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Thinking of suggesting something? Might want to check the list below for some things that frequently show up both on Discord and here.

Note that the list does not include things that are already planned in the Roadmap
Please note - Unless otherwise noted, this is not a list of things that will be added. Just things that frequently show up.
The list is subjective, non-final and I don't comb the Discord for these, just update as I notice things being repeated. 

Worldgen and Mechanics:

  • Oceans, rivers and seas - Including saltwater.
  • Boats and other vehicles, including carts.  Also multi-block ships.
  • Taming animals and mounts - The former is in the works and there is a basic implementation of it.
  • Watermills
  • Thirst
  • More limestone/chalk generation
  • Making farmland drop soil


Combat, Armor and Tools:

  • Gear Repair: Comes up very, very often. Whetstones and sharpening for tools, repair for armor. 
  • Shields / Combat Revamp
  • Blacksmithing leftovers and broken tool scraps. 


Crafting & Cooking: 

  • Tofu and more ways to use soy beans
  • Making sticks out of planks
  • Freeform cooking - Ie mixing meat with rice and such.
  • Steel - It's coming, shush.
  • Dyes/Freeform painting
  • Kilns and proper ovens.
  • Cheese


  • Player Customization, including custom skins - We're adding character customization,but not skins in this update :)
  • Stackable/placable everything
  • Removing the crafting grid completely
  • Steam, the client, not power.

If you're looking for mod ideas, consider Lazy Warlock's thread, too.

Edited by Balduranne
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  • redram pinned this topic
  • 1 month later...

I've noticed a lot of suggestions. Which is great! However, I'm concerned about the quality. So here's three simple guidelines to help improve the quality of your suggestions in no particular order.

  • Everyone's time is valuable.
  • Learn a bit how code works.
  • Consider the player.


Down below I go into more into depth. Remember these are guidelines to improve the quality of your suggestions and are not hard rules to be followed.

Everyone's time is valuable

  • Make your suggestions worth reading. Every time someone makes a suggestion not worth reading, it makes everyone less likely to read your suggestion.
  • Use the forum search to see if it's been suggested before.
  • Start out very concise and to the point. It's like a sales pitch. You want to capture the readers attention early so they will keep reading into the details.
  • Don't post wishlist's that comprise of many suggestions all in one thread if they're unrelated or they take focus away from the main idea you are trying to present.
  • Make it easy to read. This can be done through mostly proper spelling and grammar.

Learn a bit how code works

  • There are no bad suggestions, however, try not to be the one suggesting to build a bridge over water with marshmallows.
  • Watch people code not to learn what they are doing, but why they are doing it. For instance, if you want something to happen in a game, there needs to a trigger. Can be time based, an item used, etc.
  • Anything graphical takes a lot of work and tweaking, like walking smoothly up stairs instead of ramps.
  • Try the wiki tutorial on modding. The game is suppose to be easy to change so that everyone can make tweaks like adding recipes and different looking blocks.

Consider the players

  • Consider the 1000th time. Some things like placing a block still feels feels good the 1000th time, while other things get old quickly.
  • Complexity and realism doesn't add fun. Realism can inspire complexity, and complexity can add variability but it's easy to put in too much. 


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In addition to the guidelines already provided above, based on experience of moderating thousands of suggestions for the LOTRmod for Minecraft, I wish to suggest the following :

