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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by Mr1k3

  1. This huge mod doubles the current amount of tool-grade metals in the game, massively expanding the endgame content. Enjoy 7 unique metal types all with their own quirks and complexities to create, start with blacksteel- a tier 5, progress to crysteel or move on to redsteel/bluesteel in teir 6. Finally, with some rare resources you will be able to create the three legendary metals-adamantite, mithril, and ultimately vinarium. Mod takes major inspiration from the minecraft mod "Minefantasy II", currently using TerraFirmaCraft colored steel ratios, might change them for balance though. I recommend using my mod: BetterDrifters so post steel tools have some sort of point in progression. Looking for feedback on things like "is the durability/mining speed difference too small or dramatic?", crashes or general balance suggestions on things like the hammer/excavator. I'll read all feedback. Mod is currently in a alpha/testing state, while unlikely, there may be crashes and there might be incompatibilities with other mods like: Metal recovery is at least one mod that will not work with this from what I've seen, so use it/similar mods at your own discretion. Brief description: I'll go over some basics here but I've included three new guides in the handbook going over stuff in more detail. You should give them a read if you need help. Metal properties: Each new metal offers a choice: durability or speed. While some metals may let you mine faster or offer increased mobility this often comes at the cost of durability, as such you will need to make a choice of what metals you will want to make your tools or armor out of. Images: Downloads: Current- MysticalMetals1.0.1.zip Old:
  2. I'm currently unable to upload this mod over there because its 1mb over the 2mb limit, the sound files take up majority of the space so I'm looking into that.
  3. The issue with other mod's structures not spawning should be fixed in this most recent update. Let me know if you still have the problem after updating.
  4. Split mod into two versions: "Hardcore" and "Standard", hardcore keeps the haft/rope changes for a tougher experience. Standard is a new branch that removes the need for hafts/rope in tool recipes. Mods are incompatible with each other, if you have the original mod in the world and replace it with the standard mod you will get unknown items, if you keep using hardcore it will update fine, this is because of a mod id change that had to be done to keep them distinct in the loader. Also buffed some weapon damage and durability.
  5. 2.2.3-Fixed the structures files, tweaked the tools to be a little stronger, and lowered volume of tool/torch sounds slightly. Buffed the swords a little to keep up with vanilla and weaponpack.
  6. I started off just using pre-existing class attributes from in-game files, but there is documentation of all base character stats starting at line 183 in: https://github.com/anegostudios/vsapi/blob/master/Common/Entity/EntityPlayer.cs I'm assuming you would have to know at least a little c# to add any more attributes than those listed there.
  7. Added the ore-pulverizer mod, now you can (sometimes) double your ores in the pulverizer! Just place a non-crystalized ore into a pulverizer slot (or use a hopper) and say goodbye to using all of your hammers to inefficiently crush ores! I'll be adding support for crystallized ores once I decide on how to balance their outputs.
  8. 1.0.1 Release re-balances doped coal recipe and adds a fire log for providing warmth over a long period of time.
  9. You can craft the standard handles with 1 resin and over 2 sticks in a single slot, to make the large one you just need the 4 across two slots and the resin, its a bit confusing and I really need to redo the whole thing.
  10. Here's another quick update, 1.0.4. Added Russian translations thanks to ZigTheHedge! Re-enabled long blade recipes but left all thier stats untouched, buffed the damage of early game weapons, now vanilla long blades overall preform worse than any weaponpack weapons of that tier, this is a less intrusive workaround for re-balancing the whole combat system by encouraging use of the new weapons and discouraging use of the vanilla one.
  11. Update 2.2.2- Huge thanks to @ZigTheHedgefor Russian translations and the 3x3 drill mining fix. Update largely focuses on balance, and adds a new light source:
  12. Just posted an update to fix these issues, I think the electric sword recipe could be broken by my weaponpack mod possibly? Do you have that installed? I'm releasing an update for it soon so maybe that will fix it.
  13. Yeah there was supposed to, 1.14 changed some names with the longblade to sword so I was referencing old animation names. Fixed it in the 1.0.3 version.
