 in-game hour to dry), temperatures below 10°C, Outside wind speed But also get warm from: Sleeping under cover (ideally in a room), being close to a burning fire, fire pit or lava, being inside a room Feature: New building blocks Added mossy and lichen covered block variants for cobblestone, polished rock and stone brick (will be added to ruins) Added non-decaying animal carcasses, added 2 human carcasses Feature: Improved scythe tool. Can now also harvest cattails and horsetails and has a new sound and breaking animation Feature: Quartz crystal updates Can be crushed into quartz chunks which can be smelted into colored glass Added 2 new glass colors for that: Smoky and Pink When blown up, no longer disappear but drop quartz chunks instead Feature: Prettier work items. Ingots which are currently being worked on the anvil longer have a generic texture but show the actual smithed voxels so far, when held in hands, on the ground or when placed on the forge Feature: The creative inventory can be controlled through keyboard alone now (use CTRL+F to instantly search the creative inventory, hit tab twice to focus the slot grid, use cursor keys to select slot, hit enter to retrieve a stack) Feature: Thrown items are now affected by the wind (but projectiles are excluded from this) Feature: Added /weather stoprain. Fast-Forwards only the rain simulation to a point where there is no rain. Feature: /weather setprecip [value] is now savegame persistent. Can now query the current value with /weather setprecip Tweak: Force the use of TLS 1.2 when connecting to the auth or master server Tweak: Renamed clay pot to cooking pot Tweak: Should make modmaker work on linux, but untested Tweak: Grown mushrooms now disappear when its gets below 2°C Tweak: Spider webs are now halftransparent Tweak: Collapsed chests are now with a moldy texture Tweak: Added run.sh to linux builds. Removed .sh files from windows builds. Tweak: Added server config PassTimeWhenEmpty. When set to true, then the game calendar will keep progressing even when no player is online Tweak: Increased sound slider length so that its at least less fiddly to set the music volume to 2-10% as it generally is too loud in the game Tweak: Added command /whenwillitstopraining Tweak: Added more logging to track down significant game startup delay for some users Tweak: Added a slightly hacky specular reflection occlusion system so that specular reflections from sunlight are hidden when the sun is hidden. Needs some cleanup. Tweak: Should fix armor stands still interactable in claimed areas Tweak: Updated trader buying/sellings lists (artisan trader now sells some tapestry) Tweak: Chutes several bugfixes and add smarter placement Tweak: Disallow creation of small pelts, since they have no use right now Tweak: Some more tweaks to the rain simulation Tweak: Reduced the overall size of the moon Tweak: Mitigate a bug where a game/pc crash would wipe all client settings Tweak: Changed default month length from 12 to 9 in-game days Tweak: Fixed honeycomb to large on the shelf and the lead ingot not shelvable. Made rawbrick, resin, shingle and stonebricks shelvable Tweak: All the linen types can now be used for crafting Tweak: Sign text is more readable now Tweak: Added Etho Slab block. A must have for every voxel game. Tweak: Trader dialog issue when opening 2 trade dialogs of the same trader type Tweak: Vines can now also in colder, wet climates Tweak: Beehives should update their status info (e.g. flower count) a bit more swiftly Tweak: Malachite can now spawn closer to the surface and spawn surface nuggets Tweak: A bit more feedback from the masterserver register failure Tweak: A lore piece that does not contain new texts is no longer consumed. Fixed the writing sound not playing. Tweak: The lock/unlock mouse cursor key bound to Alt is no longer hardcoded and can now be rebound in the controls Tweak: The .online command now shows the ping roundtime of all players. (Disclaimer: Not sure if the info is accurate) Tweak: /group info [groupname] should now work and list the players of a group Tweak: Added command "/land adminfreehere" to free a single claimed area by a player or trader at given location Tweak: Animals swim slightly faster in water Tweak: Correct collision/selection box size for the owl and golden chest Tweak: Lighter chest open/close sound for the owl and gold chest Tweak: non smooth texture zoom on barrel contents bar Tweak: The ported archimedes screw can now also spit out items when fed items from below Tweak: Held torch now go out when you go swimming with them Tweak: Made anvil smithing grid overlay more visible Tweak: Locust cages now drop some resources upon breaking them Tweak: Should avoid the propick crashing the game if a wrong /worldconfig value was set Tweak: Picking up mannequin now works with sneak+right