  • Urge people to:
    • only post concrete and specific suggestions. Concrete as in addressing the what, why and how. Not just "Add edible nuts to drop from some trees", but provide information on which trees, under which circumstances and give an indication on how many, how nutritious they could be and if they could be processed or have other further uses. And specific, as in no wish lists on collected random, unrelated topics.
    • stay on-topic in suggestion threads and in their original posts. Good on-topic feedback and discussion may lead to deviations and derivations that can initiate other new useful suggestions, so don't be too strict in it. Avoid derailing though, as that is counterproductive to anyone with an interest.
    • not hesitate to update original posts with any valuable insight gathered, whether that be from feedback obtained in the thread or elsewhere.
    • focus on suggestions to improve current features and/or well fleshed out suggestions regarding (explicitety stated) planned features.
  • Create and maintain a What-not-to-Suggest (WntS) list, which may include:
    • anything mentioned in FAQ or planned features posted by or on behalf of the developers.
    • any subject specifically listed in the WntS list.
    • anything that first requires planned features to be implemented.
    • easter eggs of any kind. They're the developers joy.
    • any imaginable real life addition unless of specific potential added value to the existing, and planned features. Vintage Story is a game with limited scope, a creation of its makers who can draw near limitless inspiration from the world. They don't need players to cough up the obvious and spam either this forum or the Discord #suggestions channel. The more noise, the smaller the chances developers will notice any useful gems hidden in the suggestion flood.
    • anything too obvious.
  • Possibly consider active moderation and/or record keeping of categorised subjects where the records are available to anyone and to be referenced by anyone considering to add a new suggestion to the bulk. Yes, that would require dedication.
Edited by AlteOgre
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  • 4 months later...
On 3/15/2020 at 12:38 PM, Balduranne said:

Thinking of suggesting something? Might want to check the list below for some things that frequently show up both on Discord and here.

Note that the list does not include things that are already planned in the Roadmap
Please note - Unless otherwise noted, this is not a list of things that will be added. Just things that frequently show up.
The list is subjective, non-final and I don't comb the Discord for these, just update as I notice things being repeated. 

Worldgen and Mechanics:

  • Oceans, rivers and seas - Including saltwater.
  • Boats and other vehicles, including carts.  Also multi-block ships.
  • Taming animals and mounts - The former is in the works and there is a basic implementation of it.
  • Watermills
  • Thirst
  • More limestone/chalk generation
  • Making farmland drop soil


Combat, Armor and Tools:

  • Gear Repair: Comes up very, very often. Whetstones and sharpening for tools, repair for armor. 
  • Shields / Combat Revamp
  • Blacksmithing leftovers and broken tool scraps. 


Crafting & Cooking: 

  • Tofu and more ways to use soy beans
  • Making sticks out of planks
  • Freeform cooking - Ie mixing meat with rice and such.
  • Steel - It's coming, shush.
  • Dyes/Freeform painting
  • Kilns and proper ovens.
  • Cheese


  • Player Customization, including custom skins
  • Stackable/placable everything
  • Removing the crafting grid completely
  • Steam, the client, not power.

If you're looking for mod ideas, consider Lazy Warlock's thread, too.

These are great ideas.  I for one would like to see a kiln or clay oven that would extend the length of any fuel used by a set amount (25% or 50% increase perhaps).   Also you could have the ability to add more cooking pots so as to be able to cook multiple batches of up to 6 meals at once.  This would save time when it came time to “cook for the winter”, being able to take all the meats and veggies you’ve harvested over the summer and cook them all at once. (Or more at once at least).

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My suggestions! :)

  • Volcanoes
  • Rivers / Oceans
  • Fishing (it would also be nice to catch fish and put them in a self made pond)
  • Bird life (I thought it would be cool to have a rookery in a castle lol)
  • More non-animal hostiles to combat
  • Villages 
  • Slab-on-slab"stacking for construction (right now, a gap appears)
  • Rugs/carpets 
  • More wall types (with the wallpaper etc)
Edited by Rhyagelle
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  • 3 weeks later...

1) Elaborate a bit on volcanoes

2) Elaborate a bit on rivers/oceans

3) I love the idea of fishing. Especially since flax twine is such an important resource for so many things. I think a fish trap made from reeds and dry grass could also be a viable early game fishing implement, as well as fishing spears, which are made of wood or bamboo with the end split into many pointed ends for spearing fish on, also made of sticks and dry grass.

4) Need more elaboration on bird life, too. Any specific birds? Would they be edible or serve a purpose otherwise?

5) I agree with you on the non-animal hostiles - there is at least one other suggestion I've seen where this was asked for. But what kind of mobs are you looking for? Temporal storm specific? Deep underground? Wandering surface enemies? 

