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Conquest of Blocks

Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by Conquest of Blocks

  1. This mod is now featured on our server "[EU] Conquest of Blocks" - www.vintagestory.online
  2. This mod is now featured on our server "[EU] Conquest of Blocks" - www.vintagestory.online
  3. ...to display in-game chats and events like "player X is joining" on Discord etc.
  4. Check out Conquest of Blocks (www.vintagestory.online). We are now pure PvE, since it got requested by many.
  5. We have areas in which pvp is not allowed. These include cities/villages, your own house and fenced property and all pathways for save travel. So in fact most pvp will happen in the wilderness (but most players are rather friendly so far, not much pvp going on at the moment). Server is PvE only.
  6. Whenever i assign a player to a custom role, this will pretty much render them unable to join the server, since the download speed on connection will be super slow. If i assign them to one of the standard roles like "suplayer", connecting to the server is working fine again. Are we not supposed to create custom roles? E.g. we have a custom role "prisoner" with a custom spawn location and forced spawn set to coordinates x y z.
  7. Or you people just join our server "Conquest of Blocks". We got a grocery trader selling quicklime and goblins sometimes dropping chalk on death (besides other items).
  8. Right now, we don't have infos in the server browser in which region a server is located. The even bigger problem is, that we don't have the option as a server administrator, to set max pings for players, causing people from the other end from the world to connect and teleport from 'a' to 'b' to 'a' to 'd' all the time, so that at least pvp is not playable. We should be able to refuse connection for players with high pings.
  9. Download from here: https://mods.vintagestory.at/cobexclusives no need to download manually anymore, this will download automatically on connection to the server.
  10. @Tyron One of my players destroyed an latern which was placed on an old wooden table, then his client crashed and now he can't reconnect to the server. I may be able to let him spawn somewhere else, to see if this problem persists afterwards, but nonetheless this is something you may want to fix. Here is the crashlog: EDIT: So i went online to see what his problem is and after he crashed out of the server, my game crashed too. I have some mods installed. I will try to check if these cause the crash, but maybe you can get some info out of these logs too. Here is mine: EDIT 2: It seems to be a corrupted chunk. Whenever someone enters the chunk, his client will crash. As not everybody crashes. Any way to fix this? ------------------------------- EDIT 3: Tried to load the world in singleplayer repair mode, but does crash there too. This is bullshizzle. Don't tell me we have to reseed the world and players will loose their creations. ------------------------------- EDIT 4: I can confirm that the game crashes as the chunk is entered. People will not be able to respawn then, as long as they are within this area. EDIT 5: For now it seems like i could fix it with the /clearentities command that i fired within the corrupted chunk. It gave me an "unhandled exception" error, when i did, but it seemed to fix the problem anyways. At least i hope so. Player says one lantern is missing, thats it. So i guess it all had to do with that one lantern.
  11. *push* since this is something that should get fixed. A workaround - if you really want to remove these empty spaces in lakes etc would be, to place a block right next to it and click on its surface (the one that directs to the empty space) with water in your hands.
  12. I think it can be annoying, if you want to get rid of stuff you don't need, to be able to pick up things you DO need and shortly after you dropped these items, they'll be added to your inventory again, because they have been dropped too close to the player. I think a nice idea would be, to add some sort of trash bin to the HUD, where people can just drag and drop unneeded items to, to destroy them forever.
  13. You really can't do much at night, instead of staying inside home. This applies especially for the beginning, when people still have to figure out how to play this game, produce items like torches etc. It is really no fun to sit in the dark, not to know what is around you, maybe becoming hungry also, therefore beeing forced to leave your save spot and finally run into wolfes, falling down a mountain or whatever, because you can't see anything beyond 1.5 metres. Somewhat brighter nights would change a lot. And maybe also the option to shorten them. It's just a fact that many people just either wait the whole time doing nothing or just leave the server to come back later. I noticed that a lot of times.
  14. I recently was traveling at night and saw something at the night sky that reminded me of a tornado vortex and i was thinking "how cool and also frightening it would be, if this was actually a tornado coming right at me". Look at this picture: I know there are already temporal storms (which i turned off on my server, because i don't like the shifting effect, but that's just me). So i guess this won't happen. Just wanted to share the idea.
  15. @TyronCan we change the brightness of nights on a server? So that people will be able to see at least a little, even without a torch or something. Nights tend to scare away new players and even experienced ones..
  16. That's why the last line of the server rules reads "subject to change" Of course, things have to develop. And i can't think of everything right from the start. There are still save zones and restrictions. In real life, it could happen the same. This is just part of pvp, that you could get betrayed by anyone, anytime. Have a look at Rust. It's the same. And it's one of the things, why many people love it. I'll try to save some of your stuff, but next time, look twice who you gonna trust Server is PvE only And keep an eye on the rules, which may get modified once in a while, until they are finally set.
  17. I need to unclaim land taken away by a player that was formerly a member of a group. Now all the former group members do not have access to their stuff anymore. PvP is allowed and stealing is ok, but not a whole area including buildings and stuff. Is there a command or which file would i have to edit?
  18. Changed the clan rules just now. Check them at https://www.vintagestory.online/pages/rules Will try to unclaim land not part of Bams house and garden.
  19. It would be great if you devs could add placeable sound emitters for admins/ creative mode. Users/ Server admins could then place them wherever they want and define a path to a sound file (e.g. mp3, ogg etc), choose a radius and set flags like "loop", "onTrigger" etc. Also they should be triggerable with chat commands, something like "/trigger [triggername] [once/loop]". This would be useful e.g. if you have an arena and you want to play a fanfare to intruduce the gladiators. Custom dungeons could become more interesting through sound effects like screaming people, scaring ambient sounds and whatever not. Or if you have an server with a modern world and metropolitan cities, you could use sound emitters to play music coming out of peoples windows. So many possibilities. With these emitters worlds could become more unique and interesting in general.
  20. The better Minecraft... and the oldest private custom server. Screenshots: https://www.vintagestory.online/gallery/page1 Join our Discord: https://discord.io/cobcom
  21. Did you restart the server, in case you changed the allowance of creative mode after creating a world? Maybe you even have to create a new world. I had the same problem once and either i restarted the server or created a new world with that permission set to true, can't remember exactly.
  22. Is there a way to create a privilege group that can't access the /kill command, so that they will not be able to get out of prisons through respawning? I mean, i know how to create groups, but how could i disable that command for them?
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