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Everything posted by ZigTheHedge

  1. 0.94B: - Fixed crash when placing Metal Plate inside Locker of Nightstand.
  2. 0.93B: - Added visualization of stored items for Tall Locker and Night Stand. Hope it will synchronize properly in multiplayer.
  3. 1.3B: - Added second variation of Trade'o'mat! This variant renders it's contents inside! (dedicated server testing needed!)
  4. Update 0.9B: - Added opening animation for Tall Locker and Night stand (Closing animation will be available for VS 1.14 due to a bug in 1.13.4) - Added glowing effect to Night Lamps when on - Fixed Freezer de-sync when consuming second portion of ice - Added smiting recipe for Iron Icepick - Fixed Icepicks doesn't take damage when used
  5. Well. I've tried 1.14-pre4 aaaand... It works as intended! With just one animation with Hold/Rewind So, I'll leave it as it is for 1.13. That's really isn't that necessary.
  6. I saw his approach, and it's over complicated. There must be a simpler way: using Cairo directly, for example.
  7. Yeah, I know. The thing is OnAnimationEnd: "Stop" doesn't stop rendering the model. That's the problem. Only BlockEntityAnimationUtil::StopAnimation() does. That's the way I were thinking of, but trying to avoid, because I think rendering the animated model is much more expensive resource-wise than static cached version. I think, I'll leave my shapes not animated until 1.14. It seems, Animation API has changed there. Thanks for trying to help
  8. 1.21B: - Added configurable limit of allowed Trade'o'mats per player. - Now players can use Trade'o'mats inside claims.
  9. And another issue. Models get doubled after animation. It seems, animation doesn't "stop" itself properly on "Stop" action. Here's the scenario (tested with static model hidden via "return true" from OnTesselation): Model hidden by OnTesselation. - StartAnimation("open"); // onAnimationEnd = "Hold"; Model visible. Animation on Hold. - StopAnimation("open"); Model disappears. Animation stopped. - StartAnimation("close"); // onAnimationEnd = "Stop"; Model visible despite of "Stop" action. animUtil.activeAnimationsByAnimCode.Count == 0. It seems, I must explicitly call StopAnimation to stop the animated model from rendering, but how to know that moment?
  10. Well... I've managed to get it to work the way I want, but I don't think that's how it supposed to be. I removed last keyframes, and set all necessary coordinates in first ones. Now for some reason it works... I don't get it and I don't like it
  11. @Julius van Vern, can you please test the server behavior? It should work, but I cannot be sure 100% tradeomat_v1.13.4-1.2B.zip P.S: Config file is in ModConfig. Called TradeomatConfig.json
  12. It's not, but the request accepted
  13. That's the main problem. Everything works beside it. Yes to all questions. Shape state resets to initial upon call of animUtil.StopAnimation. I think, I misunderstand the whole Animation behavior, should it really perform backwards animation upon call of StopAnimation, or it should actually stop (and rewind to beginning off camera)?
  14. Hey, guys! I decided to prettify my mods by adding animation to blocks. Making animation itself in VS Model Creator was easy, but the code part not so. Here's what I've done: 1. Added Animatable entityBehavior 2. Initialized animUtil 3. Start animating on GUI open 4. Stop animating on GUI closed Everything works, but animation doesn't play itself backwards on GUI closing despite of "Rewind" action onActivityStopped. Am I missing something important? shape.json: BE:
  15. 1.12B update: - Fixed incorrect side config for the upper Trade'o'mat part. - Now owner's name displayed on top popup.
  16. 0.8B update: - Added recipe for Icepick (oops) - Changed the way Freezer works. Now perish speed is independent of door state, just the Ice melting speed are. - Fixed Tall Locker placement (now it is impossible to fit it into one-space-tall space :))
  17. First of all. ZEEkea is absolutely not affiliated with IKEA But... You've gotta look at it: Almost everything is craftable in survival. "Almost" means - not every night lamp is craftable without recipes of colored glass added by other means. Features: - Tall Lockers and Nightstands contains a number of slots for your storage needs (animated doors and you can see what's inside). - Night lights can be turned on and off to emit a calm colored light forever. - Carpets are actually a crafting component, but can be used as a decoration (you can put it on a floor or walls or even ceiling), they are also chiselable. - Armchairs can be combined into a couches! Or kept separated if holding Shift while placing. - Door bell will ding-dong when someone presses it using RMB. - Freezer will store all your food for a loooong time as long as you provide it with a constant supply of cold Ice. - Curtains can be placed below Curtain Rods and may cover you window from bright light and curious eyes - Candle Holders are convenient way of decorating AND lighting your premises. Craft the Candle Holder, put a Candle in it and fire it up using torch. - And you can also build and furnish your backyard or bar with a help of Benches and Bar stools! - More lamps! Authentic animated door bell! Ore boxes! (all in version 1.4.0): - Tiki Lamps are here! Easy craft, aesthetic look and Light Level of 13! (since version 1.4.6) - Torch Lamps are good enough for those who don't like bees, giving 17 light when filled with 4 torches (available since 1.4.8) And starting from version 1.4.0-B you are able to disable any of mod content via config file (look for it in your VintagestoryData/ModConfig/ZeekeaConfig.json) That's it for now! Have fun! And of course your suggestions and bug reports are welcome! Changelogs and downloads have been moved to MODDB! https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/61 1.4.9-B: - Compatibility fixes for 1.15-pre.1 Older versions: 1.13.4 (no longer maintained!): zeekea_v1.13.4-1.2.1-B.zip 1.14.0+: zeekea_v1.14.0-1.4.8-B.zip 1.15-pre.1: zeekea_v1.15.0-1.4.10.zip
  18. I’ve done both already! ) But I don’t want to release the version with just these minor changes.
  19. For my "Trade'o'mat" mod I want to display the requested and offered items on top of my model, so players wouldn't need to open the UI to know the price and the offer. I tried to use IRenderer interface for rendering items in a texture of Quad, just like SignRenderer does. But I cannot find suitable method for this task: I found that I could use ImageSurface to get the context, render item there, and convert it to texture afterwards, but that thingies requires Cairo lib, and I'm not sure, we're allowed to use it for modding (can we btw?). Second attempt: I found cApi.Render.RenderItemstackToGui(...), but I cannot use it inside IRenderer::OnRenderFrame (getting NullPointerException). So, what's the correct way to do it?
  20. Hey, Julius! I'm glad to hear that! As of title - yeah, I gotta think about it. I think, I'll remove all the text besides the name of the owner
  21. Updated to 0.75. - Completely rewrote synchronization code. Hopefully it will help to keep server and all clients in sync when on dedicated server.
  22. Nooow we're talking! Please give a try to 1.1B version
  23. Argh! I'll look into it more closely
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