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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by TristamIzumi

  1. Pardon my pre-coffee reading skills. I missed the coronet part... >_> I swear I've seen a luxury goods merchant want to buy some jewelry, not sure if I've specifically seen the gold coronet as something they want to buy though. Double checking the wiki, yeah they have it on their "buy" rotation: https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php?title=Trading/en
  2. Gold nuggets can be used to alloy black bronze, of you can get 20 nuggets together and make a gold ingot.
  3. I haven't tested this, but I think it's on the 21st of the equinox/solstice months? The way I'd test this quickly is to create a new creative world with months set to 30 days, and then `/time speed 9999999` and watch the days fly by. I'd probably try slowing it down a bit on the 19th of June so you can see what time during which day the season changes.
  4. I'm not familiar with the brand, you likely need to download their software and see how you can "keybind" the extra buttons.
  5. Depending on your mouse's software, you can work around this by binding the key you want a particular mouse button to activate within the mouse's software. This is what I do to bind Ctrl, Shift, and Alt to the "MMO keys" on my mouse.
  6. Try placing the logs directly below the axe in the crafting grid, that should force it to use the firewood recipe. Some recipes are "shaped" and required the items to be in a specific configuration in the grid, while others are "shapeless" and just require the correct items to be in the crafting grid in any order.
  7. Meteoric iron and steel need an iron anvil to be worked.
  8. That's likely a new moon, which you can see like that in the actual morning or evening sky.
  9. I personally think we should see better bows and probably crossbows before we see guns added to the game. I also see the progression from ore bombs to shrapnel bombs before we see guns as well. But fleshing out the combat, especially the ranged stuff is definitely welcome.
  10. I've seen a "geode" in a quartz vein where it opened up and had rose quartz crystals growing inside it. I've only ever seen one in all the quartz veins I've torn through, so I'm assuming they're rare.
  11. Some mechanical blocks, like the transmission+clutch and the brake need to be placed along a horizontal axle, at least that's what I experienced when I tried placing a transmission+clutch vertically.
  12. https://wiki.vintagestory.at/index.php?title=Casting#Alloy_Ratios This will give you the ratio of copper to tin you need to make tin bronze. You'll want to put the proper ratio in a crucible on a firepit, and fire it with charcoal (you need to get above 1200C, so get a charcoal pit going as well).
  13. Did you happen to remove or update any mods? The only time I've seen that happen is if it was a modded block or item that was subsequently removed or updated to not include that item/block anymore.
  14. Yep, throw the tin ingot and 9 ingots worth of copper nuggets into a crucible and fire it again. It'll take longer to process, but that should get you the 90%/10% split needed for tin bronze.
  15. Interesting, I've never seen that happen before, and that's with both sleeping through heavy storms, and using them to try and farm gears. Outside of temporal storms, I've not seen the base stability of an area change.
  16. Temporal storms always drain stability while they are active, and by default will last about 10 real life minutes. Once it ends, things should go back to normal and your sanity temporal stability will go up again.
  17. Can there be some pretty big temperature differences at "45° north"? My main reason for asking is in the two worlds I've played the most in, they have had very different temperature patterns. On one, even in the peak of summer it never gets above 20-25 C, and in the winter gets down to -20, with snow falling as early as October and persisting until well into April. On another, it was getting well into the 30's by early summer, and didn't get snowfall until January, and didn't stay freezing for long. Both have bases built at spawn, and have default temperature settings in worldgen.
  18. Hi all, I'm wondering if there's a list of the items you can use to write on signs and labeled chests. I didn't see anything with a quick look through the wiki, but I probably missed it.
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