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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by l33tmaan

  1. Updated to 1.3.4 Nothing huge unless you speak Russian, because that's all this update contains. (Thanks @ZigTheHedge!) I also moved the download link over to the Mod DB. Well, it was already over there, but now it's not here. I might come back to this if anyone has any ideas. I'm still jealous of Rainbow Roads.
  2. This should be a regular suggestion and not just a mod, IMO.
  3. Out of curiosity, what mod was it?
  4. This is a shot in the dark, but do you have all 3 mandatory VS """mods""" (VSCreativeMod, VSEssentials, and VSSurvivalMod) active?
  5. Yes, au gratin and trail mix.
  6. There's definitely a clock mod. VSHud, I think.
  7. I remember reading a post in some other thread that brought up the idea of animals having 'nests' that they spawn from, wander around, and return to. Having such a feature would make winter a lot more immersive as, rather than just having rabbits stop spawning, you can have them staying at their nests unless they're out getting food. This way you can still stumble across a nest for some meat and bones, but they'll be lean and difficult to find, so you wouldn't want to hunt them unless you're desperate. Having wolves staying in caves, near their nests, would make finding shelter during winter all the more dangerous. Man, the more I think about nests, the more I like them.
  8. Do you like carrots?
  9. Ah, yeah. The forums seem to only allow 4 MB of data uploads across your posts AND messages. Given how huge this game's screenshots are if you don't convert them to .jpgs... I dunno, maybe there should be a user gallery somewhere. Though I'm sure servers already cost enough money...
  10. Lord Dilbert hasn't really posted in a while. Or outside of this thread. I think as long as you give credit, make it clear that yours is a fork, and use a separate thread for it, people probably won't yell at you. Anything that makes enemies more fun to encounter is welcome.
  11. Did you install 1.10 or just download it?
  12. I'm not sure which release changed it, but you can always go to the download manager and download an older version of the game until you find one that contains those textures.
  13. This very handy slider in the Model Creator.
  14. Oh wow, I've never seen hailstorms. Awesome. Also, VS thunderstorms already look and sound better than the one in the video. The only thing I think VS is missing is lightning strikes.
  15. Here's another batch of upgrades I thought of: Wayfinder - You expend a temporal gear to gain a certain number of Waypoints (which aren't inventory items). Waypoints are glowing balls (or squares) of light that float at roughly head-height. A Waypoint automatically searches for the 2 closest Waypoints within 100 blocks or so that it has line of sight to, and if it finds one, the two are connected by an illuminated beam. Waypoints decay over time, flickering as they lose durability until they eventually fade out for good. Distance Measurer - While active, a number appears somewhere on screen that always displays the distance from you to what block your pointer is on. The distance can be displayed in blocks or meters or whatever. Animal Locator - You expend meat or honey to 'set' the compass to locate whatever kind of animal is associated with your expenditure (redmeat = sheep and pigs; honey = bees, etc.). An arrow appears on your compass pointing to the nearest animal that matches within a few hundred blocks. Can be adjusted to only detect certain generations. Instability Locator - While active, an arrow appears on your compass pointing to the largest source of temporal instability within a few hundred blocks. 3D Enhancer - Your compass becomes 3D. Anything that it points to now considers its height elevation relative to you. Whatever items require expenditures (Ore Radar, Wayfinder, Animal Locator) should only last for a set amount of time. Maybe an in-game week, but it should be adjustable either way.
  16. I figured that since the compass can only be 'attuned' to a single ore at a time while the propick will detect anything in its radius would be a decent balancing point, was I wrong? Also, you could easily have a setting during worldgen to automatically include certain upgrades for all players. You could play like Thalius and make people earn everything, or you could include the coordinate settings and things would be virtually indistinguishable from now, only with more bonus features to search for. This game's good about customization.
  17. Possible upgrades: An in-game bestiary that displays enemy stats such as damage and HP. This has little value right now, but would be nice if/when the combat update comes around and possibly multiple damage types are introduced. If you want to go farther, you could have things like a mob's name and HP value not even display until you've acquired enough info about them. This info could be gained through killing them or possibly just observing them for long enough. You know the in-game coordinate system now? Make that into two separate upgrades: One for your Y value, or up/down; and one for your X-Z value, or North/South/East/West. Enemy radar: While active, enemies above a set level or damage tier or whatever will cause a 'ping' to play when they come within 20-30 blocks of you. Perhaps a separate upgrade causes it to work through walls, or it just does that automatically. Ore radar: An auditory version of the propick's Node Search feature, but only searches for one type of ore at a time. Perhaps you insert that ore into the compass to 'set' it to that type, like putting 50 units of copper nuggets. When active, if you come within close range of that ore vein it will making a pinging noise. Player tracking: Cut someone with a knife while holding a temporal gear to use it and cause them to always appear on your world map and/or minimap. Language translator: Things like tapestries and journal entries feel REALLY rare in this game, so let's compromise by having them appear a LOT more, but you don't get a lore entry on them unless your compass has a translator installed. Is this pushing the boundaries of what a compass can do? Yes. Do I care? No, it's magic.
  18. Oh god, you've actually already been working on it?
  19. It might cause less confusion to make a new post going over the idea and some upgrades for the compass, just so people don't have to read through all this first.
  20. I cannot tell you how much I needed that in your Caelum Terras worlds, especially since I live in a very mountainous set of flying islands.
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