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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by l33tmaan

  1. I feel bad for Tyron and the gang, people are making way too many cool suggestions for them to ever really get around to implementing.
  2. A system for that would be great, we would certainly get modded custom gestures if that were the case.
  3. The thing is that there are unstable areas on the surface, though - typically around surface ruins or shallow underground ruins. Since there isn't anything the player can do to combat the instability besides go somewhere else, that implies to me that the area itself is a blight on nature. Why wouldn't the wolves and sheep near the ruin be affected by temporal stability? The only reason for that would be that stability only affects seraphs, but I just don't like that since it would limit possible game mechanics and mob types. It would be great if creatures had their own kind of temporal stability score, like the player. Those that stay too long in unstable areas can reach 0 stability, but instead of being mauled by drifters the animal turns into a corrupted version of itself permanently. I sometimes find animals in caves because they were stupid or running away from something on the surface and they have no way of getting out, so coming back a month later and finding a mutant bunny that attacks you and drops gears would be cool. Same thing for animals that nest near ruins, they would be a very organic enemy type for this kind of game. Terraria does it to great effect with the crimson and corruption changing the existing enemies of an area as it takes over, so a zombie becomes a big bloody screaming monster or a spiky plant-like humanoid. I think something similar would fit here.
  4. I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that
  5. Personally, I think corrupted wildlife would be a great addition at some point. Seeing bunnies and wolves with gears growing out of them would be a good way to signal lands that are temporally unstable. Eels could just be a part of that.
  6. l33tmaan

    Mod limit??

    What's your mod list?
  7. If there are eels, I can make eel sushi. There should be eels.
  8. l33tmaan

    Mod limit??

    I have 2 mods, that math doesn't work out! Thanks, anyway.
  9. Oh no, I'm saying I think goats would be a good addition to the game. Good source of milk in the mountains!
  10. l33tmaan

    Mod limit??

    I run 80 mods with minor issues. Takes about 2 minutes to load, but the lag I experience is barely different from usual. But I also haven't done any actual tests so this is mostly my gut talking.
  11. I realized what you meant yesterday, sorry about that. I try and keep similar foods together in the translation file so it's not a giant jumbled mess, but I can understand how that would be an issue for you. I can add the language at the bottom of the file moving forward if that helps translate it.
  12. Oh, that's just the drifters teleporting. Nothing to worry about.
  13. I don't see how that's functionally any different from putting them in a vessel or chest or something.
  14. That sounds... terrible. Why would someone do that for any reason other than to unnecessarily pad out their game? I doubt you'll have to worry about that. It'd better not become an issue.
  15. Do you even know what kind of progression they're going to do? Because I don't.
  16. That version is almost 5 years old, dude.
  17. ... there's a demo? Are you talking about this?
  18. It's a bit rude to bug him like that just because he logged in yesterday, but... yeah, if someone could get this running again that would be awesome.
  19. What is "pig food"? I thought the whole point of raising pigs is that you can feed them almost anything? Goats when?
  20. I'm mostly curious as to how well Minecraft with a controller works due to the inventory interface. Then again, inventory capacity never gets that large in this game so maybe it's not as annoying as some crazy modded Minecraft game with infinite storage capacity chests.
  21. You're also misunderstanding, the temporal dust would be an addition to the workbench to make it go faster, not be required to use it the way it is now. Really, I'll take any excuse for faster work.
  22. And I can hold right click for several minutes on a quern or save time by hooking it up to a windmill. We aren't asking for full automation, I just don't want to spend 3 minutes holding right click to make some flooring for my house. Just like... 1 minute is fine.
  23. Do people... play Minecraft with a controller or something?
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