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Everything posted by ZigTheHedge

  1. Long story short, I think, we need more door variations! And why don't allow players to design their own doors using awesome Chisel mechanics? All you have to do is to decide how thick your door should be, chisel the corresponding parts and smite the desired door (variations of 2, 3, 4 and 5 voxels-wide doors available). Place doors where you want it (only two blocks horizontally for now), and apply chiseled blocks to it. And even more! It is possible to attach the "Static" part to the door to create an effect of non-rectangular door (just chisel it and insert into panel after the main door part is installed) To remove static part or panel, just shift-right click the door with empty hand. Enjoy! How to use (video with my awful english :D): Changelog: 1.0.5-B: - Compatibility fixes for 1.15-pre.1 Latest release (for 1.15-pre.1): fancydoors_v1.15.0-1.0.5-B.zip 1.14.2+: fancydoors_v1.14.2-1.0.4-B.zip
  2. I also had that idea in mind, so yes, eventually )
  3. I need item ids or at least screenshots with mouse hovering problematic items to reproduce. Also, a complete mod list will help.
  4. Awesome work, man! One request though. Please make everything you have in mod translatable. Now some texts seems to be hardcoded (Like text in tooltips ("Saturation: 10/10", "A risk of Miscarriage" etc).
  5. @Tarquinius753 Are you absolutely sure that you're using correct iron bars (you mean Iron Fences, right?). Because it works for me. A screenshot will help, I think...
  6. What's happening exactly? What do you mean by "can't do trades"?
  7. Awesome!!!! Can’t wait!
  8. Update 1.1.0: You want more? Well, I can also offer you the tremendous system of Bookmarks! Now you can bookmark any Item or Block page (no custom pages or guides yet, at least for now, sorry), using the most convenient button at the bottom of the page, and it will stick into dedicated category named "Bookmarks"! And a little bonus! Now you can see the possible quantity outcome from your grid-crafting recipes. It's maybe not the most convenient way to display this information, but it's the only one I could accomplish without redesigning the Item page completely.
  9. Hey, gals and guys! Ever since I wrote my first mod for Vintage Story, I thought about inability of viewing all my mod's content. I discovered a way to add my own creative tab later (thanks @Spear and Fang and his Primitive Survival), but that is good only for players who able to switch to creative. So, I decided to add all creative tabs to survival handbook! Because - why not? If you for some reason don't like to click tabs (perhaps, because there's too much of it!!) you can use the sharp "#" symbol prefix to filter what you need (that's actually just tab "names" in code): But, as you probably know, not every mod adds its own creative tab. So, for the rest of mods I added the ability to filter content by modid! Just type it in search area prefixed by "@" (no, I haven't heard about Minecraft and JEI ). You want more? Well, I can also offer you the tremendous system of Bookmarks! Now you can bookmark any Item or Block page (no custom pages or guides yet, at least for now, sorry), using the most convenient button at the bottom of the page, and it will stick into dedicated category named "Bookmarks"! Oh yeah! And a little bonus! Now you can see the possible quantity outcome from your grid-crafting recipes. It's maybe not the most convenient way to display this information, but it's the only one I could accomplish without redesigning the Item page completely. Version 1.2.3 fixes names of renamed chiseled blocks in inventory. Now if you renamed your masterpiece, the correct name will be displayed on tooltip (requires server-side!) Version 1.2.4 adds "collectable code" search symbol - $. Use this prefix to search for collectables which codes contain search sequence. $iron for example will result in all collectables made of iron, but not iron ore (because it doesn't contain "iron" in its code). Version 1.2.7 adds Mod Name info to Collectibles (can be switched off in config). That's it. This simple and incredibly useful (at least for me ). Latest version and changelogs can be found here: https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/67 Changelog: 1.2.10: - Compatibility fixes for 1.15.2 survivalcats_v1.14.2-1.2.2.zip survivalcats_v1.14.2-1.2.7.zip survivalcats_v1.15.2-1.2.10.zip
  10. Hey, @Rufferto! Are you absolutely sure that you're running the latest version of the mod? I've just checked it again, and everything works as intended.
  11. I will add a temporary workaround for this problem in next update just in case It's just a "Not yet configured" text, so, I think, no one will be upset if this text won't be visible 100% of time when it should be
  12. I'm still unable to reproduce it Let's try it a different way: You had a world in 1.13.4 without tradeomat, then you updated it to 1.14.2 and accepted the remaps, then you added the tradeomat and accepted the remaps again. Correct? And just in case - take a look at your server-debug.txt log. I can see remaps there every time I load the savegame even without tradeomat-mod active. You can also check your assets/game/config/remaps.json and search there for suspicious remaps.
  13. @Digitalr, Hey! Are you sure you’re using the latest version of the mod? Because this issue has been fixed recently.
  14. 1.2.7-B: - Fixed Curtains weird collision box - Fixed Candle Holders lit mechanics (no more fires hopefully!) and particle emission - Fixed Candle Holders drop incorrect variant - Fixed Linen unable to be used as a repair tool for clothes (added this ability to my colored linens as a bonus) - Fixed animation glitches with Tall Lockers and Nightstands (thanks, Tyron!) They shouldn't Just place them underneath rod or another curtain (standing below and looking up).
  15. @Tech_RabbitHey! Wow! I hope you’ve got the backup. But that behavior is quite impossible Tradeomat isn’t designed to replace any blocks and don’t use block remapping for this to happen. It seems like there are other things to blame.
  16. @Chime Hey! Thanks for the report, but I cannot reproduce the issue. 1. Which tradeomat are you using? 2. What other mods are installed (with versions) 3. Are you using any interface tweaks? (immersive mode, real first-person mode etc.) 4. Are you playing on dedicated server?
  17. 1.3.4B: - Fixed snow layer on open crate - Fixed open crates with items rendered empty on world load. - Added Brazilian-Portuguese translation (thanks @xCoiotex)
  18. 1.2-B: - Removed vanilla patches to not disturb new vanilla mechanics of coal placing - Added Crayon item of various colors
  19. 0.7.8-B changelog: - Fixed Branch Cutters Leaves dupe bug - Fixed Parcels crash of 1.14.0 stable
  20. 1.2.4-B: - Fixed candleholder crash on 1.14.0 stable - Fixed Freezer server sync - Fixed Curtains not behave when placed in a corner manner
  21. Ho-ho-ho fellow Vintarians! Christmas is here! More Screenshots: This pure decorative mod was made by my lovely girlfriend (with a bit of help from me ) for your XMas needs For 1.13.4 and 1.14.0 (same mod version): xmastime_v1.13.4-0.2-B.zip For 1.15-pre.1 and above use this link: https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/74
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