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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by l33tmaan

  1. I just wear fur coats 24/7. I live in luxury, with only the finest fineries.
  2. This is difficult to troubleshoot, since neither Jake or I run our own servers. Give me about an hour and I'll upload a hotfix.
  3. You should be able to make dumplings according to that picture. What kind of cabbage is that? Is it cooked? You can also use JUST soft dough, for some plain dumplings:
  4. It sounds like you're having the same issue as Oushi... whatever issue that is. And you got that error when logging in, right? Hrmm. That would probably be for the best, yes. Just grabbing new dumplings and pemmican from Creative mode will also make them nearly useless. You may want to consider throwing Creative on for half an hour and recreate any lost meals using the mixing bowl.
  5. That's very bizarre, I just hopped into a couple of my world and I'm still able to make stakes and stuff without issue. You said earlier that the mixing bowl GUI was inconsistent - what did you mean? Is it behaving oddly? Oh man, that sounds kind of like an issue that was discussed here: Something about a corrupt mod ID table? You might want to talk to the people who had that same problem and see if they were able to fix it. I'm sorry about that. It sounds like it pushed up all your item IDs or something. That sucks, man. I thought I was being rather clear with the phrasing, I don't know why an item wouldn't port over but it somehow would if it was inside a meal. I feel bad because you've got a lot of dumplings. They won't be as good, but you can always grab a few stacks from creative mode.
  6. That is odd. This is a shot in the dark, but do you have all the same mods as the host, including the compatibility library? It sounds like it's trying to pull a recipe that doesn't exist. Is this happening when you try to make something or just when you join the server?
  7. Dude, I wrote in bold in the OP, my update post, AND on the mod page, specifically so you wouldn't get blindsided by this. I also have no idea what that .ef migrate function is, but maybe @jakecool19 can make more sense of it. Sorry. Why would this make you want to start a new map? It doesn't add anything that would necessitate that. I've been looking at that and I could add some compatibility for it. I was planning on getting around to it after 1.15 drops, unless it takes THAT long.
  8. I think it might make more sense to have a gear underneath the mixing bowl, rather than an axle. Perhaps that way it would make more sense to allow it to connect to things from the side, which would make life easier for everyone. I'll have to talk to @jakecool19 about how feasible that is. The thing about the interaction only working on the table and not the bowl/spoon is because it's basically a quern. You can right click the top of a quern (and a mixing bowl) to use it, but you can only open it up by right clicking on the main block itself. I'm not sure how to reconcile this with the ability to hook it up to mechanical power. At least the balance and model stuff is easy to fix.
  9. Probably not, I'm kind of hoping that's introduced in 1.15. One of the things they showed off is a distiller, after all. I can't imagine what else you'd use one for.
  10. UPDATED TO 1.3.0! READ THIS CAREFULLY! THIS MOD HAS BEEN HEAVILY OVERHAULED SINCE PRE 1.3.0 RELEASES. YOUR BERRY BREAD, MUFFINS, FRIED MEAT, DUMPLINGS, PEMMICAN, AND SUSHI WILL NOT PORT OVER! EAT THEM WHILE YOU CAN! Added new blocks: Bottles, Mixing Bowl, Saucepan, Spile, Screw Press (Big thanks to @jakecool19!) Can now cook most pickled veggies Can use egg as adherent for breading Salt can be used in many recipes for healing Salt can be made in barrels out of water or brine All liquids have been buffed to give at least 0.5 HP
  11. I will only accept minigames if I can play them with other players. Sorta like that one omok board mod.
  12. I absolutely agree, deserts and rainforests should be as dangerous as mountains, in their own way.
  13. There is a point where you have gone too far and I've clearly passed it. 1.3.0 is coming soon!
  14. An earthworm? That's Primitive Survival! He'd be better off deleting worms from his world than disabling it, IMO.
  15. I am heavily in favor of more movement options. I think you could honestly do an entire update JUST on moving and transportation. I've already talked about overhauling the game's movement system to be more fluid. Skis would require some kind of momentum-based system to really be utilized properly, since it makes no sense to be capable of travelling uphill in skis without it. BUT, sliding around would be neat. However, implementing momentum would have some far-reaching implications on things like combat and rope physics (which are apparently being worked on). At that point you might as well start messing around with grappling hooks and swinging around. I think it'd be really cool to have a late-game steampunk grappling hook kind of like Batman's - one that's retractable and strong enough to pull you around! It'd be way too cool to shoot up towards the ceiling of a cave, retract the hook to pull you up, then unhook it to use the momentum to do some sort of super jump. Yes, I am fully aware that this is crazy.
  16. Hey, I was playing around with the fish and I think it's a bit weird that, if the fish have different nutrition values to represent their sizes, shouldn't they also have different stack sizes? Like keeping catfish at 16, bumping up trout/carp/whatever up to 32, and bluegill/mutants/bass up to 64?
  17. 2 mb seems limiting. The next version of my mod's already pushing 1.3 mb and I'm sure people are going to want me to add more...
  18. Corn? What do you mean, corn? Are we getting corn?
  19. Wait, you need armor to joust?
  20. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN TENTS?! Could I use chiseled blocks?
  21. Yeah, I'd go crazy without the secondary mode enabled. I think you have to be pretty hardcore to never turn it on.
  22. Why is that in a shingles mod...?
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