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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by l33tmaan

  1. Heh, maybe if you go around wiping out all life from around you by constantly destroying respawning dens, your area reacts to the loss of life by making the area more temporally unstable. Is this a good idea? Probably not, but there should definitely be some consequences for devouring all of the resources in an area without sustaining the ecosystem. What do you mean 'like Baritone'?
  2. Maybe it's something I need to update for fancy new builds!
  3. I would like it if none of the NPCs in this game just spawned out of nowhere. I remember posting about this years ago, but I'll bring it up again: Creatures should spawn in 'nests' (or animal dens or whatever) that are physical blocks that generate in logical areas for that specific creature - you can track variables in this block such as creature capacity, food storage, territory size, aggression level, and basically anything that can influence the creature's behavior. Ideally, this would be on top of the creature's normal AI package. For animals, as time goes on and they exhaust the available resources in an area (grass and berries for herbivores, prey animals for carnivores, everything for omnivores [AKA: bears]), the nest checks for nearby areas that would be suitable to respawn in, sends the creatures in that direction, then deactivates itself and respawns somewhere else, starting the cycle again. If the nest reaches capacity for an extended period of time, maybe that could cause new nests to spawn nearby as the creatures move away to deal with less resource competition. Most importantly, this gives the player something to track and react to. Too many wolves in the area? Just fight through them and destroy their nest. How would this work for drifters? I dunno, make rifts spawn less frequently but last longer and tie them to an area's temporal stability. That way they spawn underground, but also in unstable areas above ground, which would be logical.
  4. I'm still not quite sure how this is even happening. The cauldron shouldn't output just the liquid - it should output the cauldron with the liquid in it!
  5. This is a bug! The harmony patch that I used to alter pies got broken, along with all the other harmony patches. It'll get taken care of!
  6. I believe there IS a demo but it's of a very old creative build?
  7. Shhh, people don't like this topic!
  8. You're forgetting that redmeat also takes up far less inventory space for its nutrition value than bushmeat. You have to carry, what, 2-3 times as much bushmeat to get an equivalent amount of nutrition from redmeat? That's part of what makes it so valuable and one good reason to keep the meats separate. Now, for berries and mushrooms where the difference is far less stark? Yeah, the only way they're differentiated right now is by how long they last. Could use some expansion or something.
  9. I'm with Photrius. Bring back the stems, man!! They were cute!
  10. I remember when we went from 3 mushrooms to 36. That sure was a pain in my ass! Honestly, I enjoy the variety. I would prefer it if foods were a little more distinct than they are now, but the reason we have 3 different meats is because each has a wildly different amount of nutrition and come from different animal types. Bushmeat comes from 'annoying' enemies, poultry from 'neutral' enemies, and redmeat from 'dangerous' ones. The only problem with my categorization is that boars aren't really "dangerous", but let's be real - they SHOULD be. The mushrooms grow in just about every climate in the game but some are more conditional than others. I think there's great value in being to tell what environment you're in based on the plant and animal life. Then again, my answer to most forms of bloat is 'MAKE IT MORE COMPLICATED SO THE BLOAT IS USEFUL'. Not always a popular answer.
  11. But what was in the second collapsed chest?!
  12. ACA should be working - this error is just related to how foods get rendered when on shelves or in display cases.
  13. Updated to 1.6.6! Clarified broth added Egg yolk can be used in stews & soup Sausage can be used in soup Meat can be added to porridge (including sausage) Saltmaking process revamped (check Cooking 101 for details) Broth nutrition values fixed in bread, fruit bread, dumplings, muffins, and soft bread Part-baked balls/mushroom/vegetable/stuffed pepper handbook crashing fixed Handbook no longer says you can put syrups & toppings on regular bread Trail mix handbook entry moved to Cooking 102 Cooking 101 & 102 alphabetized Salted peanut candy requires correct amount of peanut paste Boiled and pickled eggs re-added (not sure what happened there) Funeral bell & pink bonnet mushrooms given proper health values (watch out) This is just a quick update before I finally get started on Wildcraft Trees compatibility. If I waited until that was done then it would've pushed this update to June and I figured it's been long enough.
  14. And there's no green arrow?! Huh?!
  15. I believe that it's happening to you, I'm just not certain why I can't replicate it yet. I assume you're in Survival mode? Singleplayer or multiplayer? Does it happen with no other mods installed? Even when I've played on servers with EF installed I don't think I've seen that happen.
  16. Most of the landscape in 1.18 I've noticed (mostly from flying around in creative mode so far, tbh) has this kind of weird "shredded" look on the map. Down on the ground it's usually not that noticeable, but once you get high up it does get a little weird. I'm not even necessarily opposed to it, but it seems to be all over the place. Thank god for StepUp!
  17. Sorry for taking so long to respond to this, but candied fruits work fine for me. Are you sure the syrup you're using is the same as the fruit? Is this still related to the cauldron not outputting the text properly? I was able to fix the broth issues, as well as the part-baked breaded food crashing in the handbook. Fixed some other stuff in the handbook too. I think I've caught up with all the Expanded Foods-related bugs posted so far.
  18. Yes, that's a bug I've been trying to pin down. I don't think it's an issue with peanut butter, but with how ACA calculates expanded liquids inside of expanded foods. Oh no!
  19. Aw, jeez. That's harder than just the recipes being broken.
  20. Weird! I'll fix it.
  21. For real?! You can just dump it out?
  22. Wow, WTF did I miss? This is a bizarre issue and I'm not sure why updating to 1.18 would fix it. I also suspect most of the new ACA update would work in 1.17, there just might be some weird display issues. Or maybe it'll crash! Neat to hear it can load in just fine.
  23. Yes, welcome to Vinter's mods. That's how they all work.
  24. It was removed from ACA and moved into Expanded Foods.
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