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Homesteading part 2 & Combat update, stabler-er finetune (1.16.4-rc.3)


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Dear Homesteaders
v1.16.4-rc.3, a unstable release, can now be downloaded through the account manager.

I should probably stop playing VS myself, because I keep finding imbalances and issues instead of working on the new trailer and the next major update 😬
Played with my family for quite some hours, but still only in the bronze age 😁


Game updates

  • Tweak: Scythe rework
    • New (default) tool mode: Trim grass. Will leave behind short grass that regrows. The 2nd tool mode restores old behavior.
    • Fixed desync issues with long duration tool interactions causing scything to sometimes have no effect
    • 3rd person scythe animation a bit more in sync with the fp animation
    • Fine tune timings a bit
  • Tweak: Free-floating vines now slowly disappear over time
  • Tweak: Crocks now use vegetable labels for meals that have 3 or 4 of the same ingredient
  • Tweak: Mitigate clayforming lagspikes. Disabling the block interaction help while clay forming might reduce the lag even more now.
  • Tweak: Small server performance optimization related to entity spawning
  • Tweak: Rough hewn fence recipe a bit less generous (12 -> 8 fences)
  • Tweak: Added a new "arctic supplies" cracked vessel (not yet in worldgen).
  • Tweak: Right-click placing fuel into a firepit now plays a sound
  • Tweak: Arrows now show break chance on impact in their tooltip
  • Tweak: Increased fleeing distance on most creatures
  • Tweak: Improved teleporting behavior of hacked locusts
  • Tweak: Mitigate locust wall climbing derps
  • Tweak: Mitigate creatures forever stuck running into a wall
  • Tweak: Disabled unused bellows block
  • Fixed: Should greatly mitigate melee attacks not registered when attacking a fleeing creature
  • Fixed: Teleport-on-lag is now off when AntiAbuse mode is off. Multiplayer players rejoice!
  • Fixed: Strange behavior when sleeping in a bed and right clicking on another bed
  • Fixed: Vintagehosting a failed request was displayed as sucessful in some cases
  • Fixed: Rare server freeze when running /stop in the same moment as a player joins
  • Fixed: Sawblade locust emitting light
  • Fixed: Particles glitching through blocks, such as snow particles
  • Fixed: Worldedit bug doing Undo and Redo on a placed schematic deleted all block entity data
  • Fixed: Some Z-fighting issues with chiseled block materials
  • Fixed: Player entered sneak mode when walking through doors and fence gates
  • Fixed: Player knockback not synced to other players on death
  • Fixed: Somewhat awkward first person animation when attacking with a spear while looking downwards
  • Fixed: Down faces of all roof blocks are now considered solid sides
  • Fixed: Snow breaking sound not attenuated over distance
  • Fixed: Rare client side crash related to particles
  • Fixed: Should fix .tfedit not using correct decimal seperator for numbers
  • Fixed: Should fix the server mod downloader deleting manually installed mods that are outdated
  • Fixed: Unecessary line break in itemstack tooltips in some cases (bug in 1.16.4-rc.2)


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  • Fixed: Particles glitching through blocks, such as snow particles

great! that was so annoying, thanks for fixing it

i noticed another thing with lake ice, some of it doesnt melt even in july. it seems the longer the blocks are loaded the more likely the ice is to melt 

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  • /group info groupname doesn’t work
  • /group list groupname doesn’t work
  • .serverinfo doesn’t work nor /serverinfo
  • Land claiming adjustment.

       Cant adjust a claim with grow or shrink commands once it has been saved once even if you load it properly, etc.

  • Rifts visibility at night Isnt visible enough in my book even with 100% particles. Maybe cause I don’t have godrays on?
  • Rifts spawning inside road blocks instead above them.


I can grief other people claim's with no rights with the caveart even tho i've got no rights to do so. Also X and Y for the icon picked with F of cave-art are mixed up in the array i believe.

Edited by Aledark
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6 hours ago, Tyron said:

New (default) tool mode: Trim grass. Will leave behind short grass that regrows. The 2nd tool mode restores old behavior.


Edit: Aaaaand, you can't cut reeds with the scythe anymore. Welp! 

I noticed that the short, cut grass has the tag (Eaten) - leftovers from a planned feature of animals grazing on grass or something to be implemented?
Also, how does one actually use the second tool mode for the scythe? Neither sneak-clicking nor right-clicking works...

Edited by Jacob Kos
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9 hours ago, Jacob Kos said:


Edit: Aaaaand, you can't cut reeds with the scythe anymore. Welp! 

I noticed that the short, cut grass has the tag (Eaten) - leftovers from a planned feature of animals grazing on grass or something to be implemented?
Also, how does one actually use the second tool mode for the scythe? Neither sneak-clicking nor right-clicking works...

Oi, thanks, will fix! Hit F for tool mode, as with other tools.

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I think they mean for using a sword as a tool. Breaking leaves and such. You could do that in older versions, but in 1.16 the sword will only interact with entities and not affect blocks at all anymore.

Apparently people were using their sword to break blocks? I have no idea why anyone would want to, but I've heard it from multiple people already.

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12 hours ago, Streetwind said:

Apparently people were using their sword to break blocks? I have no idea why anyone would want to, but I've heard it from multiple people already.

If you wanted to remove some blocks from a redwood without chopping the whole tree down, for instance to make a treehouse out of it, a sword was a good way to do that.

Edited by Pestilence
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On 2/24/2022 at 2:47 PM, Irulana said:

Sword was great multi tool, getting rid off leaves, wood, ladders, flowers, bushes etc, like machete in jungle. I missing those functions.

yea that loss is unfortunate. Perhaps we can get it back somehow.

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16 hours ago, Ashery said:

Couldn't you use 'F' in the same way you do with numerous other activities? It's a system that's already in place and extending its use to swords shouldn't be a source for confusion for newer players.

oh, thats definitely a viable option

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