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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by l33tmaan

  1. Updated to 1.5.1! - Concrete powder looks proper when in barrels - moreroads:incontainer-item-concreteportion added - Recipes require less wet concrete - Stone edging can also be made with mortar - Temporal Road recipe nerfed
  2. Hey Xandu, what do you think of adding a second rank to All-Rounder that's only available to the Commoner class, so they can pick 2 specializations?
  3. I dunno. I'd want some more 'round' blocks so the logs wouldn't stick out as much.
  4. Hah, those don't exist yet. That's why.
  5. Try placing the resin into a slot of the mixing bowl or saucepan.
  6. Man, I have a 1060 and I can't get anywhere near that level of performance. I'm sure it's unrelated to the 90 mods I have installed.
  7. It must happen to anything with the ExpandedFood class... a problem for ACA, technically. I'll look into it.
  8. Oh no... does this also happen if you try to put fried food in salads or pasta?
  9. Oh no. What happens if you don't use dumplings?
  10. Zomboid's mushrooms are all just called "mushroom" with a different sprite and just materialize when you're foraging. Hells Razer is correct, this goes against the core design of VS and needlessly kicks new players in the 'nads for no reason. You can't randomize the poison because that's not how mushrooms work. Death caps will always kill you. Once you know that, you will never eat it unless it's as a joke. Reducing this player-facing information from mushrooms but not other food would be inconsistent and stupid. VS does not have skill books and you certainly don't want to start gating basic information like this behind getting lucky and rolling good on a ruin's loot table, because that introduces an avalanche of further issues. "Experimentation" in this instance means "eat them and find out if they kill you"... which can only happen once. So what's the point of any of this? What is the goal behind doing this?
  11. WOW! I can't even read! Thanks, Ivan.
  12. You shouldn't direct someone to a conversation elsewhere as a response.
  13. Updated to 1.0.10! - Japanese translation updated (thanks to @macoto_hino ) - Mini mixing bowl has gravity - Cauldron mold updated
  14. Required. The old temporal dust is gone now.
  15. Updated to 1.5.0! - Now uses Expanded Matter as a dependency (for temporal dust) - Temporal dust removed - Road speeds buffed - Stone path variants added (basically Stone Path Variants but with my own textures lol) - Files generally cleaned up - Wooden paths & stone foot paths moved to moreroads domain! - Wood edging no longer requires mortar - Wood path recipe changed
  16. Meals require at least 2 slots to be filled in order to work. This applies to any meal, I believe. Since I've basically combined the first 2 egg slots together, I guess you can consider this a stealth buff to scrambled eggs. Enjoy? No, jam is a meal and that makes it difficult to interact with. I have plans to make my own jam/preserves system that would be compatible with everything else from this mod, but that's not high priority for me.
  17. Hey, I hope it's not too bothersome, but is there any chance the rolling pins from A Culinary Artillery could be a part of the Tool Mastery skill? You have boosts for the forestry, mining, metalworking, farming, and digging skills, but not cooking. While we're at it, maybe cleavers could scale with animal husbandry? That would give Tool Mastery use for every skill but Pottery.
  18. Speak for yourself. I don't get killed in my house.
  19. Hah! You are correct! That's exactly what the problem is, thank you for finding out. It's easy to fix.
  20. It takes forever. Like, a month or two in-game. I don't think where you store it matters.
  21. Updated to 1.0.9! - Drinking from bottles gives consistent nutrition/HP - Bottles no longer have duplicate liquid info - Boiled/pickled eggs cannot be cracked (requires update in EF 1.6.4) - Spile can pour into saucepan & cauldrons, not just buckets - Spile ground transform fixed - Spile clay mold created - Eggs no longer crash when cracking into a bucket - Handbook guide mentions what buttons crack eggs
  22. Started? That's what my living room looks like after 40 hours. Except without the fancy decorations. Or torch.
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