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Ambulate In Somnis

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Everything posted by Ambulate In Somnis

  1. Maybe someone mentioned but what about fishing? A pair of fish such as salmon or carp plus a regular rod...
  2. Sometimes lower blocks just disappearing or replacing "?" sign blocks. I understand that control blocks for grown trees. Maybe it is game bug?Also, when cypresses are 1 cell apart, they die.Well, a suggestion ->Сan make forest floor near a tree when there are a lot of trees around? What converges with the onset of the forest, and not single trees that eat away the garden.
  3. Change the axe so that it cuts wood like a chisel, and cuts only one block, cutting down the whole tree. The game seems to play naturalism but i see here TreeCapitator
  4. fix animation from 1st person when working with tools and synchronize with animations from 3rd person. Make animation from 3rd person so that it would be more natural and more pleasant when turning on 3rd person animations in 1st person
  5. Make the wind private for distributed very large zones (which will eliminate visual errors in the behavior of clouds that will follow the direction of the winds) that already exist (those responsible for the frequency of precipitation) with intermediate zones that adjust the direction of the wind according to neighboring weather zones, making the wind vector smooth and consistent
  6. Replace meter-thick logs in some trees (like birches) as fruit trees and make (maybe later) leaves fall in autumn. Maybe made birch block for full-grown trees with adult trunks.
  7. 12.2.2022 11:59:57 [Error] Patch 3 (target: game:itemtypes/resource/stone.json) in morepiles:patches/piles/needsvanillafix/itemtypes-resource-stone.json failed because supplied path /behaviorsByType/*/0/properties/stackingCapacity is invalid: The json path /behaviorsByType/*/0/properties/stackingCapacity was not found. Could traverse until /behaviorsByType, but then '*' does not exist. Full json at this path: { "*-chalk": [ { "name": "ArtPigment", "properties": { "decorBlockCodes": [ "caveart-chalk-1-*" ], "paintableOnBlockMaterials": [ "Stone", "Wood", "Brick", "Ceramic", "Metal", "Meta" ] } } ] } 12.2.2022 11:59:57 [Error] Patch 4 (target: game:itemtypes/resource/stone.json) in morepiles:patches/piles/needsvanillafix/itemtypes-resource-stone.json failed because supplied path /behaviorsByType/*-chalk/0/properties/stackingCapacity is invalid: The json path /behaviorsByType/*-chalk/0/properties/stackingCapacity was not found. Could traverse until /behaviorsByType/*-chalk/0/properties, but then 'stackingCapacity' does not exist. Full json at this path: { "decorBlockCodes": [ "caveart-chalk-1-*" ], "paintableOnBlockMaterials": [ "Stone", "Wood", "Brick", "Ceramic", "Metal", "Meta" ] } 12.2.2022 11:59:59 [Error] Patch 0 (target: game:entities/land/drifter.json) in locustmod:patches/survival-entities-land-drifter.json failed because supplied path /server/behaviors/9/dropsByType/*-corrupt/- is invalid: The json path /server/behaviors/9/dropsByType/*-corrupt/- was not found. Could traverse until /server/behaviors/9, but then 'dropsByType' does not exist. Full json at this path: { "code": "XSkillsEntity", "xpByType": { "*-normal": 1.0, "*-deep": 1.5, "*-tainted": 2.0, "*-corrupt": 2.5, "*-nightmare": 3.0 } } 12.2.2022 11:59:59 [Error] Patch 1 (target: game:entities/land/drifter.json) in locustmod:patches/survival-entities-land-drifter.json failed because supplied path /server/behaviors/9/dropsByType/*-deep/- is invalid: The json path /server/behaviors/9/dropsByType/*-deep/- was not found. Could traverse until /server/behaviors/9, but then 'dropsByType' does not exist. Full json at this path: { "code": "XSkillsEntity", "xpByType": { "*-normal": 1.0, "*-deep": 1.5, "*-tainted": 2.0, "*-corrupt": 2.5, "*-nightmare": 3.0 } } 12.2.2022 11:59:59 [Error] Patch 2 (target: game:entities/land/drifter.json) in locustmod:patches/survival-entities-land-drifter.json failed because supplied path /server/behaviors/9/dropsByType/*-nightmare/- is invalid: The json