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Everything posted by Tyron

  1. Underchallenged and Overchallenged Vintarians, Step 2! v1.11-rc.1 can now be downloaded through the account manager Changes until pre.1 Check out the previous blog post Screenshots/Gifs for all new/changed features since pre.1 Added Armor. You can now craft various types of armor in survival mode. These come with intricate protection values which depend on the weapon tier you get attacked with. Player stats: Besides protection, armor has various effects on the player. This new stats system also forms the basis for a future herbalism and status effects update. New mobile container: The hunter backpack. Hand Baskets and Linen bags now have one extra slot. Sawing logs no longer yield plank blocks but individual plank items. Can create piles of planks. Added resin to pine trees. Can be harvested and regrows after 7 days. Is required to craft lamellar armor Several new or reworked tree generators to increase tree shape variety. For example the cypress Reworked cloud system. Added some large patches of tall grass to deserts Added papyrus to hot climates. Should help new players when spawning in placed where there are no cattails All game updates since pre.1 (excludes fixes for bugs introduced since pre.1) Feature: Added Arrmor. Gambeson, Lamellar, Brigandine, Chain, Scale and Plate armor, can now be crafted in survival mode. Added lamellae, scales and chain pieces that can be smithed. Feature: Added 4 new player stats: Ranged weapon aiming accuracy and charge time, healing effectiveness and move speed Feature: Added single plank items. Cutting a log now yields single plank items. All crafting recipe that required plank blocks now require planks items. Can create plank piles. Feature: Pine trees now sometimes spawn with harvestable resin attached to them. Regrows after being harvested. Feature: Golden name in chat for purchasers of the supporter add-on Feature: Added several new/improved tree generators to worldgen (acacia, bristlecone pine, cypress, norway maple, japanese maple, viney kapok and dead acacia) Feature: Papyrus is now a thing in hot climates that drops cattails for now. Also no longer creates corrupted black chunks, yay \o/ Feature: Mobile inventory rework: Basket: 2 slot => 3 slots Hunter back pack: x => 4 slots (made from an oiled hide that air-cures after 2 days, see handbook for recipe) Linen bag: 4 slots => 5 slots Leather back pack: 6 slots => 6 slots Tweak: The graphics quality presets now also set a MaxFPS value Tweak: One attempt to reduce lag spikes (Technical info: Parallelized cloud tile recomputation. Should reduce lag spikes caused by the cloud system) Tweak: Reduced CPU RAM usage by about 130 megabytes (Technical info: Ditched CPU Ram Texture atlas after we're done creating texture atlasses. Instead we pre-generate 30 random pixels and 1 average color for particles and the world map) Tweak: Reduced CPU RAM usage by about 70 megabytes (Technical info: A ram intensive object that's no longer needed after the game was loaded was not disposed) Tweak: Worldgen: Dry areas now generate with less trees Tweak: Vines now also wave with the wind Tweak: Fixed textures upside down on shingle, stone brick and plank stairs Tweak: Reduced boar health Tweak: Increased drifter damage for tainted, corrupt and nightmare variants Tweak: Increased the drifters item drop rates for the harder drifter variants Tweak: "Water portion" is now named "Water Portion (1 litre"), the same is applied to all liquid portions Tweak: Updated trader buying/selling lists, which fixes a few missing/incorrect entries and added a small few new ones Tweak: Improved logging when the game server cannot connect to the auth server Tweak: The Anvil smithing guide grid lines are now the same as for clay forming: Green - put, Red - remove Fixed: Should fix smithing work items displaying an incorrect tooltip Fixed: Hitting a trader made him blink out of existence Fixed: Trying to place crocks on invalid positions played a sound instead of showing an ingame error Fixed: Should fix bucket contents not showing up in some cases Fixed: Should now actually fix login link not visible in the main menu, and also fix issues with traders spawning and other problems Fixed: Should now actually fix some supportor nametags not showing up Fixed: *ALL* number inputs in the game are now culture invariant. This means the decimal point is "." across all language configurations. This also fixes the main screen logout link not being visible on some machines Fixed: Name tag and chat text overlapping eachother Fixed: Oil lamp interaction help saying it can be used for igniting stuff Fixed: Golden name tag not appearing until the player relogged Fixed: Fog incorrectly applied to mechanical power blocks and dropped items Fixed: Texture and AO issues on Slabs Fixed: Able to delete a work item on the anvil by placing another work item Fixed: Forge able to heat metal over 1100 degrees in some cases Fixed: Should fix fulgens errors related to missing texture mappings Fixed: Player and Trader name tags not in the new UI style Fixed: Default brightness was at 1.3? o.o Fixed: Server masterserver heartbeat running on the mainthread instead of doing it async, causing heavy lag if the master server did not respond Fixed: Glass block frame changing color when looked at a distance Fixed: Game crashing when breaking a block under a placed barrel Fixed: Placed meal bowls not showing its contents Fixed: Crocks placed on shelves invisible Fixed: Holding left and right mouse button made the seraph all twitchy Fixed: Game crashing with invalid mods enabled Fixed: Firepit sounds playing twice upon reconnecting. Should also reduce network load. Block entity updates were sent to all clients instead of only players in range Fixed: Missing Translations and one typo Fixed: Unable to move items in the hot bar, while holding Alt key to have the mouse unlocked Fixed: Might fix some animals stuck in certain animations/poses Fixed: Game crashing when an invalid save game was in the saves folder Fixed: Holding glass in 3rd person made the seraph sections behind it invisible Fixed: Should no longer be able to clip into blocks from sneaking or sleeping in beds Fixed: Should fix CTRL+F1 sometimes crashing the game Fixed: A number of translations were no longer recognized by the game Fixed: Distant terrain not properly blended against the sky during nights Fixed: Falling soil not placeable on sides of blocks Fixed: Server heartbeat timeout (probably not fixed, but lets see) API updates since pre.1 Feature: Added world.PlaySoundAt methods that lets you specify the pitch Feature: New Entity field "EntityStats Stats" lets you configure multiple stat modifiers for multiple categories Tweak: Metal spikes now have json configurable damage Tweak: Can now configure damage tier and damage type in the melee attack ai task Tweak: DamageSource now has a new property "DamageTier" Tweak: IClientNetworkChannel has a new property "Connected" to show it is connected to a server side endpoint Tweak: The Harvestable block behavior is now fully configurable. You might need to adapt your existing block json files. See vanilla berry bush for an example Tweak: All Methods that offered or required the size of a texture atlas now requires a Vec2i or Size2i instead of an int. Textures atlasses can now be rectangular instead of just being square. Tweak: Increased default texture atlas sizes from 2048x2048 to 4096x2048 Tweak: capi.Tesselator is now always thread safe Tweak: BESapling min/maxDays property is now a "growthDays" natfloat Tweak: Added worldgen config for sapling growth rate. Default growth rate is now a bit slower and a lot slower for wilderness survival Tweak: Added logged notice that the game only supports source code mods until C# 5.0 when there were comile errors Tweak: ModMaker now errors when attempting to use it on a pre-release Tweak: IWorldManagerApi.AllLoadedChunks should now be thread safe Tweak: Can now supply an override shape for players (for DOAN) Tweak: Atlas.InsertTexture will throw an exception if called from an off-thread Notice: During blockEntity.Initialize() block textures are not guaranted to be loaded yet. If you generate meshes there, postpone it to e.g. the OnTesselation method. See BEFireWoodPile.cs for a good example. Refactor: entityagent.SetWalkSpeedModifier and RemoveWalkSpeedModifier is now marked obsolete. Use the new stats system instead: entity.Stats.Set("walkspeed", key, value, persistent); Refactor: BehaviorOmniAttachable, attribute facingPos is now facingCode Refactor: ItemDress class is now ItemWearable Refactor: Attempting to send a network message through a non-connected network channel will now throw an exception Refactor: IRenderApi.BeginScissor and .EndScissors is now PushScissors and PopScissors Refactor: IClientNetworkAPI.DidReceiveChannelId is now GetChannelState() and should return correct values again Refactor: capi.BlockTextureAtlas.GetRandomPixel() is now capi.BlockTextureAtlas.GetRandomColor() Refactor: Removed capi.BlockTextureAtlas.GetPixelAt(). For reading