click, instead of plain right click Fixed: Archimedes screw recipe required uncraftable sheets instead of plates Fixed: Lightning sounds were not considered weather sounds Fixed: "Deprived of light, might die soon" info on dead creatures Fixed: Querns not autogrinding in some cases Fixed: Chopping a tree with a harvested resin log did not break the full tree Fixed: Not able to make a pure mushroom stew Fixed: Should fix a crash in /we mclear Fixed: Hopefully reduced the "incorrect srgb profile" error log spam on linux Fixed: Various issues with world edit when operating on chiseled blocks Fixed: Might fix that one second of rain before chunks are loaded on startup Fixed: WQPs chisel block crashes due to incorrect use of a command Fixed: Pouring portions out from a cooking pot left a 0 serving meal inside Fixed: Should fix terrain flicker when getting out of bed Fixed: Might fix rendering issues around the moon when SSAO is enabled Fixed: Game crashing when going negative coordinates Fixed: Search text cleared from public server list but still filtered after search text when leaving and re-entering the screen Fixed: Some blocks in the handbook not grouped Fixed: Kick message had the names reversed Fixed: setting ".clientconfig guiScale" did not properly update all UI Fixed: Sun rising in the south instead of east Fixed: Again fixed /time calendarspeedmul still being saved >.> Fixed: Ported Archimedes screw recipe not in the handbook Fixed: At long last, fixed that the Alt+F3 debug screen disappears when entering and leaving the graphics settings Fixed: Should fix a rare hard server crash in the autosave feature, and hopefully breaks nothing else >.> Fixed: Newly spawned creatures were immune to the first attack Fixed: The winter extra hunger drain was applied inversely and way to much (+100% hunger when inside a room. Now +25% when outside a room) API Updates Feature: Added api.World.BlockAccessor.GetWindSpeedAt() and api.Event.OnGetWindSpeed Feature: New block event - Block.OnBeingLookedAt(). Called on client and server when a player looks at a block Feature: New client side event "IsPlayerReady". The survival mode subscribes to this event to return false if the character has not been selected yet. Then later calls the new method capi.Network.SendPlayerNowReady(). Consequently removed player.WorldData.DidSelectSkin propery. Feature: Added IServerPlayer.SetRole, .SetModdata, .RemoveModData and .GetModData for convenient per-player mod data storage Tweak: Unlock all 6 smithing recipe layers Tweak: Moved Block.ParticleProperties to Collectible.ParticleProperties. This way items can now also emit particles when held in hands or dropped on the ground Tweak: api.Event.RegisterGameTickListener and similar methods now verify if they are called from the main thread, because they are not thread safe Tweak: The title element in the itemstack info box can now also be rich text Tweak: New server side event: BreakBlock. Can be used to override player block breaking events. Tweak: New server side method: sapi.WorldManager.HasChunk(). Can be used to check if a player currently has given chunk Refactor: The Transient Block Entity now has a different configuration syntax (basically just encapsulated in another json object). If your blocks use the Transient BE check out assets/survival/blocktypes/plant/mushroom.json for reference Refactor: SQLiteDB is now SQLiteDBConnection Refactor: The character creation dialog is now part of the survival mod Refactor: blockEntity.FromTreeAtributes is now blockEntity.FromTreeAttributes Refactor: Collectible.GetDurability() now used everywhere instead of Collectible.Durability. Allows itemstack specific max durabilities. Fixed: Animatable block entity behavior did not properly ease out animations if they were configured to ease out. Also had a weird hardcoded texture reference in it. Fixed: AiTaskManager.StopTask() did not properly stop tasks Fixed: Renamed namespace VintagestoryAPI to Vintagestory.API Fixed: block/item/entity property skipVariants and allowedVariants: All entries defaulted to the game domain Fixed: Game crashing on stuff like "translation text</i>" Fixed: Should fix placing a block not calling OnNeighbourBlockChange on the client side Fixed: Collectible.OnHeldIdle() was not being called for off-hand items Fixed: Render pass always being Opaque in custom models, baked gltf textures not being added to the texture atlas.
  16. To remove the trader you need 2 things. This will show you the trader entityid. Then you do And regarding removing the claim, I think thats actually missing right now [Edit:] Added the command /land adminfreehere to remedy that.
  17. You can tinker together your own setup for multiple VS versions with/without mods by using the --dataPath argument on the VintageStory.exe file, but a convenient launcher is still missing, yes.
