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Everything posted by EreticKB

  1. May you revamp charged jump key binds from "release shift to jump" to "release space to jump"? And options to disable "AutoStep", it's very annoying. Also, don't press "G" while crawl if you played on server. It's VERY dangerous...
  2. Version before 1.1.2? If yes, use 1.1.2.
  3. Correct. After i add some more stuff and fix current. (Straw roofs really need visual and content update for example)
  4. It produce ash inside oven and game crahed when you right click it. Also, original LWT's tool molds are obsolete.
  5. Ок, когда в следующий раз сяду править - сделаю.
  6. Tyny update, nothing critical however.
  7. Lol, i forgot post it here. Блин, забыл совсем запостить. Better Than Heresy - LWT replacer, all old blocks recognizable (except few things that i deliberately cut off).
  8. Better Than Heresy. 1. What is Better Than Heresy? BTH is a my personal branch of Lazy Warlock's Tweaks since original mod unsupported now. 2. Why BTH and no LWT? LWT is a "Code Mod", sadly but i don't know C now, so i create BTH which is a "Content Mod". 3. You a drity plagiary/thief!!! *some angry smiles* Nope, as Lazy Warlock says, anyone can continue support his mod. Also, technicaly for game BTH still LWT, because i don't want to all old LWT items become "white cube" 4. What difference between BTH and LWT? I delete some recipes (single and triple knives as example), add recipes for seeds of some new plants. Mostly version 1.0.0 is cleaning and fixing for the sake of compatibility with 1.15. 5. What's next? Rework straw drops, adding flax processing and anything good that i can come up with and create with my skills. 6. What we can do? Post any troubles and suggestions here. Later i may add "patch notes" relatively to LWT, but i can't remember all my tweaks, so it will be based mostly on differences that will trouble you, so ones who comes next will now that some "bugs" not a "bugs", but "features". Also, i'll fix any real bugs. DOWNLOAD.
  9. Nope, it incompatible with newly added clay ovens, so i create mod-replacer for LVT right now.
  10. Game not load. Stops on "Return Again". C:\Users\kbere\AppData\Roaming\VintagestoryData\Mods\BetterThanHeresy - mod folder. Upd: Thx, it seems VS realy hates capitals.
  11. As i say, i cannot understand what goes wrong. I even try make very simple and basic version for test, but it still not working. Can someone say, what is my mistake? Here mod archive and two logs' archives, without and with mod active.LogsNormal.rarLogsFailure.rarBetterThanHeresy.zip
  12. I do not say about "larger production", just "large quern". Small quern + Windmill = Ugly look. Same for bloomery. :)
  13. Currently quern looks good as small quern for hand grinding, but when you build it as part of windmill it simple ridiculous. I think for windmill we need large quern with 3x3x2(2 horizontal disks ) or 3x3x3 (base with one or two "wheels" http://static.ngs.ru/news/preview/e443427f2679fb5103dd1dfb711c74560d397323_695.jpg) blocks in XxYxZ dimensions. Also we need bigger (in size) bloomery.
  14. we all know that if you swings heavy hammer every day (coz we need forge any steel tool, that we need) you become weak and lazy... *sarcasm*
  15. Debuffs? They will disable them, like they disable current death penalty.
  16. Ага, только при внутрянке 7 на 7 не работает, а 5 на 5 из тех же блоков работает? Не, оно работает не так.
  17. Кстати, по последнему эксперименту, правда в 1.15, 7 на 7 идет в зачет вместе с блоками стен. Т.е. реально пустого пространства у погреба 5 на 5 в горизонтальной плоскости. В высоту думаю тоже, но не эксперементировал, мне 4х хватало всегда.
  18. Sad, but we can't "travel" between these worldgen types like in Terraria.
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