a blocks average color use capi.BlockTextureAtlas.GetAverageColor() instead. See Block.cs in the vsrepos for an example Refactor: The IServerEventAPI.PlayerChat delegate changed from: string PlayerChatDelegate(IServerPlayer byPlayer, int channelId, string message, BoolRef consumed); to: void PlayerChatDelegate(IServerPlayer byPlayer, int channelId, ref string message, ref string data, BoolRef consumed) Tweak: New Client Setting "glContextVersion", if somebody wants to hack around with different version opengl contexts Fixed: Should fix issues with block entity behavior properties throwing json reader exceptions Fixed: More shape texture derpiness Fixed/Mitigate: Trader spawn spam when during the load of buying/selling lists an exception was thrown Fixed: Network channels could get out of sync client and server side Fixed: Some texture definitions only present in the shape file but not in the blocktype did not get recognized by the engine Fixed: Chunk server side mod data property was not initialized
  2. Oh yea, since v1.10 stone hoes also work. I corrected that in the wiki now. Your problem is likely not due to the farmland but to a certain animal that has found a liking to your crop garden - the hare Make sure your farm area is fenced in in a way that hares can't get in and that there's no grass covered blocks with tall grass growing on it inside (tall grass on farmland is okay).
  3. Thanks, will be fixed in pre.2 If you start the game again the crash is probably gone. It seems to crash only when you log in in-game and then open up a world. As long as the log in screen doesn't pop up it wont crash.
  4. Underchallenged and Overchallenged Vintarians! v1.11-pre.1 can now be downloaded through the account manager This update was originally meant to be the seasons update but we (and the community on discord) decided to slide in a couple of other updates first, because this game is so esey! To all peaceful players, not to worry! Save-games can now be customized freely as to how easy or difficult they are. I also snuck in some sweet sweet graphics updates, oh and mechanical power Please notice 1. This is a (likely bug-ridden) preview release, mostly intended for modders and very adventorous players. Version 1.11 is not feature complete yet! 2. New "pre" updates will only be posted in discord #news and not on the blog. A new v1.11 blog post will come when the first release candidate is ready. Known issues/still to be added: Armor is not implemented yet Mechanical power blocks sometimes turn in the wrong direction The singleplayer world mouseover tooltips need nicer formatting Clouds are derpy The way mechanical power blocks are crafted is a placeholder Creature sleeping behavior not implemented yet Screenshots and Gifs/Videos Added slope shading to world maps Added beaches to world generation Improved overall visuals on god rays, clouds, water and especially prettier sunsets, which now also vary day by day World customizations: You can now easily customize your sandbox experience! Playstyle presets. Based on the new customization options the game now offers you 4 carefully chosen presets. Much is still planned for the wilderness surival mode. Extensive challenge update: Mobs now will act more intelligently through better path-finding and much harder variants of existing creatures have been introduced. Deep Drifters, Tainted Drifters, Corrupt Drifters, Nightmare Drifters and Corrupt locusts await your arrival Locusts will now leap at the player All surface animals now sometimes take a rest Windmill Power now lets you automate your Quern. The daily grind has finally come to an end! Selecting large world heights when creating a new world now also horizontally scales the world, which makes mountains look much more massive Leatherworking: You now have to process hides in order to acquire leather. Hides now come in 4 different sizes. Improved distant tree rendering The items on tool racks look less derpy Game updates Feature: Beaches now generate as part of world generation Feature: Extensive visual rework Much improved distant tree rendering. They no longer look like generic blobs of green but like actual trees now Much improved sunset/sunrise ambient. The intensity of it also changes day by day Reduced default fog intensity, for greater distant viewing pleasure Chiseled blocks now also have ambient occlusion applied to them Reworked clouds: Now more opaque and less derpy, but still not quite working as intended Reworked god ray shader: Looks a bit more impressive as it used to in v1.4.6, hopefully without