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Everything posted by Stroam

  1. I've often wanted to combine berries, bread, and honey to make sweetened blueberry bread. Or take a knife, cut up some meat, bread, and vegetables to make make a sandwich. Or make a vegetable rice dish. I'm not looking for pam's harvest craft but I'm looking for something that's starting in that direction with a dev who wants to expand it as time goes on.
  2. The chisel has to be made from non-flint stone. And yah I didn't override the drops for path slabs so I need to do that at some point. Thanks for the feedback. *warning* chisel will consume hammer tool heads thinking they are hammers. Don't carry around hammer tool heads and chisel.
  3. Fill the Gaps *Update* -vanilla bamboo planks recipe now makes a new type of bamboo planks that behaves like logs in that the top of the planks always points towards you. Didn't do the same with slabs. -vanilla stone path recipe now makes a new type of stone path that when placed on top of each other produces slabs with the same speed bonus -vanilla ladder recipe now makes a new ladder type that doesn't pancake you and if you look down at the very top of a ladder, sneak, and right click with an empty hand it'll place the bottom most ladder in your inventory. Great for mining. -disabled recipes for: all plank corners all polished stone allstone brick all raw stone -added grid recipes for: polishing stone - stone over sand quartz block - quicklime surrounded by 8 quartz ore. -added knapping recipe: stone chisel added new items: polishing stone - get real close and hold right click on rock to polish it. stone chisel - If you are holding a stone chisel and have a hammer in your hotbar, by right clicking on raw stone it'll turn it into stone brick. On quartz blocks it makes ornate and column quartz blocks. note: All pre-existing blocks will remain. Meaning old roads, ladders, and bamboo planks won't have the new feature but also won't turn into ?'s
  4. I agree with @redram. Better things are to come.
  5. The wicker block in Primitive construction has been swapped out for the wicker fence. A fence gap has been added. A brand new mod has come out as well. Lamp Posts. Great for entrances, decor and hanging lanterns off of!
  6. Stroam

    Desktop wallpapers

    For these set of pictures I really like the 3rd one. It makes me feel like I'm standing in it as opposed to looking at a picture. Also these shots are a lot dimmer and less inviting than the original. Mind taking the shots during the brighter part of the day?
  7. Stroam

    Desktop wallpapers

    It's the Archaic Halls or book38. I'm using them to add to the pictures on the homescreen. It's refreshing.
  8. Stroam