  18. Dear Feature-Rich Community v1.14.0-pre.1, a preview release, can now be downloaded through the account manager (section "Other Goodies"). We wanted to dedicate this update to the endless list of small-ish ideas that have accumulated over time and never got the chance to properly implement. As usual, we only got about half way through our list Please notice 1. This is an unfinished update, mostly intended for modders and very adventurous players. You will encounter major bugs, incomplete features, performance issues and crashes. 2. New "pre" updates will only be posted in discord #news and not on the blog. A new v1.14 blog post will come when the first release candidate is ready. Until v1.14-rc.1 we still hope to add Steel age (~50% completed) Finished character classes and seraph skin customization's Updated ruins with detailing blocks and containing mossy and lichen covered blocks Meteoric iron armor set Maybe some fish (no fishing mechanic yet though, sorry!) More body temperature addition Screenshots and Videos Player Character Skin Customizer (and later character classes/traits. Very unfinished!) Cheesemaking: You can now milk Ewes, curdle milk, and age cheese Meteoric iron working: Iron tier, but 20% better! Iron Anvil crafting: Required to work meteoric iron and upcoming steel ingots Animated container lids: You've never opened a chest so smoothly Scrap weapons: Emergency underground weaponry made from scrap metal 2 new, rare, deep underground creatures The bell - it's alarm is guaranteed to strike fear into any unsuspecting spelunker. Tread quitely. The Sawblade Locust - cut's through armor like butter Tapestry lore texts. Be aware of the gong. Useful bony soil: Panning through piles of bones has never been so much fun \o/ A mold rack: Elegant and convenient tool mold storage Body Temperature System: Makes your screen all icy and shivery when cold New building blocks: Mossy and Lichen covered stone, 2 new glass colors, bipedal bony remains Improved scythe: Now harvests more stuff and has a better first person interaction Nicer inventory icon for work items All Game updates Feature: Cheese making Added dairy nutrition bar for another +2.5 hp bonus Female bighorn sheep can now be milked daily with a bucket, for up to 21 days after giving birth. Be aware though, before generation 3 they will become aggressive when attempting to milk them Milk can be turned into curdled milk in the barrel by adding a pickled vegetable for the starter enzymes Curdled milk can be turned into cottage cheese by adding salt in the barrel Take 25 liters of cottage cheese from the barrel with a piece of linen to turn it into a curd bundle. Place it on the ground, add a stick, then twist the curd bundle to squeeze out the whey. Right click again to open it, to reveal raw cheese Salt your raw cheese, optionally apply wax for greater freshness Raw cheese must be placed on shelves in a cellar to ripen it. Rumor has it that certain conditions even allows the growth of edible cheese molds. Ripe cheese is place-able and can be sliced with a knife for direct consumption Feature: Added meteoric iron working, tools made from meteoric iron are roughly 20% better than normal iron. Must however be worked on an iron anvil. All metal tools now have a meteoric iron variant. Feature: Iron anvil crafting. Can now smith iron anvil halves, then place and combine them on the ground with flux + hammering Feature: Containers now have animated lids (the chest, vessel and basket) Feature: Can now craft 4 types of scrap weapons, randomly selected when using a scrap weapon kit, which is now craft-able from 1x rope, 1x stick and 1x scrap metal Feature: Added bell creature. A rare deep augment that sounds an alarm if a player is nearby, which attracts drifters and locusts to that location. Feature: Added sawblade locust as an extra tough rare deep spawn with special drops Feature: More lore texts. Looking at a completed tapestry on the wall now unveils a new snippet of lore, added to the Journal Feature: Bony soil is now pannable, comes with a unique set of rare drops. Feature: Added a mold rack block - convenient tool mold storage Feature: Added first version of a body temperature mechanic Has no health or stats impact on the player for now It does however add a frost overlay onto the screen and make the player shiver. (No effect yet when too hot) Added a body temperature display on the character stats dialog You'll get cold from: Being wet (from rain or swimming. Player needs 1 in-game hour to dry), temperatures below 10°C, Outside wind speed But also get warm from: Sleeping under cover (ideally in a room), being close to a burning fire, fire pit or lava, being inside a room Feature: New building blocks Added mossy and lichen covered block variants for cobblestone, polished rock and stone brick (will be added to ruins) Added non-decaying animal carcasses, added 2 human carcasses Feature: Improved scythe