breaking anything Worldmap now with slope shading More scene Brightness tweaks Feature: Mechanical Power: For now serving the one and only purpose to save you from the daily grind - quite literally. You can now power your querns using wind power. Feature: World customize screen Feature: Tougher adversaries Feature: Locust nests now spawn additional locusts when players start breaking the nest Feature: Locust now leap at the player Feature: Deep locust nests now spawns corrupt locusts Tweak: Locust nests spawn a bit more often Added deep drifter variants. In order of increasing difficulty there are now normal, deep, tainted, corrupt and nightmare drifters. Improved Path finding: Creatures are now much less likely to wander of cliffs Improved their ability to find their targets. Unreachable targets are now besieged (i.e. walk in circles around them, instead of walking into walls) Fleeing creature are more likely to escape instead of running into walls Bighorn sheep walk and run a bit faster Feature: Can now grant players or groups the right to access or un-reinforce reinforced blocks Feature: Large world height improvements New worlds with increased the world height now not only scales the world vertically, but also horizontally Distance fade out now only applied on the horizontal axis, not on the vertical so standing on a tall mountain will still let you see the ground Tweaked how ram is allocated/freed, this should make tall worlds less memory hungry and not make your computer die as it runs out of ram. (Technical info: Distant chunks are now immediately compressed after being tesselated) Feature: Made tool rack tool transforms prettier Feature: Improved startup performance by doing less regexes and instead use simpler matching methods when possible. Feature: Basic leatherworking implemented Feature: Added sitting behaviors to all creatures Feature: Improved Barrel rendering. Its now allowed to have more brine than needed inside the barrel for pickling Feature: If a dialog is outside the window bounds its clamped to the window bounds so players can still move it around Feature: The game client now automatically enables or disables mods depending on what mods the server uses Tweak: Gameplay balancing tweaks Applied new parameters to anthracite. Now less evenly distributed amongst the world. Nerfed gold and silver ore: all ore pieces now yield 5 units Cassiterite, instead of spawning between 0-60% depth from bottom to surface now spawns between 40-75% Pickling now takes 14 days instead of 20 Increased max possible range of translocators Tweak: Added new version text hover and link cursor Tweak: Increased music frequency in the "Sometimes" and "Often" options. Tweak: Pickaxes can now be placed into mining bags Tweak: Gamma slider is no longer locked to creative mode only Fixed: Forgot to release unloaded chunk data into the chunk data pool Should reduce memory usage and lag spikes Fixed: Rivers on mountains not correctly fading out when at the edge of the view distance Fixed: Single player world edit screen displayed the wrong play style Fixed: Minor visual glitch on some falling block entities Fixed: Water lilies rendering behind water if looked at a distance API Updates Feature: Added ore map noise parameter to deposits: oreMapScale, oreMapScale and oreMapSub Feature: Exposed more privilege / group stuff. IServerCore has now 2 new properties Groups: Lets you access the player groups that players created PlayerData: Lets you access world-agnostic information on the player, even when the player is offline IServerPlayer now has 2 methods: GetGroups() and GetGroup(groupid) to test in what group a player is Feature: Block entity behaviors. Can now attach behaviors to block entities. The block entity animation util is now a block entity behavior. Tweak: New client setting cameraShakeStrength: Lets you reduce the overall camera shake strength Tweak: Gui composer setups that could cause a stack overflow now throw an exception Tweak: sapi.even.OnChunkDirty(Vec3i chunkCoord, IWorldChunk chunk, EnumChunkDirtyReason reason) changed last argument from bool to EnumChunkDirtyReason Tweak: The OpenGL debug mode now also will log opengl debut output Tweak: New property: GuiDialog.ZSize allows to set how much z-space a dialog requires. Tweak: Changed mod asset loaded order to be no longer alphabetical but sorted by the order of dependencies Tweak: Json patches are now auto-sided if now side attribute was supplied Tweak: Rename json patch attribute sideType to side. (You can still use sideType until v1.12) Tweak: Improved