path /server/behaviors/9/dropsByType/*-nightmare/- was not found. Could traverse until /server/behaviors/9, but then 'dropsByType' does not exist. Full json at this path: { "code": "XSkillsEntity", "xpByType": { "*-normal": 1.0, "*-deep": 1.5, "*-tainted": 2.0, "*-corrupt": 2.5, "*-nightmare": 3.0 } } 12.2.2022 11:59:59 [Error] Patch 3 (target: game:entities/land/drifter.json) in locustmod:patches/survival-entities-land-drifter.json failed because supplied path /server/behaviors/9/dropsByType/*-normal/- is invalid: The json path /server/behaviors/9/dropsByType/*-normal/- was not found. Could traverse until /server/behaviors/9, but then 'dropsByType' does not exist. Full json at this path: { "code": "XSkillsEntity", "xpByType": { "*-normal": 1.0, "*-deep": 1.5, "*-tainted": 2.0, "*-corrupt": 2.5, "*-nightmare": 3.0 } } 12.2.2022 11:59:59 [Error] Patch 4 (target: game:entities/land/drifter.json) in locustmod:patches/survival-entities-land-drifter.json failed because supplied path /server/behaviors/9/dropsByType/*-tainted/- is invalid: The json path /server/behaviors/9/dropsByType/*-tainted/- was not found. Could traverse until /server/behaviors/9, but then 'dropsByType' does not exist. Full json at this path: { "code": "XSkillsEntity", "xpByType": { "*-normal": 1.0, "*-deep": 1.5, "*-tainted": 2.0, "*-corrupt": 2.5, "*-nightmare": 3.0 } } Mod patching everything and mortar probably not working in couple with this mod and moreroads (craluminium) Pls fix, because players will sad without XSkills
  8. maybe you have another version? I will recheck later and reply again
  9. Running on 64 bit Windows with 96 GB RAM Game Version: v1.16.3 (Stable) Loaded Mods: animalcages@2.0.6, backpackpack@1.0.3, composter@1.0.2, dragonflies@1.0.6, emotemenu@1.0.4, fancydoors@1.1.0, pieontheshelf@1.0.0, game@1.16.3, automap@0.1.8, fancyplanters@1.0.2, hudclock@2.7.0, petai@1.3.4, prospectorinfo@3.1.2, stepup@1.2.0, creative@1.16.3, survival@1.16.3, wildfarming@1.2.3, xrowboat@0.0.3, campaigncartographer@2.1.0-pre.1, cats@1.3.1, wolftaming@1.3.1 10.02.2022 22:54:50: Critical error occurred System.NullReferenceException: Ссылка на объект не указывает на экземпляр объекта. в XSkills.EntityBehaviorMultiplyPatch.Prefix(EntityBehaviorMultiply __instance, StringBuilder infotext) в Vintagestory.GameContent.EntityBehaviorMultiply.GetInfoText_Patch1(EntityBehaviorMultiply this, StringBuilder infotext) в Vintagestory.API.Common.Entities.Entity.GetInfoText() в Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.HudElementBlockAndEntityInfo.ComposeBlockInfoHud() в Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.HudElementBlockAndEntityInfo.EntityInView() в Vintagestory.Common.EventManager.TriggerGameTick(Int64 ellapsedMilliseconds, IWorldAccessor world) в Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.MainRenderLoop(Single dt) в Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.MainGameLoop(Single deltaTime) в _TcPKe0ld0EAbHR8YsMG1OLy9q8O._G7ImpIHUCfpaZwTmd8In2KuoHYA(Single ) в _SbWHHe8Ad6lBV8IRbvWFqut7ren._mSnyaJUIQhBb8A1j3UUn7uh5BBO(Single ) в _SbWHHe8Ad6lBV8IRbvWFqut7ren._b365Cpnna1p8GSaDyyO3EH2VfOD(Single ) в Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.window_RenderFrame(Object sender, FrameEventArgs e) в System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e) в OpenTK.GameWindow.RaiseRenderFrame(Double elapsed, Double& timestamp) в C:\Users\Nexrem\Desktop\transfer\opentk\src\OpenTK\GameWindow.cs:строка 476 в OpenTK.GameWindow.DispatchRenderFrame() в C:\Users\Nexrem\Desktop\transfer\opentk\src\OpenTK\GameWindow.cs:строка 452 в OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second) в C:\Users\Nexrem\Desktop\transfer\opentk\src\OpenTK\GameWindow.cs:строка 375 в _muFH2BhSjNKo8GSc2o33Nm6Ckup._SwLkq72vc0vcc3OnHXTAS19pm9p(_tVmXPdKJ3JBDWFc8tBtvgftcfhl , String[] ) в _XL1Xa21FKJVFetNmIumId5p6UDU._SwLkq72vc0vcc3OnHXTAS19pm9p(ThreadStart ) ------------------------------- tried place a dog from petai
  10. 10.2.2022 22:46:41 [Warning] Texture with texture id 794 is leaking memory, missing call to Dispose. Set env var TEXTURE_DEBUG_DISPOSE to get allocation trace.
