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Official issue tracker on GitHub


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Hey everyone! I've suggested to @Tyron the possibility of using a public GitHub repository to track bugs and feature requests. He was so nice to give me the opportunity to create one and I already submitted a couple of issues myself. The upside over the forums is that it feels a little more leight-weight and focused, and some people, especially modders, might already have a GitHub account. Issues can be closed and re-opened, categorized, assigned to developers and milestones, even referenced to in other GitHub repositories.

[ GitHub: anegostudios / VintageStory-Issues ]

You're welcome to post:

  • Report bugs, glitches, crashes
  • Report performance issues
  • Suggest gameplay additions and changes
  • Suggest creative & server admin tools
  • Suggest modding API additions & improvements
  • Request documentation addition & clarification
  • Questions & discussions, preferably on the topic of modding

EDIT: As of recently, the team has decided the issue tracker should only be used for bugs, crashes and the like, not suggestions. This is due to the large amount of issues that have built up over time, which are hard to keep track of. Please use the other options available for suggestions. The developers are still looking at and happy to hear all your input!

Feel free to open or move your issues there if you want, but you can also continue using the forums, Discord, or whichever way you preferred to so far. I might go as far as to mirror issues from the forums and Discord to the public issue tracker to have a single place for all our tracking needs, but - one thing after another.

If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, please let me know and I'll try to get back to you, if someone else doesn't already in the meantime :)

Edited by copygirl
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6 hours ago, Stroam said:

I think only reports and not suggestions, requests, and questions should go on the tracker. We don't want to replace the forums. Just want to see a list of all known issues and an idea of how soon it might be fixed.

I somewhat agree, but on the other hand, blanket-banning something that could possibly open an interesting and deep discussion would be unfortunate. Tyron said we could just file it under "let's wait and see". If gameplay suggestions become unmanagable on the tracker, we can always take it back.

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Hmm, it is still unclear if I should move all my suggestions to the tracker or not. Also some of the suggestions are additions to suggestions from others ...

And what to do with huge suggestion discussions, like ore / prospecting?

Maybe I should move only ones if Tyron explicitly says in forum thread "ok, I like it, I will do this some day"?

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36 minutes ago, heptagonrus said:

Hmm, it is still unclear if I should move all my suggestions to the tracker or not. Also some of the suggestions are additions to suggestions from others ...

And what to do with huge suggestion discussions, like ore / prospecting?

Maybe I should move only ones if Tyron explicitly says in forum thread "ok, I like it, I will do this some day"?

How about concrete small changes/feature requests can go on the issue tracker, whereas bigger changes/additions to the games mechanics on which there is no consensus on it's exact and complete implementation stays on the forum?

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  • 6 months later...

@Quentin Preik Yes, thank you for taking the time!

Two tips for next time you report something:

  • Check if another recent issue already has a similar error message or describes a similar issue.
  • If you enclose the error message with triple backticks (```) on a separate line before and after, it will put it in a code-block.
    This way, it won't look all strange from GitHub trying to format the contents of the error message. Other people also miss this.
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  • 1 year later...

@Aira Labels can only be changed by those with access to the repository (as in, the team / developers). In general it's best to go with one of the templates I provided for now as a base, they come with default labels, and I usually go and adjust them if needed. "Bug report" for anything that seems unintentional and "Feature request" for suggestions, enhancements, even feedback I suppose.

The developers generally look at any place you leave feedback, so I don't think there's a best place to do so necessarily. I personally prefer the GitHub issue tracker, but to each their own! If an issue ever appears to get overlooked, you can always bump the thread / issue or poke the team directly on Discord.

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  • 1 year later...

For God's sake - add the ability to switch mouse buttons! I've played MC Java for YEARS with buttons swapped (because I started MC on console and its controls use RIGHT trigger for attack, LEFT trigger for interact) and it is so frustrating continuing to get buttons mixed up. How is this not already a thing and how has this not been fixed after YEARS of people asking for it?

Edited by RepoMeister
wrong word
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  • 4 weeks later...

How do I find error logs?  

Edit: For those in the future who want to know, 


Note that logs are NOT found in Roaming\Vintagestory, you have to go up to roaming, then go to VintagestoryData.

Edited by RedPine
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Game version: 1.15.5 (stable)
  • OS: 5.11.0-31-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 11 13:19:04 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  • bug: Game freeze for few seconds or sometimes more

in game when i trying to paste something into textbox from clipboard game freeze.

No error in log, game quit after unfreeze because i clicked on quit button 🥴vintage.mkv

18:51:20 [Client Notification] Loaded Shaderprogramm for render pass bilateralblur.  
18:51:20 [Client Notification] Cached session key is valid, validating with server
18:51:22 [Client Notification] Server validation response: Good
18:51:22 [Client Notification] Will search the following paths for mods:
18:51:22 [Client Notification]     /home/blabla/ApplicationData/vintagestory/Mods
18:51:22 [Client Notification]     /home/blabla/.config/VintagestoryData/Mods
18:51:25 [Client Notification] Master server list retrieved. Status ok. Response length: 151011
18:51:39 [Client Notification] Exiting game now. Server running=False. Exit reason: Main screen quit button was pressed


Edited by jomal j
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