json patch error feedback Refactor: Method string BlockEntity.GetBlockInfo(IPlayer forPlayer) is now void BlockEntity.GetBlockInfo(IPlayer forPlayer, StringBuilder dsc) Refactor: Block entity field changes: Rename BlockPos pos => BlockPos Pos Rename ICoreApi api => ICoreApi Api New field : Block Block (which is already set before at the time Initialize() gets called) Refactor: Interface IBlockShapeSupplier is now obsolete. OnTesselation is now always executed on block entities. Refactor: you'll need to add "override" to your OnTesselation methods Refactor: block.IsSuitablePosition(IWorldAccessor world, BlockPos pos, ref string failureCode) is now block.CanPlaceBlock(IWorldAccessor world, IPlayer byPlayer, BlockSelection blockSel, ref string failureCode) Refactor: Added method block.DoPlaceBlock(IWorldAccessor world, IPlayer byPlayer, BlockSelection blockSel, ItemStack byItemStack) Refactor: Added methods BlockBehavior.CanPlaceBlock and BlockBehavior.DoPlaceBlock Refactor: Changed min/maxY spawn behavior of entities 0..1 is now world bot to sealevel, 1..2 is sealevel to world top Refactor: IServerEventAPI.CanPlaceOrBreakBlock() and CanUseBlock() is now an event, Refactor: Renamed GenLakes to GenPonds in the Survival mod Refactor: The asset load order has changed. If you load sound or music files during StartClientSide(), you need to move that load into the BlockTexturesLoaded event. Fixed: The HighlightBlocks system crashed when more than one color was used
  5. v1.10.17 an stable release, is now ready for download in the account manager. The previous update broke the stone brick recipe. Here's a fix [Edit:] Also released v1.10.18 due to the game not starting up at all. Must have made a mistake during the build process ‾\_(ツ)_/‾ [Edit:] Also release v1.10.19 to actually fix stone bricks not craftable and to fix the game crashing when creating a first new world. Screenshot and build by zorne Game updates Fixed: Throwing a stone through a water fall made it go all slo-mo Fixed: Stone bricks uncraftable. It now works as follows: Chisel+Hammer+Rock = Polished Rock; Chisel+Hammer+Polished Rock = 2x Polished Rock slab; Chisel+Hammer+Polished Rock Slab = 4x stone bricks View full record
  6. v1.10.17 an stable release, is now ready for download in the account manager. The previous update broke the stone brick recipe. Here's a fix [Edit:] Also released v1.10.18 due to the game not starting up at all. Must have made a mistake during the build process ‾\_(ツ)_/‾ [Edit:] Also release v1.10.19 to actually fix stone bricks not craftable and to fix the game crashing when creating a first new world. Screenshot and build by zorne Game updates Fixed: Throwing a stone through a water fall made it go all slo-mo Fixed: Stone bricks uncraftable. It now works as follows: Chisel+Hammer+Rock = Polished Rock; Chisel+Hammer+Polished Rock = 2x Polished Rock slab; Chisel+Hammer+Polished Rock Slab = 4x stone bricks
  7. Underchallenged and Overchallenged Vintarians! v1.11-pre.1 can now be downloaded through the account manager This update was originally meant to be the seasons update but we (and the community on discord) decided to slide in a couple of other updates first, because this game is so esey! To all peaceful players, not to worry! Save-games can now be customized freely as to how easy or difficult they are. I also snuck in some sweet sweet graphics updates, oh and mechanical power Please notice 1. This is a (likely bug-ridden) preview release, mostly intended for modders and very adventorous players. Version 1.11 is not feature complete yet! 2. New "pre" updates will only be posted in discord #news and not on the blog. A new v1.11 blog post will come when the first release candidate is ready. Known issues/still to be added: Armor is not implemented yet Mechanical power blocks sometimes turn in the wrong direction The singleplayer world mouseover tooltips need nicer formatting Clouds are derpy The way mechanical power blocks are crafted is a placeholder Creature sleeping behavior not implemented yet Screenshots and Gifs/Videos Added slope shading to world maps Added beaches to world generation Improved overall visuals on god rays, clouds, water and especially prettier sunsets, which now also vary day by day World customizations: You can now easily customize your sandbox experience! Playstyle presets. Based on the new customization options the game now offers you 4 carefully chosen presets. Much is still planned for the wilderness surival mode. Extensive challenge update: Mobs now will act more intelligently through