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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. This does happen already. A brown block of dirt turns green as grass spreads to it. Secondarily, long grass will grow on it until it is harvested with the Remove function of a scythe, but it will leave a grass block behind.
  2. Yes the handbook has crafting recipes, but the survival guide part of the handbook also explains most, if not all, of the game concepts and mechanics. If anything an in-game "tutorial" of opening the handbook and pointing out the survival guide would all that might be necessary. I wish I had known about (should have looked closer) the survival guides sooner in my gameplay.
  3. Tyron doesn't do anything with the wiki.
  4. And really, REALLY beefy computers to play the game.
  5. Fair 'nuff. I am not worried about potions or even alchemy for the reasons I stated. Tyron and team seem to have an extremely good grasp of Lovecraft's story telling and are doing an exceedingly good job of representing Lovecraft in game. I expect to see science and technology based game content coming up in the 1.18 update.
  6. There's a fun aspect to realism and there's a very UNfun aspect to realism. It's important for the devs to differentiate between the two within the context of the game they (more accurately, he) is making. I think the existing grass mechanics are sufficiently realistic and provide the flexibility to farm or not farm grass as desired. Additionally, this isn't that other block game. There exists path blocks that can be craft to make paths and additional path building mechanics aren't necessary. Everything you describe can be handled through modding in this game.
  7. The animation is not in sync with the action taken.
  8. Sounds like the conditions are right. Only unknown is how long have you waited since placing the flowers to check on the swarming status? It *can* (not necessarily will) take quite a bit of time for the game to update the bee's swarming.
  9. There are players (not necessarily me) that may not want grass to spread back into their settlement/base area once the lawn is mowed.
  10. Given Lovecraft's fiction didn't have alchemy or magic, don't count on either being included in the game. Roadmap has no mention of alchemy.
  11. not sure which mod specifically. Look through the mod database; link at the top of the website.
  12. It may have been in older versions rabbits would spawn with grass on fallow ground but rabbits don't spawn on fallow ground at all.
  13. Maelstrom


    @Ivan Stamenov Excellent catch! Hadn't thought about that.
  14. Always nice using a helve hammer to work the entire bloom. That way you can do other chores while the helve hammer does all the hard work.
  15. rabbits do not spawn on farmland blocks. They need blocks with a green top to spawn. placing rocks all over is to prevent drifters from spawning.
  16. Maelstrom


    Nothing wrong with the pit itself. I assume you close the two block entrance with dirt, glass or cobble (yes, I have glass blocks on my charcoal pit and it works just fine). I wish doors (probably iron only) could be used, but current using any kind of door (wood, iron or trapdoor) will not enclose a charcoal pit sufficiently. I'm concerned about that one block above the entrance. Apart from that if you aren't getting charcoal, be exceedingly careful that you have a full stack for each column of firewood.
  17. It depends on how Tyron coded things. Is it possible to do what you've suggested? yes. Anything is possible, the challenge is in coding it and sometimes something is more difficult to code than it's worth.
  18. Basically, yes. When rift activity is high rifts are likely going to appear and drifter begin spawning in the area. Lighting can eliminate rift generation. Before I had lanterns some rifts formed really close to my enclosed home. I had torches lighting up the inside, but still saw drifters spawning within a few blocks of me (and appear before my eyes even!)
  19. Basically, find a place where the gear does not consistently spin counter-clockwise. That will be a temporally stable area. I haven't noticed my temporal gear alternate like you've shown; but I haven't looked at it too closely either. As for the rift activity in the character screen? That is something altogether different. The rift activity is a global change and only indicates the likelihood of rifts spawning to then spit out drifters.
  20. That is probably hard coded into the game and likely affect other things like picking up drops from items (harvest crops, felled trees, etc). Best to just drop the inventory stack and back away so you don't pick it up, or have recipient stand right next to you when you drop the items.
  21. I believe the 10 minutes is hard coded. Entities (such as dropped items) create a larger burden on the game engine than placed blocks or items in inventories.
  22. Getting the Tinker's Construct, VS style vibe here (not a bad thing). I would say that the wrapping should affect speed not durability.
  23. Items that are dropped (not placed like stones can be) will despawn after 10 minutes of loaded chunk time.
  24. Some of the primary updates were performance based. Your better performance is expected.
  25. Sometimes the game generates an iron bloom with insufficient iron to make a full ingot. If you have a helve hammer put the incomplete ingot in the helve hammer to complete. Otherwise, take a chisel to it and create some iron bits to reforge.
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