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Everything posted by ArgentLuna

  1. Had a similar thing when we updated to 1.18 from 1.16 on the server i was on. We restarted the server and it cleared up (but there were other game stopping errors that we found after that involving invisible items)
  2. I always carry at least a stack of packed dirt. Just so many things you can do with a easily places and relatively easy to remove block. From filling gaps/holes in terrain to building shelter while out in the world. Fill between better presenting blocks when building. Once you get past a certain point you do just throw it away but its always good to have some in a chest.
  3. Always carry a stack of packed dirt. useful for a large range of tasks and easy to make and just as easy to leave behind as needed.
  4. Out in the world i just build a Bunker to hunker in and at home i retreat to the pantry and put down a couple of dirt blocks to seal the stairs to the cellar
  5. Had to remake my shortsword and shears as they were not displaying properly with the update from 16 to 17. Not much else yet as im preferably waiting for my friend to be available to play now that our time zones are 2hours closer together.
  6. i keep a supply for making hoes in case i need to expand my gardens
  7. Temporal stability and the drifters I'm sure will eventually get expanded on and that will be good, its a core part of the game and not in need of removal. The treacherous ground similarly (although I guess Im a bit complacent on that currently as the server I play on didn't have it on at the start and for some reason it doesn't stay enabled so has been left off since then but I miss it as feature) The later half sounds very much like you would want to mod it in because that's not the gist or needs to be the gist of the game presently. maybe later down the track they will add a hardcore mode for those that want that experience. I've certainly not ever decided welp time to die to avoid hunger, will scavenge food as much as i can and suffer the slow drain as i rush back home to the pantry and have also had rush food out to a friend who had theirs go off while a long way out.
  8. All that is already down there, sure not in every cave and shouldn't be but Ive found some amazing things underground and many minerals down there with it all.
  9. ArgentLuna


    Do the Bears know this
  10. Having fought one, I'm not sure I'd want to try and herd any into a pen for any reason.
  11. I'd like to see High Gen Rams be used for mounts because for me at least they have only a use now as a supply of meat and hides (and between everything else i don't need that a lot)
  12. Have been preemptively Bearproofing my Sheep pens and Piggery. Still on 16.4 as the server owners are not available to update but from all I've read I figured it was the time now to fix the place up because we live in a forest and im not wanting to lose my animals to a wandering bear.
  13. Unless you have it on a very large area you still need to triangulate it down unless your only using it in places where you pretty sure is ore.
  14. Animal improvements/Husbandry. The Ability to use a rope on a animal and move it to where you need it would be amazing, too many pigs phasing out of pens and then refusing to go back in.
  15. To make those you need Tin/other, we didn't have any until we found just enough to make an anvil and one Pickaxe to mine the Iron and haven't found any more casserite since but i know where more than enough Iron to last us forever is.
  16. Couldn't be any more of a problem than the ones that end up at the bottom of deep holes
  17. There's a salted fish in the handbook so i'd expect it soon, much in the same was that the fruit press was in there before its release
  18. I was burning thru copper pickaxes so fast that it was a relief to get into Iron, sure takes more effort but lasts so much longer and when your well set up you can get a good stock on iron tools done reasonably fast. Having a Helvehammer is essential for good Ironwork. On the first server i was on we didn't have one till right before the end of that server and it showed, it was a tedious thing to get iron going and almost everyone was in copper or bronze tools. On the current server i made getting a Windmill a top Priority and soon after the hammer well before we had even found iron (which was a good thing as tin has been so very rare)
  19. They are hard? I admittedly didn't start to grow them till I had Terra preta but i have a patch out the back that is 8 plots around a central water source and let them go until I happen by and see that they have all matured. It was initially only four plots till I had enough seed to do four more with spare. If anything mine are prob too close together but they seem to produce a reasonable harvest each time.
  20. Only thing i'd change with Wolves is that once you clear them out of a area they should not turn up again unless they wander in (or pursue in and lose the trail)
  21. Exploration, Building and Mining. Mining without the Propick extra effect turned on is a bit hit or miss but with that feature its a lot of fun to track down a good or interesting node
  22. More varied creatures would be nice but nothing that wantonly destroys your hard earned and built structures/farms etc
  23. More food options ~ Redmeat and Mushroom pies Yo!, for that matter mixed anything in pies. Fruit preservation of some type (that's not jam or booze) Fishing cant be that far off as there is Salt cured fish in the handbook Door Variety would be awesome, i'd really like some solid wood doors, maybe ones with metal components aswell
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