better path-finding and much harder variants of existing creatures have been introduced. Deep Drifters, Tainted Drifters, Corrupt Drifters, Nightmare Drifters and Corrupt locusts await your arrival Locusts will now leap at the player All surface animals now sometimes take a rest Windmill Power now lets you automate your Quern. The daily grind has finally come to an end! Selecting large world heights when creating a new world now also horizontally scales the world, which makes mountains look much more massive Leatherworking: You now have to process hides in order to acquire leather. Hides now come in 4 different sizes. Improved distant tree rendering The items on tool racks look less derpy Game updates Feature: Beaches now generate as part of world generation Feature: Extensive visual rework Much improved distant tree rendering. They no longer look like generic blobs of green but like actual trees now Much improved sunset/sunrise ambient. The intensity of it also changes day by day Reduced default fog intensity, for greater distant viewing pleasure Chiseled blocks now also have ambient occlusion applied to them Reworked clouds: Now more opaque and less derpy, but still not quite working as intended Reworked god ray shader: Looks a bit more impressive as it used to in v1.4.6, hopefully without breaking anything Worldmap now with slope shading More scene Brightness tweaks Feature: Mechanical Power: For now serving the one and only purpose to save you from the daily grind - quite literally. You can now power your querns using wind power. Feature: World customize screen Feature: Tougher adversaries Feature: Locust nests now spawn additional locusts when players start breaking the nest Feature: Locust now leap at the player Feature: Deep locust nests now spawns corrupt locusts Tweak: Locust nests spawn a bit more often Added deep drifter variants. In order of increasing difficulty there are now normal, deep, tainted, corrupt and nightmare drifters. Improved Path finding: Creatures are now much less likely to wander of cliffs Improved their ability to find their targets. Unreachable targets are now besieged (i.e. walk in circles around them, instead of walking into walls) Fleeing creature are more likely to escape instead of running into walls Bighorn sheep walk and run a bit faster Feature: Can now grant players or groups the right to access or un-reinforce reinforced blocks Feature: Large world height improvements New worlds with increased the world height now not only scales the world vertically, but also horizontally Distance fade out now only applied on the horizontal axis, not on the vertical so standing on a tall mountain will still let you see the ground Tweaked how ram is allocated/freed, this should make tall worlds less memory hungry and not make your computer die as it runs out of ram. (Technical info: Distant chunks are now immediately compressed after being tesselated) Feature: Made tool rack tool transforms prettier Feature: Improved startup performance by doing less regexes and instead use simpler matching methods when possible. Feature: Basic leatherworking implemented Feature: Added sitting behaviors to all creatures Feature: Improved Barrel rendering. Its now allowed to have more brine than needed inside the barrel for pickling Feature: If a dialog is outside the window bounds its clamped to the window bounds so players can still move it around Feature: The game client now automatically enables or disables mods depending on what mods the server uses Tweak: Gameplay balancing tweaks Applied new parameters to anthracite. Now less evenly distributed amongst the world. Nerfed gold and silver ore: all ore pieces now yield 5 units Cassiterite, instead of spawning between 0-60% depth from bottom to surface now spawns between 40-75% Pickling now takes 14 days instead of 20 Increased max possible range of translocators Tweak: Added new version text hover and link cursor Tweak: Increased music frequency in the "Sometimes" and "Often" options. Tweak: Pickaxes can now be placed into mining bags Tweak: Gamma slider is no longer locked to creative mode only Fixed: Forgot to release unloaded chunk data into the chunk data pool Should reduce memory usage and lag spikes Fixed: Rivers on mountains not correctly fading out when at the edge of the view distance Fixed: Single player world edit screen displayed the wrong play style Fixed: Minor visual glitch on some falling block entities Fixed: Water lilies rendering behind water if looked at a distance API Updates Feature: Added ore map noise parameter to