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Peter Sanderson

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Everything posted by Peter Sanderson

  1. Has anyone tested this with 1.16.0 or are their any plans to update the mod? thanks
  2. Do other mod makers have to add compatibility if they have new mobs? The poison does not work on the deer from Lichen, or the snakes and crabs of Primitive Survival
  3. Does this mod also affect seed drops from non-grain crops? Eg. do you have to harvest from fully grown plants before getting seeds?
  4. I like the idea of animal starvation being a factor, however, is there a way to adjust it for multiplayer servers that would not punish the player for not being on constantly? Perhaps a tweak that causes the feeding of animals to either be switched off when the player is not logged in or greatly extending the time before animals weaken and die? I am generally for more immersive realism the better, but at a certain point, it's easy to cross the line into drudgery/grind, and having your animals starve because you couldn't play regularly would be off-putting for a lot of players. I'm prepared to sacrifice a small amount of realism for playability. Otherwise on a MP server, the animals become like tamagatchi. I suppose one could have a friend feed the animals if you can't log in, but that does seem like a lot of extra bother. But I see the risk of MP servers becoming full of bone-littered animal pens...
  5. The following crash while attempting to put food oil in a bread recipe: Version: v1.15.9 (Stable)2021-11-23 9:48:17 AM: Critical error occurred System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.ValueCollection.Enumerator.MoveNext() at Vintagestory.API.Client.GuiDialog.OnMouseUp(MouseEvent args) at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.GuiManager.OnMouseUp(MouseEvent args) at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientMain.OnMouseUp(MouseEvent args) at Vintagestory.Client.NoObf.ClientPlatformWindows.Mouse_ButtonUp(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e) at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e) at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.WinGLNative.WindowProcedure(IntPtr handle, WindowMessage message, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.Functions.DispatchMessage(MSG& msg) at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.WinGLNative.ProcessEvents() at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second) at _M48MnHH5BAvHUzcYoEuchRW0acb._e0atQ8VmmvgBK7zb3Yh4iDqOiHY(_UGHNIsOGTJBe1BTRXYmLwHTbmS , String[] ) at _xNqQDGqRsRSMIeuzt2MHKQHDzSd._e0atQ8VmmvgBK7zb3Yh4iDqOiHY(ThreadStart ) -------------------------------
  6. Re: the stuck resin in pails If that happens again I will try the mixing bowl or saucepan thanks EDIT: The mixing bowl worked thank you
  7. Playing on a multiplayer server, I came back to find pine resin from spiles I had collected in buckets had hardened before I could put it in a barrel to cure. 0.1 L amounts. I can't get them out of the buckets which are now useless. Is that intended behaviour or am I missing a trick to clear them? Emptying seems to have no effect.
  8. "That's really strange. Information about placed tradeomats is stored in the world itself. Are you sure there are no any other tradeomats placed? " Positive. I had a stall with 5 trade-o-mats that was carried over from a previous map. I dismantled that stall and all 5 trade-o-mats and when I went to set them up in their new location I could only set up 4 of the 5. Is there any way to isolate and delete my trade-o-mat data without deleting my character or the world? Do you know where it would be stored in world data? EDIT: The server admin set the limits to unlimited. Then restarted the server with the usual limit of 5. It didn't change the amount of trade'o'mats I could have. We will try again for a server reset and replacing my tradeomats
  9. Will sunflower be able to be used in the screw press for making sunflower oil?
  10. I am trying to place my Trade-O-Mats but the game believes I have already placed one. My config data is default (0 limits) and the server limit is 5 but when I place one, it tells me two are placed. Game version 1.15.9, The error persisted with the latest mod version.
  11. Looks like the in the pot and bowl textures for rice and beans are not working. They show as the white question mark blocks. You can still prepare and eat it though.
  12. Should this fix the multiplayer cheese rotting bug or is that still in progress? Thanks again for your hard work
  13. One of the features I really enjoyed from Terrafirmacraft was the block gravity and need for supports. Will this ever be a thing in Vintage Story or would making it work be impractical?
  14. Vintage Story Player name: PeterSanderson Age: 50 Time Zone: Mountain (GMT -7) Do you agree to follow the server rules? Yes. I was a big fan of the DarkAgeCraft modpack for TFC but didn't discover it until the server was down. Hoping that Vintage Story provides a great platform to continue. Thanks for hosting it
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