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Very Important Vintarian
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Everything posted by Digitalr

  1. I kill all wolves and goats around my home. After ~5 ingame months they not respawned.
  2. Russian translation for v1.0.4 Grass+rope sections included ru.json
  3. For 1.14.rc4 - issue still persist. (Just for information)
  4. Can i suggest an option for incoming 1.14 release? Different starting kits for different classes?
  5. Not sure, what cause this problem, but i think it is internationalization (locale number formatting) issue. I attach screenshot to illustrate problem| Value marked with yellow are integer, and displayed OK. Strings marked with red, all are fractional. Corresponding fragment of en.json looks like: "charattribute-miningSpeedMul-0.1": "+10% mining speed", "charattribute-maxhealthExtraPoints-5": "+5 health points", If i change both values to integer - they are displayed OK. Also, i believe there is also problem with setting miningSpeedMul value. I cannot see any significant difference with miningSpeedMul=0.1 and miningSpeedMul=1
  6. Sorry, if i ask in wrong place, but... Can i suggest one small addition to classes system? Possibility to bind some classes and server group/roles? I mean, say, nomad/wanderer classes automatically go into groups with smaller claims, commoner, smith, clockmaster to group with default claim sizes and farmer have big claims?
  7. You can try type .edi in chat. This must turn on extended debug info and add line with code to item description.
  8. Just for info: current 2.2.0 version of mod throws error in console on server version 1.14.rc3: 24.11.2020 13:53:31 [Error] [locustmod] Compiler errors during compilation: 24.11.2020 13:53:31 [Error] [locustmod] src\drill.cs(24): "locustmod.src.DrillItem.OnBlockBrokenWith(Vintagestory.API.Common.IWorldAccessor, Vintagestory.API.Common.Entities.Entity, Vintagestory.API.Common.ItemSlot, Vintagestory.API.Common.BlockSelection)": не найден метод, пригодный для переопределения [CS0115] 24.11.2020 13:53:31 [Error] [locustmod] An exception was thrown when trying to load assembly: System.Exception: Could not compile from source files due to errors в Vintagestory.Common.ModCompilationContext.CompileFromFiles(ModContainer mod, IEnumerable`1 paths) в Vintagestory.Common.ModContainer.LoadAssembly(ModCompilationContext compilationContext, ModAssemblyLoader loader) 24.11.2020 13:53:31 [Warning] One or more source code mods failed to compile. Info to modders: In case you cannot find the problem, be aware that the game engine currently can only compile C# code until version 5.0. Any language features from C#6.0 or above will result in compile errors.
  9. Bot not sends messages about temporal storms. Game chat, server start/stop, player login/disconnect - all OK. Storm notifications enabled in config.
  10. What if make some "twist"? I mean, player lost stability when this monster looks at him?
  11. IMHO, dont looking is not so hard task Build pillar Climb on Stare at sky/wall/own feets, until annoying storm is gone ... Profit. Our dirt pillar still best and cheapest shelter ever. Also, not sure, how "trapping in the storm" mechanic can be compatible with current "server-wide" storms.
  12. No-no! Not two big gears, just one. Something like that: +O+ b Two rotors, connected to "east" and "west" sides of big gear and hammer, connected to "south" side. (It is because i live in very beautyful, but, nearly windless place )
  13. This temporal specific hostile mob definitely must have ranged attack or ability to climb walls. No More Safe Dirt Pillars!!11
  14. Can anyone help me? Is this two setups have ~equivalent power output for helvehammers: a) Two windmill rotors, connected directly to one big gear, and helvehammer one-side connected to this mechanism; or b) Two windmill rotors, connected to different sides of helvehammer. (Yes, i remember about power loss on each axle/gear, but\ in both setups, it is not so significant compared to main power source).
  15. IMHO, killing poor drifters from dirt pillar are... m-m-m.... Kind of cheat? It is sad, but there is no enemies with ranged attack at this moment (only in roadmap). But... We have bees and locusts. Both of them can ignore pillars. So, can anyone make mod, which adds spawn of locusts during temporal storms, and give tainted/corrupt/nightmare drifters ability to spawn swarms of flies (corrupt bees?) with configurable chance? Thank you.
  16. UPD: After server restart, cannot reproduce issue. May be some speed variable not resetting, or, may be, this is result of combo miner+temporal skills (but i dont modify temporal abilities). Unfortunately i dont set marker on map, so, cannot return to exact place when issue occurs.
  17. Have strange issue with Pickaxe Expert ability. Or, may be i just understand it wrong. Adopting skill tree to our server i make some changes to pickaxe expert ability. ATM it looks like: "Breaking a block with a pickaxe increases your mining speed with pickaxes by 4% and additional 0.4% for each level at the mining skill. Maxed out at 6%. This effect stacks up to 10 times and last 6 seconds." Corresponding fragment of config values: 4, 4, 6, 10, 6, I expect significant (up to 60%) speed boost, but... with Miner skill lvl 5, full-stacked ability allow break blocks instantly, without any delays. Additionaly, there is no difference - ore, stone, even soil - all breaks too fast. Is there are wrong behavior (IMHO, fast digging soil with pickaxe is little weird), or i just overtweaked because not understand how final result calculated?
  18. Some players are reporting about significant FPS drops, when skill time counter are visible on screen. What can i do to fix this issue?
  19. Is cooking are one of this two new skills?
  20. Great! Can i suggest one additional feature? Metal scraps can be used for tools repair.
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