deposits: oreMapScale, oreMapScale and oreMapSub Feature: Exposed more privilege / group stuff. IServerCore has now 2 new properties Groups: Lets you access the player groups that players created PlayerData: Lets you access world-agnostic information on the player, even when the player is offline IServerPlayer now has 2 methods: GetGroups() and GetGroup(groupid) to test in what group a player is Feature: Block entity behaviors. Can now attach behaviors to block entities. The block entity animation util is now a block entity behavior. Tweak: New client setting cameraShakeStrength: Lets you reduce the overall camera shake strength Tweak: Gui composer setups that could cause a stack overflow now throw an exception Tweak: sapi.even.OnChunkDirty(Vec3i chunkCoord, IWorldChunk chunk, EnumChunkDirtyReason reason) changed last argument from bool to EnumChunkDirtyReason Tweak: The OpenGL debug mode now also will log opengl debut output Tweak: New property: GuiDialog.ZSize allows to set how much z-space a dialog requires. Tweak: Changed mod asset loaded order to be no longer alphabetical but sorted by the order of dependencies Tweak: Json patches are now auto-sided if now side attribute was supplied Tweak: Rename json patch attribute sideType to side. (You can still use sideType until v1.12) Tweak: Improved json patch error feedback Refactor: Method string BlockEntity.GetBlockInfo(IPlayer forPlayer) is now void BlockEntity.GetBlockInfo(IPlayer forPlayer, StringBuilder dsc) Refactor: Block entity field changes: Rename BlockPos pos => BlockPos Pos Rename ICoreApi api => ICoreApi Api New field : Block Block (which is already set before at the time Initialize() gets called) Refactor: Interface IBlockShapeSupplier is now obsolete. OnTesselation is now always executed on block entities. Refactor: you'll need to add "override" to your OnTesselation methods Refactor: block.IsSuitablePosition(IWorldAccessor world, BlockPos pos, ref string failureCode) is now block.CanPlaceBlock(IWorldAccessor world, IPlayer byPlayer, BlockSelection blockSel, ref string failureCode) Refactor: Added method block.DoPlaceBlock(IWorldAccessor world, IPlayer byPlayer, BlockSelection blockSel, ItemStack byItemStack) Refactor: Added methods BlockBehavior.CanPlaceBlock and BlockBehavior.DoPlaceBlock Refactor: Changed min/maxY spawn behavior of entities 0..1 is now world bot to sealevel, 1..2 is sealevel to world top Refactor: IServerEventAPI.CanPlaceOrBreakBlock() and CanUseBlock() is now an event, Refactor: Renamed GenLakes to GenPonds in the Survival mod Refactor: The asset load order has changed. If you load sound or music files during StartClientSide(), you need to move that load into the BlockTexturesLoaded event. Fixed: The HighlightBlocks system crashed when more than one color was used View full record
  8. Thanks for the report, this should be fixed in the lastest version v1.10.16-rc.1 although that one has another notable bug. Will release a stable v1.10.16 today!
  9. v1.10.16-rc.1 an unstable release, is now ready for download in the account manager. This release fixes a number of minor issues with the current v1.10.15. Some changes were significant, so releasing it as unstable for now. [Edit:] v1.10.16 is now also online! Screenshot by MarcAFK Game updates (v1.10.16) Fixed: Dead animals were no longer harvestable Fixed: Should fix a crash related to troughs Fixed: Sign post text overlapping by a letter Fixed: Missing block names for flowers in flowerpots in the block info hud Fixed: Z-Fighting when dropping carpets on the ground Game updates (v1.10.16-rc.1) Tweak: Moving items from hoppers into troughs should now fully work Tweak: Sleeping now drains satiety Tweak: Crafting polished rock now also requires a hammer Tweak: Can now craft polished rock slabs Tweak: Made foxes snow-dive a bit more often into snow blocks Tweak: Can now place items into hoppers also in survival mode Fixed: Able to harvest meat/leather/fat from living creatures Fixed: Should fix falling storage vessel always drawn as a plain clay vessel Fixed: Unable to pick up colored lanterns Fixed: Might fix some derpiness with traders refreshing their inventories Fixed: Some incorrect naming of blocks Fixed: Rare client crash Fixed: Should fix yet another crash related to crocks Fixed: Should fixed path slabs applying their speed bonus twice. In return I gave stone path blocks an overall 10% speed bonus API Tweak: Tool molds should now print an extra error message if the drop config has a json syntax error API Fixed: Should fix unable to modify the lanterns hsv values
