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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by l33tmaan

  1. I'm waiting for the base game to introduce sugar!
  2. If they do decide to do that, I would hope it would be AFTER the PC version is 100% finished.
  3. ... cactus syrup is actually a thing? Apparently people add herbs to it, too. Hmmmm...
  4. That's probably because I don't have saguaro juice and the code just lets you juice any fruit without restriction. As far as I understand, saguaro juice is mildly toxic. Should we add saguaro juice or remove the ability to juice it?
  5. Oh, in that case you should definitely post the crash report. I'm kinda curious if there's any new furniture planned...
  6. Oh, I COMPLETELY FORGOT to mention that bottles operate similarly to CarryCapacity - you can only drink from them if you aren't looking at another block. Sorry for the confusion. Juice does still turn into wine in bottles, but there are already barrel recipes for sealing juice and making wine out of it. It's a 1:1 recipe so that makes me think you didn't even attempt to put it in a barrel first.
  7. Man, am I glad, too!
  8. Oooooohh, good catch! I didn't even notice that.
  9. Just to confirm, you guys are saying it's NOT looking like this? EDIT: I reverted to the version I released and it still looks fine... what mods are you running?
  10. It's blank? That definitely shouldn't be happening.
  11. Jake and I haven't been able to replicate this. What exactly are you doing before it crashes? What's in your bottles?
  12. Is it making everything rot faster or slower?
  13. I don't think that's really possible.
  14. What parts are unclear?
  15. Updated to 1.3.7! READ THIS! Bottles revamp - now actual containers; use /efremap to map old bottles to new ones (the liquids will be lost) Added wild yeast - used to add healing to dough or soft dough Altered breadberry & muffin recipes, made normal bread an Expanded Food Added chopped cured meat - cured meat can now be fried Fried veggie/meat balls removed in favor of new item - Fried Balls All fried items now require flour, too! Fixed bread crumb name in salads Salad expiration time nerfed Deep fried food added New handbook section on liquids added Meat racks and spiles can only be made with these metals: Copper, brass, tin bronze, black bronze, titanium, steel Soaked soybeans added, now used to make soy sauce - soy beans now make food oil Soy sauce has less nutrition, more healing Saucepan no longer bigger on the inside
  16. I will not entertain any positive comments on Skyrim's levelling system whatsoever. I know how bad Oblivion was. I do not care. It is an abomination and not to be emulated outside of the BROADEST strokes of "do things and you get better at them". Leveling up and getting +20% sword damage is the least interesting kind of advancement possible and is something VS should stay very, very far away from. This game's leveling system should be as divorced from numbers as possible. Give me new effects and attacks when I level up, not a boring, horrible damage boost. Kenshi has very similar issues in that you need to level up 20 times to have ANY visible effect on your character whatsoever. I detest piecemeal advancement. I do not want +5% damage to swords, then +10% damage, then +15% damage. That is boring. It is bad. No game that isn't a pure RPG should be doing this. Damage boosts can be fine as part of something else, but on their own they're the laziest kind of design possible.
  17. Nothing should try to emulate Skyrim's progression system. Ever.
  18. Multiblock chiseling. I'm more curious as to what material the walls are...
  19. What if I did something stupid like make a world height of 500+? 1000+? Would Crazy Caves work then? Would my computer?
  20. So, uh... have you ever tried a world with Tree Gen cranked up, Crazy Caves turned on, and Caelum Terras on top of all that?
  21. Soybean already makes soy sauce. Then again, it looks like soy sauce is made from soaking beans in water, so maybe I could do something with the barrel so we can have sauce and oil...
  22. Yes, unless you can find a source of rye/spelt oil being a thing. Oh, any seed can be turned into oil, too.
  23. You need at least 4 grain to make one portion of oil, then you just CTRL + Right Click and wait.
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