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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by l33tmaan

  1. I think I can get an update out this weekend.
  2. D'oh. A laughably easy fix, I've taken care of it. Thanks.
  3. What exactly did you use to make that bread?
  4. That could be part of the environmental hazards - you can have lots of stuff, good or bad, hiding in dense foliage.
  5. Oil or lard, yes. I don't know what's going on with worms, though.
  6. I'm pretty sure that if you replace "log-resinharvested-*" with "*", it would still work. Try it out!
  7. It should be wherever your VintageStory.exe is...
  8. I think your path needs to be "attributesByType/*/transientProps/inGameHours". I'm not sure, though. When it comes to patches, most of the time I just change the file in my VS installation and use the ModMaker.exe to spit something out. That usually works. I have also been doing research, and I've already got something in the works. I just didn't want to spoil it here.
  9. Looks like that's how long it takes for the pine block with harvested resin to turn into the pine block with resin. 168 hours is 7 days.
  10. The shovel's pretty good.
  11. This is the most important thing anyone has said in this thread.
  12. I feel kind of bad, because I look at that picture and it just looks like a grassland with a couple of funny-looking trees in it. Having lived in a swamp for half my life, there isn't that GREENNESS I get when I go back home. Humid, muggy areas are typically REALLY lush. The hanging vines from the trees are a start, but you could honestly make the grass twice as tall and choke up the waters with more plants. I can totally hear insects buzzing, though. That kind of ambiance is vital for any swamp/jungle area.
  13. It's not that bad, recipes are the easiest thing to make for VS. That being said, your particular issue sounds like it's related to Expanded Foods. What's going on?
  14. The easiest method would be something like the meat rack. All the meat rack does is boost how quickly something cures, but not how quickly it rots. It'd still probably be difficult...
  15. Go for it. I'll see if I can get the Expanded Foods spile to spit out resin if you stick it in a pine tree, too.
  16. There are a couple of mods that let you get around that: one by letting you make resin out of pine trees, and one that lets you crush soybeans in a quern for oil that you can use in the recipes instead of resin. Which would you prefer?
  17. I already fixed it!
  18. Milk should still spoil in buckets, even if it doesn't show a timer. Looks like it turns to rot, not curdled milk. Good to know making yogurt isn't as easy as I thought.
  19. Ah, maybe. I've only ever cheated cheese in. Cheesed it in, if you would.
  20. I'm confused. Doesn't milk already spoil into curdled milk?
  21. That's mildly annoying. Can we go in and easily increase their slot size if we want to?
  22. Another way to phrase this is "let me seal liquids in barrels to extend their preservation time in a manner similar to sealing crocks". Right now there's not really a good form of long-term liquid preservation. Not that there needs to be at this moment, but it's going to be very welcome if/when alcohol and other drinks are added.
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