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Sparkle Kitti

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Everything posted by Sparkle Kitti

  1. I do like the idea. I'd want to be able to connect to the windmill as an option or just have it "turn" automatically like with a foot petal or something. That said, It probably wont be coming terribly soon unless someone makes it as a mod.
  2. If you write what you'd like it to say and tell me where I can add it. DM it to me
  3. https://www.vintagestory.at/roadmap.html/
  4. If it becomes used in more stuff I'd like to see it become easier to come by
  5. Couple questions about cellars. Do dark mud bricks count as soil? Why do doors affect it and how do people get into their cellars. Just break the blocks?
  6. Some of that is already planned for future implementation. Fruit trees I'm pretty sure of.
  7. My point was that for that to really be of much use you'd need to have more than a few people playing on a server. It's more of a hundreds or thousands of players kind of thing. But you could try bringing it of in the mods section and maybe a modder will see the value of tweaking the map to show other players better than it does now.
  8. The game would need to be turned into an MMO for that
  9. I don't think durability should be used to determine the amount you'd get back, It would really defeat the purpose of having this ability. I can see a system where the item has a lifetime durability that is reduced slightly with each recasting. That way you regain your tools' durability but you can only do it so many times before you'd need to cast a new head. Or it could be set up where to recast it you need to add more of the metal to make up for the amount lost to use. Like maybe to recast a copper tool, you need the old tool and an added nugget to get enough metal to cast it. Another option would be for a repair function where the tool has slightly less durability each time it's repaired. Until at some point it's no longer repairable and then you can melt it down for a smaller amount of the raw material. In this situation I'd say use the anvil and forge for this rather than a new block.
  10. Not currently. I think it's planned for the future but there's probably a mod for it by now.
  11. Maybe if you just increased the yield per craft tit would help with that.
  12. It's so cool how the sound of it changes in the video. Definitely ups the creep factor of temporal storms.
  13. Yeah, that was my reason for asking.
  14. Does the direction affect performance or is it just for aesthetics?
  15. That's gotta be after they've bred or something. I figured out my problem at least on the server. I derped and has a large trough in there thinking it was a small. Once I switched it they came right over to eat. Now to figure out how to get my porkys seperated when I need to kill one.
  16. Pretty sure I've seen them eat. What causes this? I haven't seen anything in the info hud saying they are not ready
  17. How do you do this since fences don't place at an angle?
  18. What I've done is to dig a 2 block deep hole for the sapling with steps up to access the bottom of the tree. This allows me to get more of the leaves from the ground. Scaffolding would be really nice tho for doing that.
  19. I had a similar question so Ill add it here. Can someone please explain the breeding mechanic a little better than I've seen so far? Similar situation, I have a pen with one boar and 4 sow. I've seen all of them eating from the trough and I've noticed saturation levels on the sows, but no breeding so far. The boar shows no saturation level. I don't know if there's a certain saturation level they need to reach before they'll breed or if I'm doing something wrong. Do boars just not show saturation? Do they lose saturation over time? Not sure if that yes was to chickens having saturation, or their pen being set up wrong. In my single player game I noticed the same thing with my chickens as the OP.
  20. A nice feature to add to the game would be the ability to pick up chickens, rabbits, and maybe raccoons and foxes. You could make it so that you take a small amount of ongoing damage to reflect the wild animal trying to escape.
  21. A nice feature to add to this mod would be the ability to pick up chickens, rabbits, and maybe raccoons and foxes. You could make it so that you take a small amount of ongoing damage to reflect the wild animal trying to escape.
  22. The only way that I am aware of is to chase them into a pit or fenced area. One way to get them into a pen would be to put dirt blocks around the fence so that they will jump on the dirt block and run right over the fence and be penned.
  23. I don't think I've seen anything about that. Maybe it was a suggestion? Or could you be thinking of the transporter?
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