6) Also somewhat like the idea of villages, but they should be few and far between. Don't want to turn VS into MC. But, perhaps a job board in a village can give the player some neat side quest-y things to do...

7) Haven't experienced this with slabs yet but if it is as it sounds, that would be a bit of a pain, kind of like water is at this moment. Wouldn't making slabs into whole blocks this way defeat the purpose of using slabs, though? Idk...

8} Rugs and carpets would be really neat, and would tie in well with the commonly suggested "paints and dyes" mentioned in the OP.


I like your suggestions, but it seems like a wishlist lol

Though a lot of it would be entertaining to play around with. If it ever makes it into the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Couple of ideas I had:

construction materials:
-proper sloped roof blocks (maybe three types: straw, wood, tiles)
-working chimneys

-add a woodstove which produces heat at greatly reduced fuel costs to increase body temperature

-add clay teapot which allows you to cook hot beverages to increase body temperature

-make mushrooms and horsetail "root transplantable" like cattails already are

-add a rare item found in ruins. the "temporal bell", which warns the player that a temporal storm is approaching
-a temporal stabilizer

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Like the sloped roof block idea, too. Especially something better suited for corners (haven't gotten into chiseling yet, but when you can just craft stairs and not full blocks but not corner bits, that gets annoying). Would also add grass (moss perhaps?). You can kind of make a working chimney, it's just going to be rather large in comparison to the players body size since I'm pretty sure smoke needs a full 1 block open shaft to work. Would probably want added one of those "china cap" things to keep rain from falling down the chimney. Would LOVE a woodstove that only does heating. Maybe make it out of fired clay bricks. Like the teapot idea, just need tea added to the game. Maybe make a horsetail tea that heals and warms you, idk. Would really like shrooms to be replantable too. You can already replant horsetail though, but it's not the same, i get that. Breaking a temporal gear with a knife in hand will restore some temporal stability, don't recall how much. Is that what you mean?

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  • 3 months later...

Thank You for a Beautiful Game, I am very mindful of Time and yours has been spent well ! You've all given something to the Gaming Community that will forever be appreciated. My suggestion is not to listen to everyone wanting to add changes to your Gift, Continue on your gaming Journey and let us all "The Gamers" enjoy adventure and the Gifts you share with us.

For those who want to tinker, Thank you for having a different Outlook and Perspective on what You think should be in this Magical Quest. I've been sharing this game like a madman and I'm proud to say I own it. 

Yeah Yeah Sappy Af. Like they say in Georgia ... Love Ya Bye 👋


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Don't really know where to put this suggestion:

I think it would be cool to add an ability for players on the Mod DB to bookmark or favourite certain mods. Perhaps the addition of the feature might simplify searching whether a mod has been updated. I'm unaware of how complicated this feature could be, and understand that the Mod DB is very much a WIP and is new! Glad to see all the lovely work y'all put into this incredible game!

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its a nice & cool game - much harder than Minecraft ;)

my suggestion: more importance for Beds / Sleeping, sleep should restore energy and better for health restore too, you will need less calories during sleeping.  If you are exhausted you get hypothermia / heat stroke, you need go to bed also, after 24-48 hours you should take a sleep, if not you will get halluzination and later bad consequences.

Thirst - (but don't drink saltwater - if we get oceans and salt lakes one day in this game) if you have too much thirst you will get first halluzination and later bad consequences. 

If you have low energy and/or you are heavy wounded, you can go only slow / unable to sprint (run) / unable to jump, in a fight you can made only 50% hitpoints - you will die faster!

Drugs, some drugs should made for a short time positive useful effects.

Thatched Roof and Reed Roof

Binocular (but you need crafting this thing, maybe in 2 or 3 stadiums, like weapon, low end zoom 2x, mid zoom 4x, high end zoom 8x e.g.)