  11. Solo game, but game always starts server even for solo game. Many mods, later I'll fill up the list
  12. Failed resolving a blocks itemdrop or smeltedstack with code tonwexp:katzbalgerblade-iron in smithing recipe tonwexp:recipes/smithing/katzbalgerblade.json
  13. Can i intercept moment of metal casting with yours library and how? I need to add effects on player. I wanted to use harmony patches, but I thought that if my patch intersects with your mod...
  14. Which one? There are 10 lines. "CaveInChance": 0.1, "CaveInRadius": 5, "CaveInDepth": 7, "CaveInDepthOffset": 3, "CaveInSupportBeamRadius": 5.0, "CaveInChainChance": 0.75, "CaveInDamage": 0.1, "CaveInSideways": true, "CaveInSidewaysChance": 0.25, "CaveInDust": 1.0,
  15. How to disable caves blocks destruction while mining? Too heavy to get to full blocks with this system.
  16. In zip there two same named dlls. When loading on windows server throwing error "File already exist". If i delete one file it says "An exception was thrown when trying to load assembly: System.Exception: declared as code mod, but there are no .dll files that contain at least one ModSystem or has a ModInfo attribute". UPD 1. Its because deleting one file as all by same name. Rezip mod fixing that. UPD 2. There exception at "System.Exception: Don't know how to instantiate block of class 'BlockDeepSeaweed' did you forget to register a mapping?"
  17. VS API -> Entity - >BehaviorHunger.cs This method calls when player respawns and get healed by Revive() in API lib. public override void OnEntityReceiveDamage(DamageSource damageSource, float damage) { if (damageSource.Type == EnumDamageType.Heal && damageSource.Source == EnumDamageSource.Revive) { SaturationLossDelayFruit = 60; SaturationLossDelayVegetable = 60; SaturationLossDelayProtein = 60; SaturationLossDelayGrain = 60; SaturationLossDelayDairy = 60; Saturation = MaxSaturation / 2; VegetableLevel /= 2; ProteinLevel /= 2; FruitLevel /= 2; DairyLevel /= 2; } } VS API Entite -> Entity.cs This method heals when player was respawned public virtual void Revive() { Alive = true; ReceiveDamage(new DamageSource() { Source = EnumDamageSource.Revive, Type = EnumDamageType.Heal }, 9999); AnimManager?.StopAnimation("die"); IsOnFire = false; foreach (EntityBehavior behavior in SidedProperties.Behaviors) { behavior.OnEntityRevive(); } } How override this methods?
  18. public class test : ModSystem { //public override bool ShouldLoad(EnumAppSide side) => side == EnumAppSide.Server; public override void StartServerSide(ICoreServerAPI api) { api.Event.PlayerRespawn += new PlayerDelegate(OnEntityReceiveDamage); } public void OnEntityReceiveDamage(IServerPlayer player) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); EntityBehaviorHunger player_data_hunger = player.Entity.GetBehavior<EntityBehaviorHunger>(); EntityBehaviorHealth player_data_health = player.Entity.GetBehavior<EntityBehaviorHealth>(); float MaxSaturation = player_data_hunger.MaxSaturation; player_data_hunger.SaturationLossDelayFruit = 600f; player_data_hunger.SaturationLossDelayVegetable = 600f; player_data_hunger.SaturationLossDelayProtein = 600f; player_data_hunger.SaturationLossDelayGrain = 600f; player_data_hunger.SaturationLossDelayDairy = 600f; player_data_hunger.Saturation = MaxSaturation / 10f; player_data_hunger.VegetableLevel = 2f; player_data_hunger.ProteinLevel = 2f; player_data_hunger.FruitLevel = 2f; player_data_hunger.DairyLevel = 2f; player_data_health.MarkDirty(); } Hmm, stats was removed, but health and saturation still fillings up. is this a bug? @Tyron
  19. I found some interesting mechanics with reviving and saturation
  20. Im going further in modding. Im stucked in enumerating players stats.
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