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Everything posted by Kaelty

  1. hmmm would you mind sharing some screenshots? a before and after draging the map would really help to make the problem clear.
  2. I have around 100 berry bushes with different growth cycles around and in my base, have never died from hunger since then. Not a very blanced diet but thats something i worry about later
  3. Generally i'm ok with no remembered map, at least not at the start of the game. As long as you put a lot of waypoints on landmarks navigating ain't much of a problem. I tend to mark mountains, oceans or distinct terrain like desserts or marshes. Interesting rock formations or big caves are good points of orientation as well. You should mark the entrance to the cave you are entering every time so you can find it quickly if you die and marking ruins will give you an idea of what regions you allready explored sufficently. Making secondary bases can also help you gain a feel for your surroundings. If there is a route you are using a lot you might even think about building a stone path for the speed bonus, that would prevent getting lost as well. Also there is a deathpoint option in a certain mod, iirc the name was VSHUD mod.
  4. while there are areas on the surface that are instabil, those should persist and never end if i remember correctly. maybe there was a temporal storm at the time?
  5. if they are static that would make the pro pick interesting to use as you could change into another chunk while using it. would it give results based on both chunks? or would it give only info based on the chunk you started at? maybe in the chunk you ended or the chunk where 2 of the 3 samples were taken?
  6. Gotta say i wholeheartedly agree with you guys. 2ingots for a single lantern is allready quite a lot (normal lanterns aint use that much anyway but ok) but lining with a whole 2 ingots as well is clearly too much, just how heavy would that lantern be? a single ingot is enough for a whole hammer/axe head and those can allready be quite heavy. i kinda doubt that lanterns with over 10kg in weight are anywhere near realistic and realism is one of the main charm points of the game.
  7. yeah my base is a small castle allready. i do go out exploring a whole lot too so i allready have found 4 torchholders which is enough to light up my house inside the walls, some doors are still needed but i'm kinda too lazy to make a copper saw and craft one. The ruins can have some awesome loot if you find a hidden room.
  8. i doubt that was the case with me since the area was almost completly flat with loads of water around it unless it started flying and noticed that it can't halfway through there should have been no way for it to gain falldamg. No caves to fall into as well. No small animals or anything else that would make it aggressiv as well. sometimes when i stand near a male bighorn it starts attacking me even without getting fall damg or such.
  9. Honestly, i don't think smoking is a top priority right now. If you do want it in your game i would think you either make a Mod for it or find someone who makes a Mod for you. Not saying that it is a bad idea, but there is literally TONS of things that i would rather see get implemented. But if someone makes a mod for it, it might as well be a big one with not only smoking but all kinds of... recreation. While i don't touch that stuff IRL i do think halucinating or getting drunk inside a game can be quite fun.
  10. After running back to my "point of death" everything i had on me was gone. I died on a waypoint marker so i got the right location and i only took less than 2 minutes to get there so despawning over time is a no as well. For recreation of the process: I was running around with low health and a bighorn sheep suddenly headbutted me (which does quite a lot of damg actually) killing me. i ran back from the nearby spawnpoint and found the point of my death right away but my droped inventory was gone i had on me... [4 linenbags, 1 copper pickaxe, 1flint shovel, around 22 granit stones, 10 salpeter, 18 pieces of black coal aaand a few blocks medium fertile dirt]... at least i think thats all i had on me. while my inventory was quite empty, the linenbags hurt a bit since i made them without a farm and it took quite a bit of exploring.
  11. hmmm either i play too much or don't write enough in the forum since i'm starting to enter bronze territory in my main world (or would if i could find tin, my whole stash of 16 nuggets went into a anvil) and my rank here is not even close to that
  12. I do think that moving around makes it easier to spawn for them so if you stood still on top of a pillar it might take longer till a spawn tick hits. running around causes them to spawn around you every now and then but standing still seems to delay it. maybe so that you won't get overrun by spawn after spawn with no time to kill the groups? From what i could see they allways spawn in a radius of around 3 blocks around you so in theorie you could stand in the middle of a 5x5 room and they would only spawn outside, though sometimes one could spawn inside too, not so sure about it since i didn't look at the code.
  13. You mean that you can't access the Map over the M button or that you can only see a certain radius around you? If first, try looking in your controls if your keybindings are right and if those are you could also look at your settings as there is an option that turns the map off.