Dogs and Horses - as your friend(s), they can also warn you with signs before a catastrophe will hit you (heavy thunderstorm, temporal storm, snow storm, earthquake)

maybe: Earthquake, Volcanos 

some things I miss from Minecraft - Villages and dangerous Pillager, maybe Pillager should have own building (robber's hut, half ruine e.g.)

better and more Thunderstorms in summer, I like the "horrific" Thunderstorm / Thunderbolt-Effects, I like the Lightning and Thunder-sounds in Minetest/Mineclone Mod - thats an opensource game - similar to this and minecraft - https://forum.minetest.net/index.php - maybe you can also get inspirations in the Minetest/Exile Mod. Exile is a survival minetest-mod-game too Game Exile: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=24334, game MineClone: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=16407&hilit=Mineclone

Bears (brown bears, grizlys - the most dangerous one and Ice-Bears. They should made more damage as a wolf, but they should be slower and they will stay most of the year as a as loner (only in the mating season, max. 2 bears, male + female). And little bears will grow up only by mother. And bears and wolfs are hating each others, maybe you will see a fight. Wolf will lost mostly if he is a loney-wolf, bears will lost if there is a wolf-Pack. Brwon bears and grizzly will take a wintersleep, they will be only dangerous in winter, if you enter his cave.
Ideas for the Minimap - what about a possibility to draw paths there? And to write for locations a geographic/fantasy-name?  



Edited by RobinHood
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  • 3 weeks later...

Perhaps in addition to thirst, have heat sensitivity, too. Much as we do with cold sensitivity, have it mess with the screen - wavy lines, blurring, "seeing spots". Maybe and extreme consequence option which will result in fainting/death for hyper/hypothermia.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven’t seen this in here, but I really would like the ability to make sandwiches. Like combining it with jam and cheese or cheese and preserved meats. But not all three at the same time. At the moment I find both jam and cheese kinda of meh. They are annoying to eat because cheese don’t give you much dairy and jam not that much satiety even though honey is a resource harder to come by. Harder than meat but, I admit, no as hard as cabbage and pumpkin. So I suggest combining it with bread as suggested

- sandwiches with meat and cheese or,

- sandwiches with jam and cheese

You as this to the bread by right clicking a bowl of jam, a piece of cheese, or adding meat in the crafting grid. Having to slice the bread first with a knife might be a good idea. 

Sandwiches should stack to 8. You can’t partially eat sandwiches, unlike meals and you get no graze time. This would make it easier to code to, right? This way they won’t become op. If you bring a cooked meal you can bring 4 meals in a crock + one for the bowl. If you bring meat with cabbage this is a lot of food. So bring 8 sandwiches in a stack should be somewhat equal to a crock. And you can finish it opening up space. And with no bowl this make it a perfect exploration food.


I have a suggestion regarding villages. I once found a camp shared by two traders. So instead of a “village” how about something more like a trailer park? Here two or more traders would share a camp. Considering that some traders want what other sell you could potentially earn some gears here. There should be a really low chance that a trader spawns as a village. 

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  • 1 month later...

In an effort to better explain my prior suggestions and make it easier to read, I'll repost them with some new ones, as well. All suggestions added/resolved will be marked green, others that are incoming/intended will be marked orange and others that have not, will remain regularly bolded.

