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Everything posted by DArkHekRoMaNT

  1. Don't do this, it will NOT work for other people. Put this file in assets/game in your mod folder. But in general, the library just looks at the assets in the compatibility category and checks for the modid in the list of loaded mods. This should work for vanilla too.
  2. Either that, or add the meteorite iron recipe bypassing copper and bronze. Still, it is usually much more difficult to get it, so at least there will be some kind of bonus))
  3. CurseForge is no longer owned by Amazon/Twitch, it was sold to Overwolf But anyway, it still doesn't support Linux. Overwolf apps aren't on Linux either
  4. But does it work for crafting an iron chest?
  5. New version 1.4.2 available! Added leather block recipe
  6. If anyone has a similar problem: Do not use a variantByGroup other than "side" for the BlockEntityLabeledChest
  7. New version 1.3.1 available! Fixed JRE If you are upgrading from 1.2.0-1.3.0, you will additionally need MoreVariantsFixes to fix chests Fixes v1.0.0: Created Added behavior to automatically replace all loaded outdated chests
  8. Some kind of madness. I can't even remap to the vanilla chests because it will break them...
  9. What? protected virtual void OnInvOpened(IPlayer player) { inventory.PutLocked = retrieveOnly && player.WorldData.CurrentGameMode != EnumGameMode.Creative; if (Api.Side == EnumAppSide.Client) { animUtil?.StartAnimation(new AnimationMetaData() { Animation = "lidopen", Code = "lidopen", AnimationSpeed = 1.8f, EaseOutSpeed = 6, EaseInSpeed = 15 }); } } How can I get the JRE here? Does the chest have a broken shape without "lidopen"? o_O Removing outdated chests helped partially. All chests became broken with vanilla oak chest texture. But if you break them, they become normal and after installation they no longer crash. Probably -.-
  10. If this does not help, then another option is the problem in general in the presence of outdated chests. I simply have no other options.
  11. I may have found a reason. For some reason, vanilla labeled chest uses normal-labeled shape only in attributes/shape, shapeInventory and shapeByType use normal shape o_O
  12. I changed several attribute types to one normal type and new variantgroup. Unfortunately, the attribute types are rather strange, so I couldn't remap them Perhaps the problem is that I made a normal and not a normal-labeled type for the labeled chest (although it's strange)? The only problem with him? In general, these errors break my mind , I did not make any new classes, the chest is made by analogy with the vanilla labeled chest and storage vessel and uses vanilla classes for the Typed Container.
  13. Hmm. But as I understand it, you no longer create releases there?)
  14. New version 1.1.1 available! Added variants for metioric iron and steel Added creative tab Several minor fixes
  15. New version 1.3 available! Added variants for meteoric iron and steel Mirror mold can now be placed on tool mold rack Added creative tab Several minor fixes Now only works on 1.14.0+
  16. New version 1.4.1 available! Disabled cheepy iron door recipe Added lichen, mossy and skull cobblestone recipes Added quartz blocks recipes Now ribcage in deserts obtained as block, but you can disassemble it into 4 bones
  17. I think problem in patches/survival-blocktypes-cloth-linen.json: [ { "file": "game:blocktypes/cloth/linen.json", "op": "add", "path": "/attributes", "value": { "canChisel": true, "chiselShapeFromCollisionBox": true } } ]
  18. These are old chests, they need to be re-crafted into new ones But I'll think about adding a super-duper-unknownascrafting purple chests
  19. New version 1.3 available! Fixed chests textures Fixed unknown chest in recipe preview Due to the fact that the chests were rewritten, their code has changed. The old version of the chests is temporarily saved and marked as outdated, a recipe for re-crafting has also been added.
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