  14. Taking a crucible out of the smelting process deletes everything inside of it. Also i tryed reheating another crucible (was at around 800-900 °C) but it instantly finished and was empty as well For recreation of the process: I was smelting 2 crucibles filled with 2500units of copper. once the first finished i put the second one in the fire and started filling the bar molds. I usually use charcoal and there the copper stays liquid long enough to fill the molds a second time after they cooled down, but this time i used brown coal since i got so much of it. when i was getting ready to refill the molds the contents of crucible 1 had started to solidify so i took crucible 2 out of the fire to quickly reheat crucible 1. crucible 1 instantly got put into the output slot and was empty (it had 1200units remaining before trying to reheat) and then i noticed that crucible 2 was empty as well. it kinda hurts since i just lost 37 bars worth of copper which is around half of my total bars Edit: just found the 2500units of crucible 2 lying on the floor, crucible 1 which i tryed to reheat remains empty. Edit2: i tryed reheating a crucible again, it worked fine so my guess is that reheating is only buggy when taking another crucible away from the fire and put the other one on the flame without closing the window.
  15. hmm i might wanna try that once i get to iron, the tin bronze anvil is ready now i just need to find enough tin for a pickaxe and an iron vein (since the meteorites i found need an iron pick) deep caves give me the creeps for now so i'm gonna bolster my confidence with hard metal.
  16. Hey The_Lazy_Warlock! those pictures are looking good! You have my endorsement on them getting implemented
  17. Hey Robsn Duca! Vintage Story is very open to modding so as long as you have the programming knowledge it should possible to create this mod if you are interessted give the modding section of this forum a look https://www.vintagestory.at/forums/forum/26-vintage-story-modding/
  18. I think the smoking will come sometime in the future seeing as curing with salt is a thing allread. Same goes for fishing. Graved salmon huh? well we would need some dill then. no good graved salmon without dill. Creation process of the oil lamp is fine as it is actually. Direct placement is meant for stuff where simple crafting in your hands would be unrealistic (knapping, smithing,...) we could have both ways but that would just eat memory and add code where a bug yould hide. i actually would prefer getting some metal scraps when a weapon/tool breaks, around half an ingot maybe? a grindstone is fine and all but we would need an reduced max durabillity effekt after using it that stacks and tools shouldn't break with 0 durabillity until it got repaired a certain amount of times. Once there are more ingredients, I would actually be more in favor of an overhaul of the cooking system. right now ingredients are classifyed into categorys and mixing those categorys in a certain way results in a generic food item. I would prefer there beeing actual dishes you could discover through ruins, traders and actual cooking. We could also create a cooking book (papyrus?) and add that to the journal where those recipes are gathered then. sandwiches? yes but see point above. Stronger monsters? not without a improved battle system thanks. Irrigation gets a yes from me, another use for windmills. but we might actually add rivers to the game first and introduce a watermill. That "tent" sounds like a one usage one but honestly i can't see that thing protecting you from drifters so i would say no. stickwall gets a no from me, building a wall out of logs is not that hard and sticks are a pain to get allready. Not to mention that getting enough stone to build a cobblestone wall is easy enough if you have a desert nearby or enough ruins. (cobblestone can be farmed by hand after all, so do some archeology and discover some hidden rooms!) agree on the point of giving a malus after not sleeping for few days.
  19. Hallo Zentau, Meines Wissens nach gibt es derzeit keine option dafür dir den todesort anzeigen zu lassen. Es gibt allerdings die VSHUD mod wo das eine möglichkeit ist. Da du bereits 5mal von Wölfen getötet worden bist (vermutlich in dem gebiet wo du gestorben bist) dürften die items die du beim sterben gedropt hast bereits despawned sein (passiert nach 10minuten). Solltest du also nicht alles verlieren wollen musst du leider in den sauren apfel beißen und das backup verwenden.
  20. that would be rather sweet too actually, ya get my vote on this.
  21. from the looks of it he opened it in a compiler, but you could try notepad++ as well. not sure if it can handle .json data though but it would be far more lightweight than full blown development tools like Qt creator
  22. unfortunatly i found a video on youtube so i do know that the other one allready works metal parts are thankfully no problem but the temporal gears will be a grind festival...
  23. Any news about that? there is no entry in the wiki and i kinda don't wanna risk trying to break it without knowing if it's gone then.
  24. https://www.vintagestory.at/forums/forum/26-vintage-story-modding/ There you go
  25. I don't know if it's what you are looking for but: If you stack food items with different stages of going bad (2 different rice harvests for example) it will only show you how long it will take until EVERY single item has gone bad. But the oldest ones will start going bad earlyer than the newest ones. So someday you might open a container to see that part of a stack has turned into rot. While not beeing able to see when the first item will start going bad, i much prefer this to some game where you can't stack items with different expiration dates. Hope this was somewhat helpful. The other 2 points are allready sufficently answered by Aira.
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