tool. Can now also harvest cattails and horsetails and has a new sound and breaking animation Feature: Quartz crystal updates Can be crushed into quartz chunks which can be smelted into colored glass Added 2 new glass colors for that: Smoky and Pink When blown up, no longer disappear but drop quartz chunks instead Feature: Prettier work items. Ingots which are currently being worked on the anvil longer have a generic texture but show the actual smithed voxels so far, when held in hands, on the ground or when placed on the forge Feature: The creative inventory can be controlled through keyboard alone now (use CTRL+F to instantly search the creative inventory, hit tab twice to focus the slot grid, use cursor keys to select slot, hit enter to retrieve a stack) Feature: Thrown items are now affected by the wind (but projectiles are excluded from this) Feature: Added /weather stoprain. Fast-Forwards only the rain simulation to a point where there is no rain. Feature: /weather setprecip [value] is now savegame persistent. Can now query the current value with /weather setprecip Tweak: Force the use of TLS 1.2 when connecting to the auth or master server Tweak: Renamed clay pot to cooking pot Tweak: Should make modmaker work on linux, but untested Tweak: Grown mushrooms now disappear when its gets below 2°C Tweak: Spider webs are now halftransparent Tweak: Collapsed chests are now with a moldy texture Tweak: Added run.sh to linux builds. Removed .sh files from windows builds. Tweak: Added server config PassTimeWhenEmpty. When set to true, then the game calendar will keep progressing even when no player is online Tweak: Increased sound slider length so that its at least less fiddly to set the music volume to 2-10% as it generally is too loud in the game Tweak: Added command /whenwillitstopraining Tweak: Added more logging to track down significant game startup delay for some users Tweak: Added a slightly hacky specular reflection occlusion system so that specular reflections from sunlight are hidden when the sun is hidden. Needs some cleanup. Tweak: Should fix armor stands still interactable in claimed areas Tweak: Updated trader buying/sellings lists (artisan trader now sells some tapestry) Tweak: Chutes several bugfixes and add smarter placement Tweak: Disallow creation of small pelts, since they have no use right now Tweak: Some more tweaks to the rain simulation Tweak: Reduced the overall size of the moon Tweak: Mitigate a bug where a game/pc crash would wipe all client settings Tweak: Changed default month length from 12 to 9 in-game days Tweak: Fixed honeycomb to large on the shelf and the lead ingot not shelvable. Made rawbrick, resin, shingle and stonebricks shelvable Tweak: All the linen types can now be used for crafting Tweak: Sign text is more readable now Tweak: Added Etho Slab block. A must have for every voxel game. Tweak: Trader dialog issue when opening 2 trade dialogs of the same trader type Tweak: Vines can now also in colder, wet climates Tweak: Beehives should update their status info (e.g. flower count) a bit more swiftly Tweak: Malachite can now spawn closer to the surface and spawn surface nuggets Tweak: A bit more feedback from the masterserver register failure Tweak: A lore piece that does not contain new texts is no longer consumed. Fixed the writing sound not playing. Tweak: The lock/unlock mouse cursor key bound to Alt is no longer hardcoded and can now be rebound in the controls Tweak: The .online command now shows the ping roundtime of all players. (Disclaimer: Not sure if the info is accurate) Tweak: /group info [groupname] should now work and list the players of a group Tweak: Added command "/land adminfreehere" to free a single claimed area by a player or trader at given location Tweak: Animals swim slightly faster in water Tweak: Correct collision/selection box size for the owl and golden chest Tweak: Lighter chest open/close sound for the owl and gold chest Tweak: non smooth texture zoom on barrel contents bar Tweak: The ported archimedes screw can now also spit out items when fed items from below Tweak: Held torch now go out when you go swimming with them Tweak: Made anvil smithing grid overlay more visible Tweak: Locust cages now drop some resources upon breaking them Tweak: Should avoid the propick crashing the game if a wrong /worldconfig value was set Tweak: Picking up mannequin now works with sneak+right click, instead of plain right click Fixed: Archimedes screw recipe required uncraftable sheets instead of plates Fixed: Lightning sounds were not considered weather sounds Fixed: "Deprived of light, might die soon" info on dead creatures Fixed: Querns not autogrinding in some cases Fixed: Chopping a tree with a harvested resin log did not break the full tree Fixed: Not able to make a pure mushroom stew Fixed: Should fix a crash in /we mclear Fixed: Hopefully reduced the "incorrect srgb profile" error log spam on linux Fixed: Various issues with world edit when operating on chiseled blocks Fixed: Might fix that one second of rain before chunks are loaded on startup Fixed: WQPs chisel block crashes due to incorrect use of a command Fixed: Pouring portions out from a cooking pot left a 0 serving meal inside Fixed: Should fix terrain flicker when getting out of bed Fixed: Might fix rendering issues around the moon when SSAO is enabled Fixed: Game crashing when going negative coordinates Fixed: Search text cleared from public server list but still filtered after search text when leaving and re-entering the screen Fixed: Some blocks in the handbook not grouped Fixed: Kick message had the names reversed Fixed: setting ".clientconfig guiScale" did not properly update all UI Fixed: Sun rising in the south instead of east Fixed: Again fixed /time calendarspeedmul still being saved >.> Fixed: Ported Archimedes screw recipe not in the handbook Fixed: At long last, fixed that the Alt+F3 debug screen disappears when entering and leaving the graphics settings Fixed: Should fix a rare hard server crash in the autosave feature, and hopefully breaks nothing else >.> Fixed: Newly spawned creatures were immune to the first attack Fixed: The winter extra hunger drain was applied inversely and way to much (+100% hunger when inside a room. Now +25% when outside a room) API Updates Feature: Added api.World.BlockAccessor.GetWindSpeedAt() and api.Event.OnGetWindSpeed Feature: New block event - Block.OnBeingLookedAt(). Called on client and server when a player looks at a block Feature: New client side event "IsPlayerReady". The survival mode subscribes to this event to return false if the character has not been selected yet. Then later calls the new method capi.Network.SendPlayerNowReady(). Consequently removed player.WorldData.DidSelectSkin propery. Feature: Added IServerPlayer.SetRole, .SetModdata, .RemoveModData and .GetModData for convenient per-player mod data storage Tweak: Unlock all 6 smithing recipe layers Tweak: Moved Block.ParticleProperties to Collectible.ParticleProperties. This way items can now also emit particles when held in hands or dropped on the ground Tweak: api.Event.RegisterGameTickListener and similar methods now verify if they are called from the main thread, because they are not thread safe Tweak: The title element in the itemstack info box can now also be rich text Tweak: New server side event: BreakBlock. Can be used to override player block breaking events. Tweak: New server side method: sapi.WorldManager.HasChunk(). Can be used to check if a player currently has given chunk Refactor: The Transient Block Entity now has a different configuration syntax (basically just encapsulated in another json object). If your blocks use the Transient BE check out assets/survival/blocktypes/plant/mushroom.json for reference Refactor: SQLiteDB is now SQLiteDBConnection Refactor: The character creation dialog is now part of the survival mod Refactor: blockEntity.FromTreeAtributes is now blockEntity.FromTreeAttributes Refactor: Collectible.GetDurability() now used everywhere instead of Collectible.Durability. Allows itemstack specific max durabilities. Fixed: Animatable block entity behavior did not properly ease out animations if they were configured to ease out. Also had a weird hardcoded texture reference in it. Fixed: AiTaskManager.StopTask() did not properly stop tasks Fixed: Renamed namespace VintagestoryAPI to Vintagestory.API Fixed: block/item/entity property skipVariants and allowedVariants: All entries defaulted to the game domain Fixed: Game crashing on stuff like "translation text</i>" Fixed: Should fix placing a block not calling OnNeighbourBlockChange on the client side Fixed: Collectible.OnHeldIdle() was not being called for off-hand items Fixed: Render pass always being Opaque in custom models, baked gltf textures not being added to the texture atlas. View full record
  19. @Allan Nielsen, @Hurlyclaw be sure to be on the same Wifi / Lan network and that your local firewall lets through port 42420
  20. Wait, you're trying to connect to your own server running on the same computer? You should definitely be able to connect using 'localhost' as address
  21. Its quite interesting, yea. Last minecon they added foxes and berry bushes, which we already had in VS. Then they added bees, which we also already had in VS. I don't think Mojang knows about Vintage Story though. But if they do, it would sure be nice to know
  22. A VS server should run notably better than a Minecraft server on the same hardware. It is still getting somewhat bottlenecked by single threaded performance when 20+ players are online, but we also don't have much data on high player volume servers. I wrote some specs to the bottom of this page now: https://www.vintagestory.at/selfhosting/
  23. Yup, it'll definitely run on those specs, not at max graphics settings though.
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