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Everything posted by DArkHekRoMaNT

  1. Added new compatibilities, new version 1.0.2 available! For compatibility with other mods, you need CompatibilityLib. Supported mods: CarryCapacity, ExtraChests, BetterCrates.
  2. Embedded in vanilla since 1.15.0, do not use the library as mod in later versions, the game will crash. All functionality is preserved, so nothing will change for mod authors other than library dependency. A simple library for Vintage Story that makes it easy to add compatibility with other mods for assets. Easy way Advanced (v1.2+) Download: ModDB or GitHub Install as a regular mod, just add archive to your mods folder.
  3. Just adds an elevator The elevator has a range of 8 to 128 blocks. Better material, more range. You can also improve the elevator once by adding a temporal gear to it and doubling the range. P.S. Temporal dust for creating elevators is obtained by grinding a temporal gear in a quern (1 gear to 8 dust). Download: ModDB or GitHub
  4. Fix metal sheet recipe. New version 1.3.1 available. Metal torch holder can now be crafted. Also, now 1 plate = 2 metal sheets, because 1 sheet is melted into 1 ingot.
  5. Are the rotation still not working for you? It's strange. The compatibility mod with CarryCapacity is just one small patch so it doesn't need to be updated.
  6. Fix toolmold, new version 1.2.3 available.
  7. The oak chests will simply be renamed. All items in other chests will be lost. But he returned after the return of the mod.
  8. If leaving only MoreVariants, will the chests rotate? (the oak chest is a renamed vanilla chest) And what is this KarmasVariants mod?
  9. It's strange. My chests use code similar to vanilla chests. And rotation works. Are you using other mods?
  10. I'm going to add it myself when I complete the mod library for normal compatibility work. Now this can only be added with a micromod (like with CarryCapasity)
  11. Are you going to catch all the animals in the world? :D It is unlikely that you will need so many animals that 1 ingot per 1 animal is expensive (imo, it's too cheap, especially since the metal of the cage doesn't matter). I also wrote the mod for a long time ago, maybe I removed it, but cages definitely dropped out before. But you can break an empty cage if you can't catch the animal. The chance to catch and the chance to break are indicated in the description of the cage, you can also increase the chance of catching a certain animal if you use its bait
  12. Use an anvil for cage's base. For cage with bait simly craft cage and bait.
  13. Vintage Story version? On 1.13.4 this is tested and should work (as indicated in the mod file name). On VS 1.11 this 100% doesn't work with 1.13.4 version, but maybe 1.12.14 version can work. If you have version 1.13.4, then try to enable Developer Mode and Error Reporter in the settings, as well as type the command /errorreporter 1 and reload the world. Does anything appear in the reporter window after entering into the world?
  14. More item/block variants are added by my other mod - MoreVariants. At the moment it is only wood, but I am working on metal items: door, fence, torchholder and chandelier.
  15. CaptureAnimals is now working. Now you can easily catch the animal and bring to home
  16. Also fixed API changes. This now works on 1.13
  17. Fixed API changes. This now works on 1.13
  18. CaptureAnimals and TemporalMirror are currently not working on 1.13 (API changes need to be fixed). Recently I had to switch from Linux to Window because of work. And unfortunately the whole IDE remained in Linux and there is actually no normal MonoDevelop for Windows. I want to switch to VSCode, but it takes time to set up which I don't have yet
  19. Unexpectedly, I thought the translocator was linked with a specific translocator. I had one generated translocator that led to nowhere, I thought that the second translocator was simply destroyed due to a generation error
  20. Where will the translocator teleport to? Is this a one way ticket?
  21. Added a separate mod for compatibility with CarryCapacity. To make normal compatibility in one mod (without spam warning), I have to go to the code level, and with this I still have some problems
  22. What kind of errors occur on the client side? I tested this in single world - no errors. Are you json-patching files for CarryCapacity or just adding to the main block file?
  23. CarryCapacity, ExtraChests and BetterCrates compatibility will be added in the next release. Are the pressure plates working or not working? If they working it is strange
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