  • Volcanoes; 
    The basalt regions especially could benefit greatly from this, but an occasional volcanoes here or there could really spice of adventuring. They could be very rare, too. If there's a demand to have every suggestion need a reason though, I cannot provide one other than it would be incredibly cool to find them and potentially build around them and flowing rivers of lava. However, a good reason for them could be maybe have it so more zinc or lead (etc) appears around them, or under them? It could also be incredibly dangerous to mine out, as pockets of lava could be your ultimate doom.
  • Rivers / Oceans;
    The giant lakes are really cool, but I think it would greatly help with the world generation to break them apart with actual oceans and have rivers run off into, at the very least, the larger lakes. Again, hard to pin point an actual "demand" for it other than it would be a good change to the world, but if there needed to be one, perhaps have it so larger animals often retreat to rivers or lake shores to "drink", allowing players a better hunting opportunity or herding opportunity. If a thirst system is ever introduced, you could also make fresh-water and salt-water, with the later being harmful to drink but great for maybe other needs.
  • Fishing / Aquatic Life;
    The lakes/waters are just very dead right now, and there's really no need for them if they provide nothing for the player. There could be some fish swimming in the water to add some flavor to it, and if possible, an actual fishing mechanic and other fishing mechanics. This could provide an additional food source for the player. A way to then dry or pickle the fish could be another mechanic.
  • Bird Life;
    The forests and meadows etc are relatively dead. We now have butterflies, but it would go miles if there were birds that flew away at approach or hung out in the trees. Maybe add vultures that pick at the bones we see across deserts? Killing birds could be an additional method of feather obtainment, or decorative ingredients perhaps for attire.
  • Non-Animal Hostiles;
    Additional threats would bring more danger to the world and players to watch out for. In this regard, I mean perhaps something like roaming bandits or more alien-technological enemies like the drifters? Something that flies, maybe, so that bows have an even better usage beyond hunting or shooting off the walls at drifters etc. There could even be under-water variants of the drifters, that are specific to water.
  • Villages;
    We already have traders. I know the world is supposed to be relatively "abandoned", but villages could be incredibly rare and not very big. They could offer the opportunity for further trade, or for hunting non-animal enemies (perhaps monsters are attracted more to larger communities). Almost like the last few pockets of "humanity", potentially finally dying out to the drifter/monster threat.
  • Slab-on-slab Construction;
    Right now, if you place a slab on a slab, an unsightly gap appears. Slab on slab has its uses in building. An amendment to this, if possible, could greatly increase the building potential of the players. 
  • Rugs / Carpets / Decorative Blocks
    This was actually recently updated, and far better than I originally suggested. I will mark this as "ADDED".
  • More Wall Blocks 
    This was also recently added via the latest update, but this is really a continuous requests, as more building blocks can never be enough. Things like hearths, stone fire pits etc etc. 

Newer suggestions are as follows:

  • Under-water Building;
    The ability to make underwater buildings. Right now, if anything gets placed in the water that doesn't directly replace the block (such as dirt, wood etc), it is like the water surrounds a force field, rather than actually touch the object. Altering this could allow players to build under-water bases. There is no other "reason" for this suggestion other than that, though, well...unless you count generation placing stones/items in water and it's creating a force field around them. 
  • Animal Housing;
    Adding pens or stables etc for animals could provide a cleaner look at husbandry, and could serve as sort of a "sleep" area for the animals. For example, placing down the hen box should convince chickens to rest there when tired or at night. The same could be applied to pigs or goats etc via perhaps a new hay block or something. This way, all animals herd back to a safe, nice looking area at night. They shouldn't behave like wild animals and lie about anywhere at night. 
  • More Doors and Door types;
    Adding other colored doors or other designs for doors would be awesome, as well as trap doors. Asides from appeal for additional colors for regular doors, the benefit of a trap door or other types is for more versatile building themes having components to work with. Such as a castle using the trap door. 
  • Horses / Donkeys / etc;
    I wouldn't say this one is a very high priority suggestion, but if you want to travel long distances (I'm talking huge) perhaps to visit friends or something, an animal like a horse or maybe a pack mule for storage, could come in handy.
  • Temporal Stability Specific Items;
    Perhaps we could have an item that wards off permanent instability in regions, and by that, I mean an item you could build--of course, make it difficult to make--that would allow you to build in an "unsafe" area by either completely warding off (less preferred) temporal stability OR shifts it to a normalized temporal instability, such as whatever the server is set to (this is the preferable solution in my opinion).
  • Light Sources;
    It would be handy, not just for building/aesthetics, to have more sources we can build for light. The wall brazier things cannot be crafted, they can only be traded for or found in dungeons, that's fine, but how about a more primitive solution? 