  10. Okay, your order should be refunded now.
  11. v1.10.16-rc.1 an unstable release, is now ready for download in the account manager. This release fixes a number of minor issues with the current v1.10.15. Some changes were significant, so releasing it as unstable for now. [Edit:] v1.10.16 is now also online! Screenshot by MarcAFK Game updates (v1.10.16) Fixed: Dead animals were no longer harvestable Fixed: Should fix a crash related to troughs Fixed: Sign post text overlapping by a letter Fixed: Missing block names for flowers in flowerpots in the block info hud Fixed: Z-Fighting when dropping carpets on the ground Game updates (v1.10.16-rc.1) Tweak: Moving items from hoppers into troughs should now fully work Tweak: Sleeping now drains satiety Tweak: Crafting polished rock now also requires a hammer Tweak: Can now craft polished rock slabs Tweak: Made foxes snow-dive a bit more often into snow blocks Tweak: Can now place items into hoppers also in survival mode Fixed: Able to harvest meat/leather/fat from living creatures Fixed: Should fix falling storage vessel always drawn as a plain clay vessel Fixed: Unable to pick up colored lanterns Fixed: Might fix some derpiness with traders refreshing their inventories Fixed: Some incorrect naming of blocks Fixed: Rare client crash Fixed: Should fix yet another crash related to crocks Fixed: Should fixed path slabs applying their speed bonus twice. In return I gave stone path blocks an overall 10% speed bonus API Tweak: Tool molds should now print an extra error message if the drop config has a json syntax error API Fixed: Should fix unable to modify the lanterns hsv values View full record
  12. Thanks for the report. Would it possible for me to get the save game and the coordinates where you are crashing? That way I could verify if i fixed the crash.
  13. I've made a change in the game engine for v1.11 which should fix or drastically mitigate that problem.
  14. The log output you pasted contains no errors. These are just informational log entries from the compiler. You should look into the error window, which you can enable via View->Error list in the top menu of visual studio. That said, some parts of the tutorial seems to be outdated, the code in question there should look like this: public override void StartServerSide(ICoreServerAPI api) { api.Server.Logger.EntryAdded += OnServerLogEntry; } public override void StartClientSide(ICoreClientAPI api) { api.World.Logger.EntryAdded += OnClientLogEntry; } I'll see that the tutorial gets fixed soon!
  15. No it seems to be a vanilla issue. Glad it worked out for you. I'll release this new version in a couple of days once we got some more bugs reported and fixed.
  16. Oh, glad to hear that you got it resolved. No the mouse input system is not written by me, its handled by a third party library called OpenTK, which however had not so great MacOS support, I spent *a lot* of time fixing even worse mac os related bugs in that library. These changes have been added to version 3.1 of OpenTK. But yes, still more issues to resolve.
  17. Alright thanks for the feedback. Could you run this update and see if that fixes the issue for you please? => https://account.vintagestory.at/files/stable/vs_update_1.10.16-rc.1.exe
  18. Thanks, it doesn't seem to crash for me. Are you on the latest version of the game? (seems to be v1.10.15). Did you install any mods?
  19. Dear Community A bit of a different announcement today. We've decided to turn one of the very first versions of the game, v1.0.2 into a freeware download available for everyone. If you have never tried VS or want to take a trip down memory lane, this might interest you. I personally was really surprised how much of the "Vintage Story Feel" there already was and it felt good to give that old release some attention Get VS Classic for free at info.vintagestory.at/classic
  20. Dear Community A bit of a different announcement today. We've decided to turn one of the very first versions of the game, v1.0.2 into a freeware download available for everyone. If you have never tried VS or want to take a trip down memory lane, this might interest you. I personally was really surprised how much of the "Vintage Story Feel" there already was and it felt good to give that old release some attention Get VS Classic for free at info.vintagestory.at/classic View full record
  21. Should be easy to fix, can you send me your savegame?
  22. Well perhaps more like make the farmland drop soil with a special "was farmland" attribute and when placed it'll remember its state until tilled or so
  23. Hm, there's one thing we could try. In Version 1.8 I've fixed a lot of issues on mac os. You could try version 1.7, version 1.8 and version 1.9 of the game and see if the bug persists. Then at least we would know its caused by something I did recently. You can get past versions on the game account manager
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