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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Uhhhh... Why?! Resin is a much rarer than fat or beeswax. Is this some kind of flex thing?
  2. As an example, an unsealed crock outside a cellar will spoil in a matter of days. Seal the crock and it is now good for a number of weeks. Put the sealed crock in a cellar and it will now last close to or over a year.
  3. Consider getting the Expanded Foods mod?
  4. Back to the drawing board to stop unwanted drifter spawnage. Remember to always spay and neuter your drifters.
  5. Probably the vintsagestory channel is a good place to start.
  6. That actually sounds really COOL! I'll have to be build my next home near a small (or large) mountain and sink the cellar far enough inside. I am not aware of a mod that changes that. It might create a problem in that the cave music may not play in actual caves.
  7. Correct. That is the missing texture image for blocks. Seems that 1.19 has had an infestation of this as patch notes from Tyron indicates other missing textures were fixed. It is highly encouraged to update to the latest release, which may fix the missing textures.
  8. Yes. To change existing maps back you need to enter a game command. It can be found in the patch notes in the News forum.
  9. I intend on doing so. That seed was a beaut! Multiple chunks reading UH for copper, sphalerite, bizmuthinite AND cassiterite! Nothing within 1,000 blocks was better than decent for iron (which didn't have a deposit) but given the massive richness of bronze, getting to iron wouldn't have been a big concern. Now I just need my son to get me that seed since I ran that world on his computer.
  10. You may want to try the VS discord for help. That is a lot more active and more responsive than the forums here.
  11. the 13 would include solid block walls on each side of the charcoal pit.
  12. I find that old cedar fencing burns almost as fast as paper while denser woods take longer.
  13. @streetwind - a related question: Is the heat map for ores dependent on the seed or does that also get randomized when the world is first generated? I have a 1.17 seed that had an amazing concentration of all metals for bronze within about 500 or 1,000 blocks of spawn and would like to retain that for a 1.19 world.
  14. I agree that games have to break realism at some point. And frankly, I wouldn't have a problem with this one either.
  15. I do not know. I'm not on the dev team nor look into what code is available to be looked at. Based on my limited experience in coding that is an issue that would have be dealt with.
  16. Probably not. But someone else with better understanding of world gen and animal spawn points may provide a more reliable answer.
  17. Tyron probably didn't think of it.
  18. Sounds simple on the surface, but pop the hood and the coding would require either reworking the existing item framework or creating unique items to capture the data in a useable way, which means another data field in the code for each unique trait.
  19. Like isn't a good enough reaction to your idea. I absolutely LOVE it! It would be even better if tied to low temporal stability. Not every time the stability drops below 10% but occasionally to increase the WTH?! reaction that will last the rest of ones life. The Betweenlands mod for that other block game does a stupendous job of creating a creepy, horror atmosphere. There's something like Dave called "Them" which are giant humanoid shadows that fade in as they appear (sometimes apparently just a dozen blocks away) but fade out if you approach them or after just a few seconds. Usually you'll catch it out of the corner of your eye and it's gone before you have a chance to focus on it. Youtubers reactions to this are absolutely hilarious! Even though that event happens regularly, and becomes familiar it still provides the horror setting of the world. To dovetail on this, another thing Betweenlands does to set mood is ambient sounds. Different biomes have unique sounds. In caves you get the occasional water drop falling into a pool of water. tree frogs and insect sounds in the tree covered areas. Barren areas are devoid of sound. I would LOVE to see just ambient sounds added to the game. It would give so much life infusing immersion to VS.
  20. And the locals don't pitch rocks at you from afar? Interesting...
  21. What was your climate? Life's a lot easier in a warm climate start. I've had temperate starts where wild grain and veggies were sparse and the animals almost as sparse. As I said, nomadic life CAN (but not always) be a setup for a brutal winter.
  22. I suspect the absence of those items is a game balance thing. Based on the damage progression of spears, the iron and steel variants would likely allow killing bears with just 2 or 3 spears instead of the half dozen plus.
  23. I believe the scythe can be used to do the same without harvesting immature plants. Been a while since I've done this, so I could be wrong.
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