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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by Streetwind

  1. It looks great, but I worry about the gameplay effects. Finding limestone/chalk and finding bauxite will be made significantly more onerous and time-consuming.
  2. Vintage Story servers have been under a brute force hacking attack this past day or two, trying to guess user accounts and passwords by using data from security breaches on other websites. It's quite likely that login issues stem from that.
  3. There is no way to get most ores without prospecting for it, no... unless you count spawning it in from the creative menu. Prospecting is the most difficult mechanic in the game to get right for new players, because it heavily relies on both player experience and developing a reliable methodology. If you are still in your first world, it's normal to be struggling; it gets easier the longer you play. I can also offer you a how-to guide. If however you dislike the mechanic as a whole, regardless of how much or how little time and effort you have to spend interacting with it... then I'm not sure what to tell you. This might not be the right game for you then.
  4. Silver is a bit over three times as common as gold. (20 tries per chunk compared to 6.)
  5. Turning off rifts just makes drifters spawn everywhere at night instead of just around rifts. (In other words, it reverts the spawning behavior to Minecraft style, like it used to be before rifts got introduced.)
  6. I'm not sure if a trader's land claim actually states being protected by "a higher power". I know a location that definitely does this, though. The Resonance Archive, a unique storyline dungeon. There's only one of these generating in any given world, usually around 6k to 8k away from world spawn, and it's about six by six chunks in size. It would be absolutely hilarious if you took a random translocator and ended up in one of the protected chunks. The claims don't even extend all the way to the surface, they're only in the direct vicinity of the structure. Have you ever considered playing the lottery?
  7. Yes, crop growth times are measured in months, and will follow the calendar.
  8. No, there are no material grades. Either a material is suitable, or it is unsuitable. The ratio of suitable to unsuitable blocks determines how good a cellar performs, meaning a cellar made up of 100% suitable blocks has perfect stats and cannot be improved any further by switching materials.
  9. You will not be able to grow the same type of crop on the same block of farmland over and over. Each crop requires one of the three nutrients, and drains it from the soil. The less nutrient remains, the slower the crop grows. Nutrient recovers over time, but much slower than plants consume it. Fertilizer helps, but releases only gradually over time (hence the tooltip literally saying "slow-release fertilizer"). Some crops with high nutrient needs will still drain the soil much faster than fertilizer can restore it. To get around this, you need crop rotation. That means: first, plant a K crop. Once its fully grown and harvested, plant a N crop. Once that's fully grown and harvested, plant a P crop. And once that is done, the K nutrient will have fully recovered and you can start again from the beginning. You don't even need fertilizer or good soil for this to work. If you do have good soil and fertilizer, you may be able to alternate between just two crop types instead of all three. But you can't expect to just plant flax over and over without a break on the same soil. This is intentional.
  10. Streetwind


    You can. Grab a shovel, dig up the top layer of dirt, and place it back down. As time passes and the dirt begins to green, it will spawn tall grass above it. Shrubs, unfortunately, will not grow back this way. If you really want them, you could hop into creative mode and grab some leaf blocks to place down...
  11. You can craft a paintbrush item that lets you change the texture of the decorative clutter blocks to a few different variants. This can help you incorporate them into a build.
  12. Pay close attention to the "Rift Activity" rating that's visible in your character sheet ('C' button). The calmer the rift activity, the fewer monsters spawn. I've had nights with zero spawns anywhere on "calm", but was besieged by a dozen drifters on "very high" or "apocalyptic". Hence, I've made it a habit to only go caving on low rift activity days, and so far, it's worked out great.
  13. Never seen this before, but could certainly be a new bug. However, are you positive that you placed an empty bucket under the press? If the bucket already contained water, the press might just have wasted all the juice because there was nowhere for it to go. In general, when you suspect a bug, your first step should be to try and reproduce it. If you do the exact same thing again (press another 24 cranberries - spawn them in if necessary), and definitely use a completely empty bucket, do you get water again?
  14. Known issue in 1.18.8. You can either wait for an update, or look on the modDB, there's a mod that fixes it.
  15. It's likely a combination of a bug and a feature. The feature: if you eat a cooked meal, like the kind you prepare in a claypot and eat with a bowl, you get a grace timer during which the food bar doesn't decrease. It's supposed to last 30 seconds for every 100 satiety value consumed. The bug: if you go to bed while under the effect of this grace timer, it will sometimes start increasing instead of decreasing while the world is time accelerated. This leads to having a really, really long grace timer after you wake up again. This is a really old bug, occuring since at least 1.15.x. I'm not sure if it was supposed to be fixed recently or not - I just remember some discussion about it a month or three ago.
  16. Less valuable items will typically be traded in multiples. That is, he may show "8 feathers", and have a demand of "2", meaning he's buying two stacks of eight feathers each. Since you only offer two feathers, you're not even offering one stack, so there can be no trade. Therefore, doublecheck the stack size of the offer.
  17. Punch it till it shatters.
  18. That's actually just the admin granting permission to the player to re-edit their character. It's necessary only on a server where the player doesn't have admin privileges. When the player is an admin on the server (which includes singleplayer games), the command can be skipped. To actually call up the character editor, type: .charsel
  19. I think the location is unique. So just one per world.
  20. Any performance optimization will always depend on the end user's system. Different systems are bottlenecked by different things. If for example the game fixes a major CPU load issue, but you were already GPU bound, you will not notice much of an improvement. Unfortunate, but it happens. (And no, I don't know what exactly got improved by the migration. I'm not software development savvy enough for that.)
  21. Flax has a temperature tolerance of -5°C. The greenhouse makes the plant treat the ambient temperature as 5°C higher, so effectively it can go to -10°C now. Your ambient temperature dropped below -10°C at some point, and the plant got cold damaged. Once the plant gets damaged, it doesn't recover.
  22. There absolutely is. In fact, it's a config setting. While logged in as a player with admin privileges, type into chat: /serverconfig passtimewhenempty true
  23. Sounds like perfectly normal behavior to me? Temporal stability changes from one place to another. On average, it tends to be more stable the higher you go in the world, and more unstable the lower you go. Down at the mantle is the least stable on average. However, even then, there may be islands of instability at high places, and islands of stability down at the mantle. If you have set up in such an island of stability, and then move out of it - yeah, that would cause your gear to start dropping rapidly. A much better question would be... why are you mining a path down at the mantle in the first place?
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