    Desktop wallpapers

    I like these wallpapers but they aren't quite big enough. need 1920x1080. I like book29, city06A, Glacialscape44, and drifterpicnicarea
  9. Stroam, between 2 and 3 decades, (UTC -8) I do stuff sometimes.
  10. Brown clay is having issues. Please don't use it yet.
  11. I can get you the relevant code on Monday if Tyron or others don't sooner.
  12. https://www.pcgamer.com/gdcs-realistic-talk-about-game-sales-on-steam-paints-a-grim-picture/
  13. There's a few things on my TODO list for primitive construction. Different textures for stacked stone for every stone type Get rammed earth out of the crafting grid by getting a ramming tool to squish dirt together better textures on wicker block Different textures for adobe for each sand type I would like users of the mod to please post on what they would like to see implemented first or stuff they'd like to see added to primitive construction. Thanks
  14. Fill the gaps has updated and now includes inner and outer stairs for planks!!!!!!!! The RopeLadder mod has been removed as I will no longer be updating it. Instead be on the lookout for ladders+ in the future!
  15. A Story - Reading optional The hunter slinks through the woods on high alert. The local farmers here have warned him of a wolf they call Long Fang that inhabits this part of the woods. It is said that Long Fang was responsible for no less than 5 deaths in the past few months. If he, the hunter, manages to take down this fearsome beast he knows it'll help bring him fame. The hunter creeps silently constantly turning his head on the look out for this fearsome beast. He stops briefly to pick some berries. These will be useful if he gets hurts. The hunter turns sharply as he hears a howl. The hunt is on! He moves towards the source of the howl and then he hears another one that sounds much closer. The woods are dense and it's difficult to see very far due to all the leaves. Growling! Oh no! The hunter sprints to higher ground as fast as he can, pulling out his bow. It won't kill the wolf by any means but it will slow Long Fang down. Up on higher ground with a better view he sees the wolf. An arrow launches from bow toward the wolf and flies over top it's left shoulder. Not enough time to take another shot so the hunter pulls out his sword and prepares to strike the wolf as soon as it comes into range. Slash goes to the blade as it connects with the wolf. The wolf tries to bite him but the hunter manages to step backwards and to the side to avoid it. Slash goes the blade again sinking deep into the beasts flesh. The wolf takes another bite at the hunter this time managing to wound him quite badly. The hunter stabs the wolf one more time and it falls over dead. Rejoice! Eating some of the berries the hunter collected earlier makes him feel much better. He's managed it... another growl comes from behind him. His eyes widen in terror as he turns around to see the largest wolf he's ever seen. Almost twice the size of the one he just killed! It has scars on it's face and body. The last marks left in this world by the victims it has claimed. Frantically the hunter swings his blade as what can only be the real Long Fang goes for his throat. The sword connects but so does the powerful jaws. Bones snap and blood gushes as the hunter falls lifeless on the ground below. The latest victim of Long Fang. The Proposal There's two parts of this proposal. Naming the mobs and leveling the mobs. I'll start with naming the mobs. Named mobs have a name that appears above the mob just like it does for the player and they don't despawn. Mobs can be named in one of two ways. First is with a hot branding stick and the second is when they kill a player. I choose branding stick because I see no reason to lock it behind metal and it goes back to 2700 BC in Egypt where it was used to inscribe protective sigils onto the animals. Every one in awhile I hear someone's animals despawned. This would prevent that. When mobs obtain a name from killing a player they gain a bonus that changes the mob along with the name. Such changes could be a title, scaled up model, more health, wider roaming area, increased jump height, etc. As the animal kills more and more players over time it would continue to gain bonuses definitely becoming a beast of legend. In order for this mechanic to work though the animal would need to heal over time or else it would get weaker with each battle and eventually would be trivial to finish off. While this would make for a great story, it could be frustrating for the player who has lost their stuff and is trying to get it back. Right now materials are easy enough to get this loss wouldn't be so bad, but as more items become difficult to replace in game this would definitely anger individuals especially because fallen items have a time limit before they despawn. If items did not despawn and fell to the ground and converted into blocks, this would definitely help out and now there's a bunch of goodies temping adventures into the dangerous lands of a named beast which is exciting.
  16. I think only reports and not suggestions, requests, and questions should go on the tracker. We don't want to replace the forums. Just want to see a list of all known issues and an idea of how soon it might be fixed.
  17. Too many. First Operation Nuptune, Donky kong, Jame bond Goldeneye, pokemon, zeld: Ocarina of time, Final Fantasy 7, Dune, Age of Empires, DnD, WoW, disgea 3, Demon souls, Go, LoL, Minecraft, Minecraft Blood n Bones modpack, Minecraft TFC, now Vintage Story. To think of what I could I could have mastered if I spent all that time on other things... Yep, I'm addicted, it's a problem, I'm working on it, I don't need your concern or advice, I get it, leave me alone already, I can handle it myself, GO AWAY.
  18. @heptagonrusI disagree with firepits repealing mobs. I don't think you should be safe just because you have the night light turned on. I do agree with mobs avoiding things that can light them on fire. I agree the mobs are too powerful for bows currently. The bow should probably do a lot more damage. The fact you can only get one or two shots off on a wolf before it gets to you (if it can), and takes around 5+ shots means it sucks for actually hunting. My view on weapon damage is unchanged. You can get decent with the bow with practice.
  19. The slot by slot annoyance I imagine going something like the first slot getting disabled at 50% durability and the last slot getting disabled at zero durability. With the other slots, if there are any, getting disabled closer to the last slot than the first. Something like: 1st at 50%, 2nd at 25%, 3rd at12.5%, .... , last at 0%. Very similar if not the same to how copygirl imagines it.
  20. unless leather is required in metal armor and you get damaged often by mobs or the armor wears pretty quickly what amount of demand do you think that'll create balanced by the increase leather supply from less threating animals? Also what other renewable demands for leather or textiles? EDIT: It entirely depends on what triggers the bags to wear. There are different options listed above. Three of them are not based on distance traveled so long distance travel wouldn't do anything. Currently in game I have 34 slots and I'd say most the time I could do without 12 of those slots since things like dirt, sticks, and stones are so common and abundant I don't need to lug that around. I also don't carry around equipment I don't need for the task at hand. For instance, when I come back from mining I put everything but food up and then grab what I need for the next activity.
  21. This sparked a very lively debate on Discord so I thought I'd make a post here so ideas don't get lost. There are a few schools of thought on the subject. By adding durability to bags it creates an economy by adding a flow of materials into the game. It also opens up the usefulness of a leatherworking skill by providing the ability to increase bag durability or making more durable bags. All options have you lose slots based on durability. The thinking is the first slot loss would act as a warning that you need to repair your bags soon. One idea is that the bags would wear out as you travel simulating average wear and tear. The first issue is on really long trips you'd need to bring spare bags in case the ones you were wearing start to wear out. The other issue is what to do with an item when the slot it's in gets disabled? Does the itemstack get dropped on the ground or does it wait till a slot frees up and then disables it? The next idea is that durability would be subtracted to when items are removed from bags. That way there's a good chance a slot will be free when it needs to be disabled. It adds a new issue in that smaller bags wears out faster as you don't have the extra slots so the player ends up shuffling around items more often. Generally when you have smaller bags is when you can least afford to have them wear out. There is also the issue of stacks such that if you take half a stack out of a slot would it take durability damage or not? The third idea, and my favorite, is bags only wear when overburdened. In this case, items would have weight and stacks would multiple this weight. If too much weight is in a bag it starts wearing out as time progresses. The more overburdened the bag is the faster it wears out and as it wears it starts to eventually disable item slots. I like this idea because you can shuffle items around to avoid overburdening your bags otherwise known as load balancing which I've done on many a hike. Smaller bags are less likely to get overburdened than bags with many slots due to their low capacity. It still has the issue of what to do with the itemstack when a slot becomes disabled but the great thing is if the itemstack simply drop to the ground it lightens the load and either slows down the durability loss or stops it depending if the lost weight stops it from being overburdened or not. Lastly, when transportation becomes a thing it'll encourage using the use of the appropriate containers to prevent overburdening. The last idea is treating bags like armor and having it lose durability whenever the player receives damage. As slots were disabled the itemstack would drop to the ground simulating a hole poked into the bag.
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