  14. Well I'm currently just able to use the traits that are included in the game since I wouldn't know where to start adding my own through c#, that also goes for cross mod integration like that, I would like to do c# stuff but I always have so much fun just making models, sounds, and textures that I don't really put as much effort into learning it as I should, lol. Just been pushing every last json limitation because I'm so comfortable with using it. The blacksmith is a class I've had a lot of suggestions for, but not much elaboration on what they would have trait wise, I would probably start with adding exclusive forging tools at least. But I'd like to hear your ideas as well. Well its one of the least finished classes, they could really use some tweaks for sure. I don't know if a planted crop droprate increase would be that much better for them since they can already make a ton of seeds to grow more crops than other classes. Might be pulling away from a "forager" type class and more into a general farmer but I could start looking into exclusive fertilizers or letting them craft terra preta, but I still need to keep some balance so that would probably come with reworked negatives.
  15. From what I can recall foraging applies to the amount of mushrooms you harvest and the amount of berries you get, not sure if it does much else. For the wild crop drop rate trait, I don't know if it effects player planted crops or not. If there's enough content in lore/traits yeah I would add a new class, I just don't want to create too many classes that would just over saturate the roster. Even now some classes are not that well flushed out yet and I'd rather make a couple well thought out classes than a bunch of shallow ones.
  16. MoreClasses is a mod designed to completely overhaul the class system and has one major goal: Make each class have a unique play style. All vanilla classes have had their upsides and downsides increased in potency for each class to have a stronger defined role, in addition to this five new classes have been added and the tailor class has been removed and their recipes made available to all, I just could not find a place for them in this overhaul unfortunately. Heres my patreon if you'd like to support me: Patreon Further class info: Some more images: This mod requires delicate balance in many aspects, and as such some things may be under/over-tuned, so as always feedback is greatly appreciated A really important note is that if you change your class via "/player [name] allowcharselonce" and using ".charsel" certain attribute changes may not be applied, you only need to restart the world to fix this issue, this does not affect the new world character selection only when you change classes with commands! Also if you update the mod you must re-select your class through these commands if any changes were made to them, they will not have the new changes unless you do so. Downloads: https://mods.vintagestory.at/show/mod/449
  17. Added new mod: MushroomMod, this simple mod just reverts the 1.14 change where mushrooms were made to spawn in a harvested state, now they spawn in unharvested. You can properly forage again!
  18. Seems to be working from what I can tell, what problems are you having exactly?
  19. Made some huge QOL tweaks in the 1.0.2 version, in addition to fixing the scythe recipe now flint/stone versions of tools no longer require the new haft items, you just use sticks like normal, you still need rope though witch can be gotten from cattails, twine, or vines. Now only the metal tools will need hafts, and you can also still use them to craft stone tools. Hopefully this makes the early-game more enjoyable, also hammers and saws were tweaked to use sticks and normal sized hafts because it was logical.
  20. Updated stackables to 1.0.2, increased the stack size of some more items (not all are shown): Also updated useful-scrap to nerf steel output to preserve vanilla balance, now you need 4 parts for one steel ingot instead of just 2.
  21. No, I was just demonstrating the recipes in a chest. The crafting grid is still 3x3. A bone billhook could be a nice addition for earlygame weapons, that's were I think there are too few weapons currently.
  22. Okay I've made some changes to the recipes, mainly that the tool haft recipes are not shapeless anymore this should hopefully fix your issue if it still does not work please let me know. Also I've made some balance changes to the haft recipes so some should output more and they also have alternate recipes when you get a saw. Merged more-resin into the main mod so now you can craft pine logs into resin with a knife, the recipe is shapeless so you can avoid the pan/club recipe.
  23. I got that out fast since I already had the work done for another mod, but now I've included in this post the more resin mod, this mod just lets you craft resin from a knife and a pine log in the crafting grid, just a temporary workaround for now. Hope that helps with the resin requirement, I appreciate any feedback.
  24. Yeah I'm going to have to fix that when I get some more time, I've uploaded a patch that removes the 3x3 drilling in the meantime as a quick fix. This one has been working fine in 1.14 so far despite the drill thing and It also has fixes for tools on the toolrack.
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