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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by l33tmaan

  1. It should just be 0.2 L of liquid egg + whatever else.
  2. We don't even have paper yet. How are we going to make waxed paper?
  3. Updated to 1.6.3! Added Breaded Mushrooms Added Soulstorm Brew Braziers/Superfuels recipes updated PS meatnuggets have proper perish rates; charred meatnugget perish rate nerfed Hard lard drops fixed Breadcrumbs can be made in the grid, too (recipe was incomplete) Aged meat looks right on meat hooks Handbook mentions scrambled egg recipe change Cooking 104 tweaked for clarity Boiled food added to handbook guide (whoops) Salt in the handbook actually says it needs 10 L instead of 1 L Patches are ALL server-side
  4. You're telling me it crashes in buckets but not bowls???
  5. I'm working on a fun new lategame drink with some odd mechanics. It's real nasty stuff. Here's my tentative process: - Combine cooked chopped deathcap + bonemeal + aqua vitae + green dye + saltpeter in the mixing bowl - Take SoulStorm Slop and boil with MORE bonemeal in a saucepan/cauldron to refine it - Take Refined SoulStorm Slop and run it through the distillery to make SoulStorm Brew Thoughts? I've also noticed that VS absolutely allows you to go below 0 nutrition. If you drink enough of this stuff you go into a satiety deficit. So that's fun. I'd also like to add Alchemy support for different variations of Brew but that's a whole different can of worms.
  6. You're making it sound lucrative, not fun. I don't think slot machines are fun.
  7. Well, it still works with Player Corpse in my singleplayer 1.17.8 game. Sounds like this could use a fork anyway.
  8. Yeah, I really do need to get around to fixing the log spam. What about path edging, though?
  9. PLEASE THE EGGS WORK ON MY MACHINE You should be able to boil them in 1 liter of water, too. I can cook carrots and turnips in the oven just fine.
  10. Nobody said anything about tigers because those are modded, lol
  11. https://github.com/anegostudios/VintageStory-Issues/issues
  12. Love the glowing eyes.
  13. Press F while looking at the ingot with your hammer out.
  14. So why can't they spawn that way?
  15. Hmmm... have you tried putting the broth in a bottle or bowl and then using it on the saucepan's slots?
  16. Were they using a regular chicken egg? A water-glassed one? A More Animals egg?
  17. Add more broth. 10 mL is ten times smaller than 0.1 L. Do people... eat meat in porridge?
  18. But that's what I want. Just change worldgen too.
  19. Nah, just convert sand and gravel to working like charcoal. Then make charcoal actually subject to gravity. I say that like it's easy...
  20. Well, Tyron just did that first half. Maybe he's reading this thread...
  21. AND a club! Why don't we just give them the admin longblade falx too!
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