That's it for now. Hopefully this is easier for the moderators to read and potentially for the developer team, too. Thanks for all your hard work guys, this game is great! :) 

On 11/17/2020 at 11:27 PM, GhillieEilish said:

I like your suggestions, but it seems like a wishlist lol


That's basically what suggestions are. 🤨

Edited by Rhyagelle
UPDATE from Road Map May 28th 2021
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21 minutes ago, Rhyagelle said:
  • Animal Housing;
    Adding pens or stables etc for animals could provide a cleaner look at husbandry, and could serve as sort of a "sleep" area for the animals. For example, placing down the hen box should convince chickens to rest there when tired or at night. The same could be applied to pigs or goats etc via perhaps a new hay block or something. This way, all animals herd back to a safe, nice looking area at night. They shouldn't behave like wild animals and lie about anywhere at night. 

I will continually bring up the Nests idea until someone yells at me and tells me why it's a bad idea. 😅
Whatever system that tamed animals use should be something that can be extrapolated for wild animals and monsters as well. If chickens go back to their hen box every night to sleep, then wolves should have a den that they go back to after they've killed something or when they're tired. You can apply this to drifters appearing out of space-time rifts, or bandits spawning from a bed inside of a small ruin. Apply pathfinding and other behavior on top of this and you can really introduce a sense of dynamism to the environment, especially if things can "take over" another creature's territory.

Imagine actual animal migration patterns! 🤯

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Oh! I just looked at the road map and apparently fish and oceans are actually coming, as well as villagers! Well, time to scratch a few off my list as "coming". 


45 minutes ago, l33tmaan said:

I will continually bring up the Nests idea until someone yells at me and tells me why it's a bad idea. 😅
Whatever system that tamed animals use should be something that can be extrapolated for wild animals and monsters as well. If chickens go back to their hen box every night to sleep, then wolves should have a den that they go back to after they've killed something or when they're tired. You can apply this to drifters appearing out of space-time rifts, or bandits spawning from a bed inside of a small ruin. Apply pathfinding and other behavior on top of this and you can really introduce a sense of dynamism to the environment, especially if things can "take over" another creature's territory.

Imagine actual animal migration patterns! 🤯

All of that would be insanely cool, actually. If you could wander into a cave and accidentally walk into a pack of sleeping wolves! Or you catch bandits raiding another camp or something. lol That would add such depth to the world, but I didn't reach so far with the suggestion because I felt like, at the very least, your farm and its live stock should operate in a cleaner, non-wild manner than the wild itself, since you see it far more and have to work around it into your base. Everything else just seems like a pipe dream of complications. I do not have much of any coding experiencing besides some time dabbling in Ruby, but I can imagine going about that stuff must be incredibly difficult. 😅

Edited by Rhyagelle
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  • 2 months later...
On 5/28/2021 at 2:53 PM, l33tmaan said:

I will continually bring up the Nests idea until someone yells at me and tells me why it's a bad idea. 😅
Whatever system that tamed animals use should be something that can be extrapolated for wild animals and monsters as well. If chickens go back to their hen box every night to sleep, then wolves should have a den that they go back to after they've killed something or when they're tired. You can apply this to drifters appearing out of space-time rifts, or bandits spawning from a bed inside of a small ruin. Apply pathfinding and other behavior on top of this and you can really introduce a sense of dynamism to the environment, especially if things can "take over" another creature's territory.

Imagine actual animal migration patterns! 🤯

I wonder how hard it would be to incorporate code like "Baritone" (bot that runs in the MC client rather than a mod to the game, as I understand Baritone) which automates pathfinding.  Something like Baritone could really expand the AI behavior to potentially accomplish what you describe.

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I would think the hard part would be in developing a robust goal system for the various critters oversimplified to food acquisition and seeking safety (flee from predators, including player, and finding its home).  So what would the positive "food" be for drifters (safety is obviously low light level).

Next level of complexity would be creating migration patterns for prey animals.  Predators would then automatically pathfind to follow the migrating prey and dubiously need any additional coding.  Migration could then be used to naturally re-introduce animals to areas where populations of animals are reduced due to hunting.

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